HD's 1st Indoor: 1200 Watt, Soil, Variety Of Autoflower

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

MY my my HD Whew! First thing is you grow room, that is so cool with the seperate veg center and all. Like the benches also, nice idea. You my friend are growing some huge indoor girls. Getting introduced to your girls was like meeting your family! LOL Reps will be forthcoming!:thumb:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck I see your growing duckfoot, so am I, I love this strain, I'll be watching. Good luck-------------------peace!

Hey Bro, thanks for stopping in! I'd love to see pics or better yet a journal of your duckfoots, I don't see it around ever besides me. You have a more sativa duck or indi duck?
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

ALoha HD..Damn your room lookin goood. Now thats some lolo I'd be mighty proud of.+reps my brada...o.k when I can again:rofl:

Thanks Butch! Glad your still checkin in cause I think things are gonna get real sweet soon...stay tuned! :reading420magazine:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

MY my my HD Whew! First thing is you grow room, that is so cool with the seperate veg center and all. Like the benches also, nice idea. You my friend are growing some huge indoor girls. Getting introduced to your girls was like meeting your family! LOL Reps will be forthcoming!:thumb:

Many mahalos Wood! Yeah, I like how my grow space came out for sure, esp. now tha it looks like it works....;)
My girls are like family now, its gonna be hard to kill 'e and smoke them into nothingness...nah, actually I can't wait to give them the axe....lmao!! Especially with the sour d waiting in the wings, can't wait to see a room full of them!!
:peace: Brother Wood!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck, ya mine is more the indica, I'll try to figure out how to post you some pics, I have 3 duckfoot 2 weeks into12/12 but these plants been through hell and back, they are 5 months old until a month ago they were under flouresents now 400w mh. I was on vacation for 3 weeks last month and had my brother tending to them, they got a real bad case of spider mites and then he way over fert. I was in shock I looked and almost cried, then the next day I cut 2/3 of the branches off (dead) and sprayed them heavy so now I'm trying to salvage what I can, I also have a blue berry w/ them, every time I even think about what I would have had-----aaaawh. The duckfoot is the coolest plant it dont even look like pot, I love how the leaves grow up out of there self, i'll get you some pics soon. Until next time----------------------Peace!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey HD Everything is looking good Bro.
Two streets from where I live we have a Duck's Road (not the real name, but that's what we call it) real Ducks everywhere. You have to stop your car sometimes to let them waddle across the street. Every one does and we love our Duck Road. Don't ya just love our home?:thumb:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck, ya mine is more the indica, I'll try to figure out how to post you some pics, I have 3 duckfoot 2 weeks into12/12 but these plants been through hell and back, they are 5 months old until a month ago they were under flouresents now 400w mh. I was on vacation for 3 weeks last month and had my brother tending to them, they got a real bad case of spider mites and then he way over fert. I was in shock I looked and almost cried, then the next day I cut 2/3 of the branches off (dead) and sprayed them heavy so now I'm trying to salvage what I can, I also have a blue berry w/ them, every time I even think about what I would have had-----aaaawh. The duckfoot is the coolest plant it dont even look like pot, I love how the leaves grow up out of there self, i'll get you some pics soon. Until next time----------------------Peace!

How to Post Pics

Here is the link to uploading pics.

Sorry to hear your ducks have had a rough go of it so far. Have you thought about cloning them and try again from the start? I am assuming they are not autoflower since they have been going for 5+ months, so you should be able to clone. Where did you get your ducks from?

:peace: and aloha
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey HD Everything is looking good Bro.
Two streets from where I live we have a Duck's Road (not the real name, but that's what we call it) real Ducks everywhere. You have to stop your car sometimes to let them waddle across the street. Every one does and we love our Duck Road. Don't ya just love our home?:thumb:

LOL, thats cool! Are there Duck Xing signs on the road?
There is an indigenous/endemic duck to Hawaii called the Laysan duck, but its only found up in the NW Hawaiian Islands, so we do have a real Hawaiian Duck, but probably only a couple hundred ppl have ever seen them.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck, Ya alls I have is a phone to take pics on right now. I got the ducks a month old from a good friend who had 3 too many and yes I plan on taking some starts, I actualy took 4 a couple weeks ago but there not doing very good at the moment---------------Peace!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

LOL, thats cool! Are there Duck Xing signs on the road?
There is an indigenous/endemic duck to Hawaii called the Laysan duck, but its only found up in the NW Hawaiian Islands, so we do have a real Hawaiian Duck, but probably only a couple hundred ppl have ever seen them.

