Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Little one's are happy Hh. The one that popped out of the pellet should be just fine I have done the same kind of thing a couple of different times with no bad effects. Mango Kush does sound like a good one I do have a soft spot for fruity strains can't wait to watch you grow her out.
I do have a soft spot for fruity strains
Oh yes, me too! The first seeds I bought were a mix pack of 3 fruity kushes. I like them all, mango and blackberry are both great, banana is all right. I wish it didn’t take so long for these to be ready. I’m salivating already!!
Boy, these ladies are taking it one by one, but I’m happy to see them nonetheless.

Hello Mango :ciao: - Keep working Critical Mass!

I noticed some of the new growth on OG#2 was showing raised leaf edges, so I raised my lights back up again and moved her closer to the corner. The little Purple Kush is growing slow as molasses, so I moved her over to a corner too. We’ll see if it makes a difference. Nebula Haze had some similar happenings on her viarspectra grow recently with autos, so I dunno. Something is slowing them down.

Meanwhile OG#1 is chugging along well. I noticed both sides of node 2 have split/topped themselves?!

Only that node, so that’s kind of funny.

And on another funny note, Mr H came home with a surprise from the dispensary. He said he thought it would be perfect for me :cool:

Lol, what a dork, but he makes me laugh. Annnd I like a good indica lean. :yummy:

So that leaves us with 5/6 seeds sprouted (so far). My ego is just fine with that. Although I’m still really hoping on that last one because it’s my only Nightingale. If all goes according to pattern, we should be seeing her tomorrow. :laughtwo:

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday. Oh crud, I gotta go set my lineup. See y’all later!!
So nice when they self-top and save you the trouble! 5 down and 1 to go... :cheer:

I love that slider to indicate how "nighttime" it is. Clever!
Great point! I wasn’t planning on topping, so thanks OG#1!!

I love that slide too. Skord is one of our favorite brands. Always dense and always good terps. I also really like how they list the parent strains.:thumb:
Exotic Genetics - only hear good things about them :) How is it?
Not bad! Not my favorite, but it’ll do. :) I’ll do some further testing and see what I can notice... for Amy!
Looking good! I'll jump in if you dont mind some more company.
Welcome to the hideout Sly! Happy to have ya. The autos are doin whatever they want because - autos. The photos are just making their appearances, so you are right on time. :welcome:
A chance for beans!
Congrats on the seedlings HH. Thanks for the competition shout as well. I'd miss them every time if it wasn't for you guys. I've been looking at Exotic Genetics for a little while now. They're just a little out of my price range. They do have some interestingly named strains lol. Some are a little embarrassing
Congrats on the seedlings HH. Thanks for the competition shout as well. I'd miss them every time if it wasn't for you guys. I've been looking at Exotic Genetics for a little while now. They're just a little out of my price range. They do have some interestingly named strains lol. Some are a little embarrassing
Thanks Prof. No sign of the last seedling yet. I peeked under the dirt and there’s a root. Hopefully I don’t kill it with all my peeking!
I’ll have to check out their genetics, I haven’t really heard of it other than this, but I also haven’t been paying attention. Maybe I’ll go look at my old empty jars and see if I’ve been smoking any other Exotic Genetix.
I spy with my little eye

OG Kush #1. I think I remember reading that this means flower pistils will be along in about a week? Damn stoner memory.

And some training has started with OG #2

Just a little bit of nuthin really, I’ll start her gradual bend tomorrow.

Happy weekend everyone!
Hey @candycane can you explain the way you train your plants and why when you have a moment please. I've seen topping and mainline/manifold/quadline, but I've not yet witnessed bending the main stem. Does it grow mostly sideways after this?
Did you mean me? Or is candy cane training like that too? :hmmmm:

Either way, I’ll go ahead and answer for myself. I am training with the sideways bend (LST - low stress training) because those plants are autos. I’ve seen some growers go ahead and top their autos and it can be done successfully, but it’s a bit risky because the stress of topping can throw them into flower early.
The basic idea with LST is when you bend down the apex (highest branch/top/etc) the plant sends out hormones and basically tries to give itself a new top with its branches. So the side branches get much taller and end up becoming good sized colas - hopefully! As a new branch becomes the leader (tallest), I will keep training them down, so the plant keeps thinking it has no top and keeps making those side branches taller.

Hopefully that helps explain a bit? :) As my photos grow out, I’ll be doing training more like what you mentioned, most
likely quadlining.
Funny little thing I just stumbled across. I used to keep a hand written journal of my very first grow, which was 2 mango kush. I just saw one random ripped out page and it happened to be the last entry and it said chop day - Nov 7 of last year. I looked back and my current Mango Kush started popping up on the 6th, it may have taken until the 7th to make it all the way out? Anyway, I’m stoned so I thought it was funny. Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
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