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A little OG seeds recap - I planted OG Kush seed #1 along with the rest. It didn’t even crack, so I took it out of the pellet. Last night I shook it around on some sand paper for a few minutes, then I put it in h202 for 5 mins and it’s now soaking in plain water.
OG Kush seed #2 was soaked for 24 hours and then I put it in a paper towel and a plastic bag and then I carried that baby in my hoodie pocket like a friggin kangaroo. It cracked open a tiny bit so I put it in a pellet in the tent. After waiting 4 days, I moved the dirt off the top to see what’s what. It was upside down :( I gently opened the dirt, turned her right side up and closed the pellet back around her. Damn, I’ve never done so much work to get a seed to sprout! Cross your fingers for me, that #2 survives. Come on little seeds, work with me!!!
ps - today is my 420mag 1 year anniversary :cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy anniversary HH! That's a bummer about the seeds but I'm sure you'll crack it. My fingers are so crossed the look like corkscrews
Congrats on the 420versery! Really like your positive attitude and you can give me a good chuckle too.

Hopefully you get your seeds sorted soon. When I do the paper towel method I soak my seeds for about 18 hrs in a cup of water then put them into the paper towel. I wait until the tap root is 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch long before I plant them.
Happy 420 Anniversary,HH ! This forum is a better place with you in it!

It took me 5 seeds to get 2 sprouts,so I know what you're dealing with...
I think the hardest part of growing autos is getting them to germinate-they seem a little touchy in that area...
OG Kush seed update:
Well it broke through, but it doesn’t seem to be faring well. It’s kinda limp and that simply won’t do. I’ll take a look again in the morning, but if she’s not at attention, I’ll probably drop my last two seeds.
Purple Kush and Amnesia are both doing well. PK is starting to hit her stride. I lowered my lights down a couple inches to ~28” and I’ll probably keep lowering them a little at a time for the next couple days. Picture day tomorrow, don’t forget to comb your hair kids!!
Picture day!! Ok girls, make sure you don’t have any dirt stuck in your teeth!

Purple Kush CBD
Getting ready to make her third leaf set. Best grower so far.

She seems to be stalling a little. Her tips look like they got a touch of nute burn, or wind burn maybe? Just a little but could be why she’s slowed.

Aw OG, what the heck?! There’s always one. Didn’t comb her hair, stain on her shirt, and dirt in her teeth, smh.
It’s not looking very good for this little one. Must be my fault for wanting this one more than the others. :rolleyes: Moms aren’t supposed to have favorites HH!

That’s all for today, hope everyone has a great start to the week!
Well gang, I’m loosing faith in that little OG #2 sprout. I dropped my last two seeds into water last night. I also prepped some more coco in case they both take - wouldn’t that just be the way!? No matter what happens I’ll be contacting 420. They have a 100% germination guarantee and I’ve had two/three bad ones. Although that last one is probably my fault for turning it right side up. We’ll see what these last two do first though.

The purple kush is plugging along and working on her third set of leaves. Amnesia has woken up from her little resting period and is getting going on her second set again.

I still have that OG seedling (#2) just to see what happens. It’s not dying but it’s also not growing. I imagine it’ll die soon, but I want to see for myself.

In other news, I bought some mega crop, it should be here soon. I’m a little nervous about the switch, especially with growing autos this time. It’s hard to change from what’s been working well for me, but I just have to stop buying Monsanto products (I was using General organics up to this point). I haven’t used any nutes on the seedlings yet, but when I start, it’ll be MC.

That’s about it for today. The seeds will be soaking a bit longer and then into paper towels, so hopefully I can get at least one going!! :lot-o-toke:
Well gang, I’m loosing faith in that little OG #2 sprout. I dropped my last two seeds into water last night. I also prepped some more coco in case they both take - wouldn’t that just be the way!? No matter what happens I’ll be contacting 420. They have a 100% germination guarantee and I’ve had two/three bad ones. Although that last one is probably my fault for turning it right side up. We’ll see what these last two do first though.

The purple kush is plugging along and working on her third set of leaves. Amnesia has woken up from her little resting period and is getting going on her second set again.

I still have that OG seedling (#2) just to see what happens. It’s not dying but it’s also not growing. I imagine it’ll die soon, but I want to see for myself.

In other news, I bought some mega crop, it should be here soon. I’m a little nervous about the switch, especially with growing autos this time. It’s hard to change from what’s been working well for me, but I just have to stop buying Monsanto products (I was using General organics up to this point). I haven’t used any nutes on the seedlings yet, but when I start, it’ll be MC.

That’s about it for today. The seeds will be soaking a bit longer and then into paper towels, so hopefully I can get at least one going!! :lot-o-toke:
I hope your Og kush seeds work out for you Hh. I think if you can keep the seeds in paper towel until they get a nice long tap root and keep the paper towel damp it will work out for you.

Nice decision on the MC! In my limited experience with it I've been quite happy with it. So easy to mix one product for feeding it has really improved the look of my Os after only a couple of feedings.
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