Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Bit of a boring update. I checked in on that first OG Kush seed again and absolutely nothing. I stuck it in some water just to see, but I’m pretty sure it’s garbage. Getting nervous about the second seed now... if this one doesn’t pop either, I have two more I can try, but man, it’s makin me:nervous-guy:Why OG Kush? Why?
The other two seedlings are plugging along. Still seeing a couple little gnats. I’m squishing them when I see them moving, but I have some yellow sticky pads on the way to just get rid of them.
That’s about it so far. Come on OG Kush!

What’s your method?
pellets are in a plastic propagation box.
Oh yeah... that’s right. Very unlikely there’d be any gnat larvae in there :)
The sticky traps will help a little if there’s not many - will also give you a read on how many you have. They can take off in numbers pretty fast. I thoguth the gantnix on the surface of teh pots was the most effective part of my defence against them - that and the fan constantly brushing the surface (although that alone was not enough).
Sorry your seeds are giving you a hard time Hh. That's the part of the grow I find a little stressful feel kinda helpless waiting for them to do their thing.
Funny thing, now that I think about it, the seeds from this auto mix pack are the only ones that have given me any problems!
What’s your method?
I usually just put them in a peat pellet to sprout. I recently got the propagation box, so I put them in there now.
Oh yeah... that’s right. Very unlikely there’d be any gnat larvae in there :)
The sticky traps will help a little if there’s not many - will also give you a read on how many you have. They can take off in numbers pretty fast. I thoguth the gantnix on the surface of teh pots was the most effective part of my defence against them - that and the fan constantly brushing the surface (although that alone was not enough).
I’ve got some gentle air blowing on them now. I’ve been able to get rid of them in the past with just fans, but they’re seeming more persistent this time. Plus I can’t quite blast the seedlings with too much fan yet. If I get a spider, do I need to research the type, or can I just get what I can find?
I have no idea if spiders would help with gnats! It’s a cool thought tho... just unleash some of my tiny jumping friends in the tent... bye bye fookers!

Dynamo got actual soil crittery things that are predators on those unwanted soil crittery things - Ima pop over there to his garden and remind myself what he got. I‘m not suggesting you have a need for that level of intervention Heavenly, doesn’t sound like it anyway. I just want to know, now... in case i need them. I’m wondering about doing it a bit pre-emptively in the outdoor garden, pop in some predators here n there.
Yikes, hopefully it doesn’t get out of hand. Just making plans and backup plans. They’re the lazy ones that don’t really fly too much and don’t really run away. VG what kind did you say that is?m again?
They are either fungus gnats or root aphids. Root aphids are fatter and slower. The have rounded wings and short legs compared to fungus gnats.
Both are kinda crappy fliers.

I tried a few yellow screens on my Kindle at night. They fly right up to it and you can play a sadistic tablet game of your own making. It's gross but really , really satisfying.

Did I answer your question? It was a long night. Plus I'm doing this:bong:
If the gnats are in the Coco

Try a 4-1 water h202 mix, and water the coco

Should kill any surface ones
Then the sticky sheets, and a fan blowing on the tops of the pots
If the gnats are in the Coco

Try a 4-1 water h202 mix, and water the coco

Should kill any surface ones
Then the sticky sheets, and a fan blowing on the tops of the pots
Can I use any h202 or does it need to be “food grade” or anything special?
Alright! Yellow stickies are in place and doncha kno, ;) I didn’t see a single gnat when I watered this time. Guess we’ll see what I catch soon. I did fold the pots down a little last night, so now the entire surface of the coco is getting a breeze. Maybe that helped too?
Purple Kush- cbd


So cute when they look like little free birds

Then there’s this stubborn, boring little... cutie
Starting to think this one stalled out too

Glad the first two are going well. Now to just get these damn OGs to cooperate!!
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