Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

So it looks like I'm on hold for my trip, at least for now. My family basically fired the Dr. who was supposedly taking care of my Gramps. The new one right away found problems in meds, found a major infection....
He's doing much better. He's conscience and talking. Eating for the first time in several weeks. It's amazing. I would talk about the things I would like to do to that other Dr. when I do get to MT, but that's probably not a wise idea.

This means, for at least a few days, that I'm staying here. With my ladies and my babies. In fact I'm so happy that I'm going to take my ladies and make some babies!


W00H00!! Gewd News! Very glad to hear he's "on the mend"!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

W00H00!! Gewd News! Very glad to hear he's "on the mend"!

Yep. I'm going to be heading out in a bit. I have some new stuff to go get! All pertaining to this little hobby of ours. :) Nothing revolutionary or even all that exciting, but stuff I need none the less. And hopefully I get to a craigslist deal before it's gone....
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

So it looks like I'm on hold for my trip, at least for now. My family basically fired the Dr. who was supposedly taking care of my Gramps. The new one right away found problems in meds, found a major infection....
He's doing much better. He's conscience and talking. Eating for the first time in several weeks. It's amazing. I would talk about the things I would like to do to that other Dr. when I do get to MT, but that's probably not a wise idea.

This means, for at least a few days, that I'm staying here. With my ladies and my babies. In fact I'm so happy that I'm going to take my ladies and make some babies!


That's terrific. I'm really happy to hear this. :)
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

So it looks like I'm on hold for my trip, at least for now. My family basically fired the Dr. who was supposedly taking care of my Gramps. The new one right away found problems in meds, found a major infection....
He's doing much better. He's conscience and talking. Eating for the first time in several weeks. It's amazing. I would talk about the things I would like to do to that other Dr. when I do get to MT, but that's probably not a wise idea.

This means, for at least a few days, that I'm staying here. With my ladies and my babies. In fact I'm so happy that I'm going to take my ladies and make some babies!


Very cool, glad to hear the good news :) I can't stand some of the DR's these days... Especially the crooked ones just looking to make money filling prescriptions for all these fuck ups to take their oxy's or percs. Sorry about the mini rant.. Glad you'll be able to get some more stuff done!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Thank you! And likes for all! I did not get the craigslist item. However I pick it up tomorrow at 10am! It's an RO system. 100 gpd - $100 (I'll talk him down some)

Picked up some new meds tonight. RP Headband. I might even be able to get a clone soon.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Well. No RO system. The *@#$*@%^*#@! never showed. So...I went to Home Depot, Lowes and my Hydro store and got other stuff I've been needing. More prop trays, rockwool, domes, some new pumps, pvc pipe and fittings to do a new feed/return line system, and I found the perfect container for veg 2. So I will be able to finish up my veg area soon.

I am getting ready to clone in 2 hours. I will have pics up late tonight!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

So it looks like I'm on hold for my trip, at least for now. My family basically fired the Dr. who was supposedly taking care of my Gramps. The new one right away found problems in meds, found a major infection....
He's doing much better. He's conscience and talking. Eating for the first time in several weeks. It's amazing. I would talk about the things I would like to do to that other Dr. when I do get to MT, but that's probably not a wise idea.

This means, for at least a few days, that I'm staying here. With my ladies and my babies. In fact I'm so happy that I'm going to take my ladies and make some babies!

This is great news my friend!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Waiting on those pics hoss :)
Sorry. Going to have to wait till tomorrow. I have the pics.

It was quite the job. They got a major hair cut. I ended up stopping at 28 clones. After taking the cuttings I cleaned then up and thinned them a bit.
6 from Anna and 6 from Bonnie went into rockwool my normal way with Clonex gel and solution. 1 from each mother went into rockwool with well water only, no gel, no nutes, nothing. Then, as a bonus I stuck 6 from Bonnie and 8 from Anna in rapid rooters using Clonex gel and solution.

Then I gave them food for being good donors.

Pics tomorrow, I promise!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

PH - Mothers = 5.8ish - Veg 1 = 6.0 - Clones = 6.0

Ok, here we go. What everybody is waiting for:

Above - Progression of Anna. Before, after cuttings, after clean up.

Above - Progression of Bonnie. Before, after cuttings, after clean up.

Here are the cuttings/clones!

For the ones that got the clonex solution my recipe is:
7.5 ml clonex solution
1 drop SUPERthrive
1 gallon water
adjust to PH 6.0

The rockwool was soaked in plain water and adjust over a 2 day period to PH 6.0. Then just before use I gave them a lite squeeze and set them in the clonex solution to rehydrate. The exception being the water only test.

In the tray with the hydroton:

6 Anna (A) clones in rockwool using clonex gel and clonex/superthrive solution
6 Bonnie (B) clones in rockwool using clonex gel and clonex solution
1 A clone in rockwool with only well water (600 ppm of whatever is in there)
1 B clone in rockwool with only well water.

In the tray with the insert:

8 A clones in rapid rooters using clonex gel and clonex solution
5 B clones in rapid rooters using clonex gel and clonex solution
1 clone from clone B2 that I broke off. In my numbering system it is B2.1. It's already rooting and not part of this round really.

Over all I am really happy with the cuttings I took. Big, happy and healthy. I have a feeling we will see roots in a hurry!

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