Hi HD No signs, but everyone knows, only the neighborhood uses the road, there's a main road that everyone uses instead of this one, it has an island middle and beautiful palms the whole way.:peace:

I remember that, don't know where I heard of it tho. Obviously the Laysan Duck is protected I hope.:slide:
As old men do, I feed the local birds and have learned allot about them. Joanne likes doing so too. But we are human and have named em. Instead of a Red Whiskered BulBul we call them chuckles because they make that sound. We just enjoy their company. They fly up to the door when they're hungry
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Had a pretty busy weekend and took these Saturday but haven't had the time to post till today. Just a couple plants, first is EB1 (stands for early bud cause she is way ahead of all the rest, but the youngest at 38 days into flower time). She is about 28" tall (from top of soil) and the way she is filling out she could easily have a solid 12" top cola, which I think is pretty dang good! So yeah, here's a few of her-






And here's a few of Daisey, she's sucha sweety!! She's just about 2.25' too, but I dont think thats going to stop her from being a good yielder-



and the most unique of her many tops-

Everything else is going pretty good with the girls, they are starting to run me ragged a little. Used to be that I could water/feed all of them in the same day, now some go 2 days, 3 days, 4, 5, or 6 days, so I am pretty much looking at watering every day now. Thats cool tho cause I love my girls and just keep looking forward to the reward at the end.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

They are looking real nice!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi Hd They look good my friend. Very alive.:surf:

I just had a picture in my mind of you running all over the place watering every day. Step one next grow...put like plants together, so you can water em group at a time. I'm sure you have thought of this, by now, at least, your legs and back have. :yummy:

I probably shouldn't have, but I've sent 2 letters letters to all on that list you posted. Every little bit moves us closer to good mmj laws.:thumb:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Nice pics HD. Huge colas and a lot of very tasty looking herb!:Rasta:

TY Wood! I am getting excited for these first couple to finish so I can taste 'em, they are getting so fruity sweet smelling! :yummy:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck, Ya alls I have is a phone to take pics on right now. I got the ducks a month old from a good friend who had 3 too many and yes I plan on taking some starts, I actualy took 4 a couple weeks ago but there not doing very good at the moment---------------Peace!

Phone would work, they make you reduce the file size of pics down to under 1meg (999k) and I believe most phone cams are at least that high a resolution. Give it a shot if can, sure would like to see what you got, at least the leaves.

They are looking real nice!

Tanks Bro!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi Hd They look good my friend. Very alive.:surf:

I just had a picture in my mind of you running all over the place watering every day. Step one next grow...put like plants together, so you can water em group at a time. I'm sure you have thought of this, by now, at least, your legs and back have. :yummy:

Hehehe, stoner!! I have thought of it and you are subscribed to my upcoming homogeneous grow....the Sour D's. Gonna be pulling ~18 clones from 2 moms that are identical. So yeah, the next one should be less frantic at this stage and its all in the works, in fact I'm gonna update the Sour D's pics here in a minute, loads of nodes pumping soon to be clones!! :thumb

I probably shouldn't have, but I've sent 2 letters letters to all on that list you posted. Every little bit moves us closer to good mmj laws.:thumb:

Thats awesome OMM!! :goodjob: I can tell you that now at least 5 ppl that have never spoke up for this have written the representatives to ask for the change. Maybe we are making a small difference, then again, maybe a huge one!!
:peace: my Friend,
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Well, my first bit of bad news on this grow.....Herman showed his ugly face among my girls! Yep, I found a hermie, and it was one of the ducks so its a real bummer. I had my doubts on that one, there always seemed to be something not quite right with her (thats kinda the reason she/he never got a name, unlike the other four ducks). So I chopped it yesterday, relatively sure none of the 'naners opened yet, and now have it hanging in isolation. I guess the bright side is there is going to be a bit of smoke from it to get me thru to the real harvest, and its absence gives the other girls a bit more room so they can stretch out a bit more (Sweet Sage and 'Lil Sage esp.).
Here is the Herman Duck-

and the rest of the girls with more elbow room-



OK, I got my fingers crosssed that is going to be the worst thing that happens in the first grow!
Much Aloha Everyone!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Phone would work, they make you reduce the file size of pics down to under 1meg (999k) and I believe most phone cams are at least that high a resolution. Give it a shot if can, sure would like to see what you got, at least the leaves.

Tanks Bro!

Hey Duck, well I gave it a try w/ my phone so you can check them out, I'll send more as the buds start doing there thing, I still don't know how to put a link to them from here but there in my gallery to check out===========Peace Bro!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Sorry to hear about Herman-----------Peace Bro!
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