Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Oh ps what will I do...

Gain wheight and say next week I start working out lol.

I do the same mate. My gym has got steps to it so fuck that . I spent 2 hours on one machine alone , felt sick as a dog and it ran out of snickers !!.
I take cookie naps. I don't need a lot of sleep. Back doesn't let me rest anyway.
Our teen daughter has back problems too , she cant get it off the mattress for school in the mornings !!!!.
PSA - it’s stupid daylight savings time tonight. Don’t forget to change all your clocks, even the car one. :straightface:
fucking farmers have a lot to answer for !!!. road accidents and children go up drastically here in the uk when clocks mean darker earlier nights. Such an old , pointless and negative practice. Might try refusing to do it this year !!!!
At least there would’ve been some popped seeds! Mine are still being shy.

Those candies sound bomb VG, let me know how it works out. I just saw MB sells chocolate ready to be infused. That sounds pretty great too!
Still no heads popping up ?. have you had a look at the seeds to see if any activity is going on ?. I swear by the straight into damp plugs method now, 12 of 13 up this round and hopeful on the last one still. Not rubbing it in I assure you just sad seeing seeds not popping. Fingers still crossed.
I was going to give ol OG #1 another day of growing before we started training, but patience is not a virtue I have mastered... lol, not even a little. It wasn’t much, the plan is little by little, bit by bit. I used super soft bendy wire and anchored them on either side with yard staples. I gave her a good feeding after, so she has whatever she needs for the recovery. Hopefully this won’t slow her down, she’s been showing such great growth lately.

Just like a little teapot! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good start Hh. What are those u shaped stakes in your pots? I've seen them in some journals and thought they look like they work really well for training.
Good start Hh. What are those u shaped stakes in your pots? I've seen them in some journals and thought they look like they work really well for training.
Thanks N! Those are landscape stakes (or staples), they go deep down in the pot too. They are really good for training and I like them for the most part, but I noticed when I’ve let my coco go a little dry, the staples shift more than I like. Buuuut that’s what I get for letting my coco go dry! Make sure you get the steel ones if you grab some.
Thanks N! Those are landscape stakes (or staples), they go deep down in the pot too. They are really good for training and I like them for the most part, but I noticed when I’ve let my coco go a little dry, the staples shift more than I like. Buuuut that’s what I get for letting my coco go dry! Make sure you get the steel ones if you grab some.
Thanks Heavenly I will look for those.
Mini update today. Training continues on OG Kush #1. Here’s a few pics of the progression so far.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

On day 3 (today) I moved the soft wire up from the 4th to the 5th node. That is likely where it will stay, and I will slowly lower the top down as she adjusts to her new position and keeps growing taller.

In other news - a couple sprouts are making their way up. :cheesygrinsmiley:

1st up - Northern Lights, 2nd - Hiydrow. Still a lot more to go, but I was starting to sweat it a little. Most of all, I want to see Candida and Nightengale pop their little heads up, I only have one seed of each of those, so I’ll start holding my breath a little now!...:lot-o-toke:
Uhh, thinking :hmmmm: they went into dirt last Tuesday at 9pm. So we’re at 5 1/2 days now? I’m wondering if I tried them too deep? Starter too wet? This seems to be on the long side, for only 2/6 to be coming up.
Nice seedlings! You're a bit like me. I sit there from day 4 onwards just staring at the pot. Check on them at least every hour when I have a day off lol. Day 5.5 if fine but again just like you I start worrying around now. I normally give up around day 10 when I'll plant another seed but try not to throw the original attemp out if I can. The amount of times that I've planted a fresh seed only to see the first come out at day 12! Lol. Hope you're well HH
My understanding is that a seed has enough food to start off the main tap root. The seedling grows and begins to make its own food from nutrients it takes from the soil. Once it pops the surface the plant begins to convert light energy into food.

I wonder sometimes that if the seeds are too deep that they can't get to the surface to start producing their own food if the pellets don't contain any nutrients. The root then dies off since the plant didn't see the light for photosynthesis to begin.
I've been lucky as I don't recall any of mine not popping, albeit some are in a weird shape or form, and I do use 3/8" as a mark on a wooden dowel.
Anyhow, some food for thought at dinner time.
I haven’t been in to check again for a while, but when those two did get all the way up, the leaves looked more yellow than I’ve seen before. I think you’re on to something Mr S.
lol, far from it. School wasn't a strong subject of mine so I didn't even see a Professor during that period.

I was far from a scholar myself lol. I should call you the crop professor with all the help you have given me trying to figure out Mega Crop which is getting nicely dialed in by the way.
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