Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Hi Heavenly, if you put it in the coco just keep her damp always.:cheer:I think the pellet might have been too wet in the beginning on the other one coming back now.
Could be, but I’m thinking the delay was mostly because she was originally growing upside down and I had to turn her right side up. I will be really surprised if she makes it all the way through.
Could be, but I’m thinking the delay was mostly because she was originally growing upside down and I had to turn her right side up. I will be really surprised if she makes it all the way through.
That G13 that I'm growing now grew in a tight corkscrew. I had to replant her four times to straighten her out, plus she was missing some taproot. She was my last seed so I gave maximum effort!

Don't worry until you have to.
I’m more concerned right now just because they’re autos. All three seem like they’re growing kinda slowly to me, especially the OG, obviously. I lowered the lights a little more, so maybe that will help?
I forgot they were autos. I'm an auto virgin. I'll shut-up now. Lol.

2nd word of the day

a person who lights a spliff, sits back, and reads all the defintions for a stoner on this website and see how much of it actually applies to them. and then laughs at how true some of them are. now wheres the lighter.

In a sentence
gosh im such a stoner
I didn't exactly the same thing. I was like "just put them in a small cup so the coco drys a bit quicker"

Sure fire way to go Spogging!
:high-five: Go Team!!! We'll fix ya right up HH.:rofl::laugh:
Gave them a good spray of h2o2. Hopefully that takes care of it because I used up all I had. :oops: There was definitely a little flurry of activity, so there’s more of them than I originally thought. I’d say <20 so hopefully it’s still on the manageable side.
Morning laugh complete! I'd say H2O2 the coco like VG said and go into peat in the meantime (since you're having reasonable luck with them). But not too wet as otter mentioned.

And if your coco is too wet, carve out a spot in the middle and put dry coco in it. It will wick moisture from the damp coco and give the rest time to dry out before the roots get to it.

I'm a coco virgin though.
How is this for two completely contradictory sentences, one after the other:
"First, allow the soil to dry out for a few days so the top two inches of soil is dry. This is where the larvae of fungus gnats reside, and they cannot survive in dry soil. During times of drought, the larvae will actually suspend their development, but once the soil is moist again, they will resume growing and eating. "

Here's my procedure for permanently getting rid of soil gnats...using Mosquito Dunks

Just drop half a dunk in a 5 gallon bucket of your plant water,and 24 hours later, the water will be nicely populated with BTI- when you water your plants with it, the larvae in the soil ingest the BTI,and soon they're all dead (the larvae,not the plants)

Using this method,I haven't seen a soil gnat in my grow space for months- the Black Magic soil I use comes pre-charged with gnats,so I had a few when I started my current grow,but by the second watering,they were all gone-and they don't come back, because you're innoculating the soil every time you water your plants...

I'm not sure why more folks don't do it this way-it's harmless to your plants,and it doesn't kill the soil microbes like h2o2 can, if you use too much.

anyway,there's my 2 cents on the soil gnat thing...
Here's my procedure for permanently getting rid of soil gnats...using Mosquito Dunks

Just drop half a dunk in a 5 gallon bucket of your plant water,and 24 hours later, the water will be nicely populated with BTI- when you water your plants with it, the larvae in the soil ingest the BTI,and soon they're all dead (the larvae,not the plants)

Using this method,I haven't seen a soil gnat in my grow space for months- the Black Magic soil I use comes pre-charged with gnats,so I had a few when I started my current grow,but by the second watering,they were all gone-and they don't come back, because you're innoculating the soil every time you water your plants...

I'm not sure why more folks don't do it this way-it's harmless to your plants,and it doesn't kill the soil microbes like h2o2 can, if you use too much.

anyway,there's my 2 cents on the soil gnat thing...
Exactly this was a major part of getting rid of them for me.

I couldn’t use H202 cause its not compatible with the living soil, or organic growing generally. Can you use H202 in a coco/passive hydro pot while a plant is growing? Just curious.

They can multiply quickly HH :hmmmm: Do you have sticky traps to Gove you an idea of how many are around? I remember reading that an adult can lay in the region of hundreds of eggs in a day. I’d sterilise the coco if you can and may get some of the BTi/mozzy dunks to use throughout the grow the way carcass describes. It took a few weeks for it to fully work its magic for me :). I now periodically include it as an IPM measure.
I have some yellow stickies already. I should probably change them out, but there’s a dozen or so on each sticky and they’ve been in there for 5ish days. I’ll check out that stuff as a next line of defense, in case they persist.
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