Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Time for an update from the hideout! After removing the two plants with recycled coco, I haven’t seen any gnats, so :slide: keep those jerks outta here! I got some new coco and got it rinsed and ready. I soaked a new Purple Kush CBD 1:1 (auto) after 24 hours soaking and overnight on a paper towel, there was a little tail starting through.

And straight into coco she went!

definitely my most interesting picture ever ^^

The two OG Kushes are plugging along.

I took a look in the nutrient cupboard and I realized I still have a good amount of the General Organics left. As much as I’m anti-Monsanto, I’m thinking - I already paid for it, so I’m going to go ahead and use it up. I’m guessing I have enough to get through this auto group, then I will go ahead and make the full switch to mega crop.
The two OGs got their first nutrient feeding a couple of days ago, so far, so good!

That’s about it for now. Hope everyone is having good start to the week :thumb:
Hey gang! Happy Saturday (Sunday if you’re AG)!

I’ve been giving the two OGs nutrient water for nearly a week and I think they’re starting to pick up the pace a bit. I still feel like they’re a little behind, but whatever. They’re autos so they’ll do what they do I suppose. I’m just so glad to be rid of the gnats. Even though it set me back a few weeks, I know I did the right thing taking out those two gnat plants.

OG Kush #1 (the one that almost died)

OG Kush #2

And now, presenting to you... Purple Kush CBD!!! (take 2)

OG Kush #2 is drinking like a champ. I’m going to increase her watering and see what happens. I also raised up my lights quite a bit over the last week and I think they liked that. They’re so tiny it’s hard to notice, but the leaf edges were so slightly raised. It just seemed like it was too intense for them. I ended up at ~28” above the seedlings when all was said and done. They’ve responded positively, so I need to make a note of that for myself for next time. Picky, picky autos!!

Well, I think that’s all for this update. Hope everyone has a good weekend. It’s nearly Halloween!!
I still feel like they’re a little behind, but whatever.
They look good to me,HH !
They may just seem slow,because you know that they're going
to start flowering whenever they want- that adds a certain sense
of urgency to the first few weeks that you don't have with photos.
They'll do fine,they're just not in as much of a hurry as we are.....
Agreed carcass! I’ve been comparing mine to some photos from Ase’s auto journal. Mine are definitely behind his. I’m trying to remind myself that the point of growing these autos is to get some meds on the shelves. They don’t have to be monsters, they just have to be not-spogs. :laughtwo:
Tuesday update! So far so good, it seems like I’ve got the environment worked out in the small tent. The little ones are plugging right along. I also figured out (approximately) how old they each are.

OG Kush #1 (~18 days)
Since she almost died, I’m counting day one as the day she straightened her little stem out.

OG Kush #2 (day15)

Purple Kush CBD (day 3)

Group shot

Looking back, I feel like I made the right choice getting rid of the stunted ones. The growth these girls are showing has already surpassed the culled ones and they were at 3 weeks when I took them out.

Now that the small tent is situated, it’s time for me to figure out which photo seeds I want to drop. After my last grow in there (C99xblueberry and Alaskan Purple), those plants got so friggin big, I’ve been on the timid side of how many plants to put in there. But after seeing Dutchman with 9 in his 4x4, it’s helping me feel more confident about dropping more beans. I’m thinking either 6 or 7? I will most likely be doing quadlines, that has been my favorite of the training styles I’ve tried so far. That’s the plan as of now, but first, I must decide who’s goin in..
I’ve been on the timid side of how many plants to put in there. But after seeing Dutchman with 9 in his 4x4, it’s helping me feel more confident about dropping more beans. I’m thinking either 6 or 7?
You got this!


Not a doubt in my mind!
Thanks P! :high-five:

I went through the seed choices one more time, and I think I’m going to do 6 plants this time and see how it goes. I’m looking at 3 CBD and 3 THC.
The 98% finalized line up:
Hiydrow 2:1
Candida 20:1 (thank you Shed!)
Nightingale -highly variable- from 1:1 to 20:1 :laughtwo: ooookaay.

Northern Lights
Critical Mass (thank you Amy!)
Mango Kush

Stay tuned folks, seeds dropping tonight! :slide:
Great line up you have planned. I think the quadlining tech will easily help you fit them all in.

Looking back, I feel like I made the right choice getting rid of the stunted ones. The growth these girls are showing has already surpassed the culled ones and they were at 3 weeks when I took them out.
Haha! I only dropped because you asked when I was gonna! Lol, I had no excuses, so time to go. Have you decided what you’re doing?
I figured. Lol.
I'll drop tomorrow. True Og, ExoDus Cheese and Purple Punch. Gotta prep some medium. I might soak them tonight yet. I'm up trimming the G13 Haze right now.
:woohoo: Fresh seed drop. Looks like some good one's Hh
Thank you N! I’m pretty excited now that I finally got my butt moving. Lol, now I need to get the tent ready.

I also discovered I’m having an issue with my exhaust. @Virgin ground I’m wondering if my carbon filter locked up or whatever happened to yours? I turned up the fan and it was not moving air out at all, even on full blast. The second I unhooked the carbon filter ducting from the fan, it started working fine again. Does that sound like what happened to you?
How were you storing it?

I'm pretty sure mine was clogged from moisture. Now when I'm not using it I wrap it in plastic bags to keep it dry until I use it again. Anything over 70% rh and the filters take a good hit to their efficacy or they just outright clog.
You don't want to run them if you have a ultrasonic humidifier.
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