HD's 1st Indoor: 1200 Watt, Soil, Variety Of Autoflower

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Wow HD.....looking good my friend..looking good.......gotta love that duck foot------------peace!

Mahalos buddie! She's not actually a duckfoot, but is from the same genetic pool/seed stock that the ducks came out of. I have 3 ducks left- D3, D4, and D5. Two of them are the monsters, Sweet Sage and Lil Sage, the other is shorter with mostly just like 10-12 tops/colas and a nice candy smell. I'll point them out next photo session if I can remember.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

That is great looking pot! Very nice cola!!! :bravo:

You will smoke that and go....:yahoo:.

:peace: brother. +rep

thanks man! and yes I will probably be doing a lot of :yahoo: and maybe some :slide: and be look a bit like :cool: and if y'all were here I could be doing :passitleft: and then maybe :rofl: and :loopy:
thanks for the +rep brother!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hope you have an iPod on that roof your on!:grinjoint:

Been following Ozzy for years. He's been reborn as a TV star, can you believe that? From rodent eater to more fame. I love America!:cheertwo:

Only seen his show a few times but he fricken cracks me up!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Here is the after pics of LB1's harvest yesterday-

after wet trim-


and all hung up-

not too bad for just one plant IMO, can't wait to see the dry weight and see how she smokes!!
Much Aloha!!
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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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