Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

You guys are hilarious! :rofl: I had to go back to find what I was going to respond to because I was so distracted by the hilarity! :laughtwo:
Did you try to scarify the last one? Bad memory...
I did not. I will try that on the last two OG seeds I have, if this one is indeed a dud.

There! I knew there was something serious on here for a second! :p
Oh yeah... that’s right. Very unlikely there’d be any gnat larvae in there :)
The sticky traps will help a little if there’s not many - will also give you a read on how many you have. They can take off in numbers pretty fast. I thoguth the gantnix on the surface of teh pots was the most effective part of my defence against them - that and the fan constantly brushing the surface (although that alone was not enough).
I've been staging combat with those B's this and last grow. Safers Garden dust. A bacteria, kills most of the larva, has been a great weapon. It's supposed to inoculate the soil but I've put it on every 15 days with a yellow sticky sheet on the soil and a fan on it. About a tablespoon blown across the top of the 15 gal pot. They live on but in small enough numbers that it may even be a positive in the soil. That's what my soil guy the Rev says. I don't know how much of that I think is gospel, however it's working for me at the moment.
How do u germ yer seeds???

I find 24-48hrs in a cup of water, basically till I see a crack, is the ticket

I also have rolled up a tube of sandpaper, like two inches long, put seeds in it, hold it between my fingers, and shake it for a minute or two
A little OG seeds recap - I planted OG Kush seed #1 along with the rest. It didn’t even crack, so I took it out of the pellet. Last night I shook it around on some sand paper for a few minutes, then I put it in h202 for 5 mins and it’s now soaking in plain water.
OG Kush seed #2 was soaked for 24 hours and then I put it in a paper towel and a plastic bag and then I carried that baby in my hoodie pocket like a friggin kangaroo. It cracked open a tiny bit so I put it in a pellet in the tent. After waiting 4 days, I moved the dirt off the top to see what’s what. It was upside down :( I gently opened the dirt, turned her right side up and closed the pellet back around her. Damn, I’ve never done so much work to get a seed to sprout! Cross your fingers for me, that #2 survives. Come on little seeds, work with me!!!
ps - today is my 420mag 1 year anniversary :cheesygrinsmiley:
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