HD's 1st Indoor: 1200 Watt, Soil, Variety Of Autoflower

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Wow, what a nice garden you have, said the wolf! The girls look amazing HD. The Duck is an amazing shaped plant! More Reps when I can!


Why grandma, what BIG teeth you have, and is that a bong in your hand..?
TY Wood!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Haha Silly nursery rhymes you know aesop had some cannabis inspiration while writing his fables:grinjoint: Those girls are lookin great though H.D. I really like the looks of daisy marijuana is such an alienish plant...:peace:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Oh and HD what kind of biologist are you? I'm thinkin bout majoring in plant biology when i get back to a four year school

Thanks for the comps on the plants! I am sorry to not answer your question about what kind of biologist, but general anonimity is something I would enjoy continuing for the time being, and if I said much if anything about what kind of biologist I was I might give something away ;) Lets just say that I am a biologist that lives in the middle of the pacific ocean, and leave it at that for now. Botany is a very cool field tho, esp if you are hooked on this hobby!! And getting your 4 year degree, as much as I hate it to be true, is pretty essential, so kudos on having that goal and I really hope you can follow thru!
:peacetwo: bro!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

No biggie HD anenimity is something to be respected and thanks for the kudos I'm finishing medical assiting and X-Ray school right now so that i can have a job to pay for four year school, I hope to get at least a masters if not a P.H.d so def got a long road to my goal:reading420magazine:but you have a grand amount of studyin to do in any biology field when your in the middle of the pacific there are so many lifeforms in and around the greater pacific:peace:dude
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

No biggie HD anenimity is something to be respected and thanks for the kudos I'm finishing medical assiting and X-Ray school right now so that i can have a job to pay for four year school, I hope to get at least a masters if not a P.H.d so def got a long road to my goal:reading420magazine:but you have a grand amount of studyin to do in any biology field when your in the middle of the pacific there are so many lifeforms in and around the greater pacific:peace:dude

Way cool on the school When I got my first degree my life changed completely. I was finally getting paid well and was doing what I loved the Most. Some folks never get to do that.:thumb:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Thanks buddy yeah i finally found a niche i can fit in and not have to go to four years of school and drop mad cash my program is only costing me 22,000 and i should pull more than that my first year working I feel pretty blessed to have found it
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

No biggie HD anenimity is something to be respected and thanks for the kudos I'm finishing medical assiting and X-Ray school right now so that i can have a job to pay for four year school, I hope to get at least a masters if not a P.H.d so def got a long road to my goal:reading420magazine:but you have a grand amount of studyin to do in any biology field when your in the middle of the pacific there are so many lifeforms in and around the greater pacific:peace:dude

One thing I think you will find with science is that it is a never ending process on learning, studying, researching, etc. School is just a warm up for the real deal. Getting masters or higher is a good way to go, takes more financial investment but def. pays off both in $ and in the increase of possiblilites of what to do. GL with it all!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

I took a few more shots of my grow room set up the other day and never got around to posting, so I figured I would do that this morning to show it more completed and to give an idea of how tight the quarters are I guess.

outside finished-

door open, stacked veg chambers on the left, room vent intake back center, flower room on the right (with reflectors up)-

same, closer-

veg chambers and air intake/ducting run-

flower area side (4'x7' w 2x600w HPS), exhaust outlet above-

Thats it, again, its a 8'x7'x7.5'h framed shell which was all the space I could use for it, but so far I am fully stoked on how it is working out and how much I can accomplish in there. Still, cant wait until I can expand it to a 10x10 or bigger, but that is down the road a ways.

Got some more updates to come in just a few...
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Two days ago my last male, a duckfoot, finally dumped its load. I had it isolated in the bathroom waiting for it to do its thing. I clipped off its top with all the open balls and leaves with big pollen piles on 'em and dropped it in a bag (1 gal ziplock with newspaper liner) to save for the next day so I could pollenate my two biggest duck females (Sage and 'Lil Sage). Just doing those two for a couple reasons, one was genetic strategy -breading the shorter faster ducks together (previous) and now the bigger longer ones together. Seemed maybe more logical that way, so maybe I can kinda stabilize the two kinds seperately, then I could think about mixing them later if I thought of a good reason. The other reason was that the other 3 duck females are much more developed and I have already pollenated the lower brances with 1 or 2 other males, so I really dont want to seed any higher up branches now.
Anyways, here he is before and after the chop-


leaf with pollen pile-

he wasn't getting much light in there, so he grew kinda funny, but still did his thing-

one of his BIG duckfoot leaves, very similar to "lil sages leaves, so I am hoping they are a really good pairing-

into the bag so I catch everything when I chop the top-

safely locked away in the bag 'till the next day-

here he is sans top-

and sealed back up in the bathroom-

not sure if I am going to let him go any more or not. I will probably call it good on the seed making for now, so I'll likely just whack him today or tomorrow. I already gave away the extra pollen/top after I hit the two girls with it yesterday, their pics to come in the next update in a few min (still wroking on the download/resize/upload, etc.).
Back in a few...
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Here are some of the girls and a few other shots from yesterday, which happened to be exactly 6 weeks since the first ones sexed, and today is 7 weeks since the first were switched to 12/12 hps.
First I'll showcase the ducks, since that is my namesake. First will be Sweet Sage (D3) and 'Lil Sage (D5), they were the two pollentated yesterday by the above male.

Sweet Sage-


'Lil Sage (maybe hard to tell, but I been bending a lot of her tops over to even her out a bit-

Both Sage's-

Candi (D4)-

Left to right; Candi, 'Lil Sage, Sweet Sage

Daisy (D2) on left, unnamed duck (D1) on right-

and a few others that I had out and got pics of-





OK, up next is just a few shots back inside the grow room, small kine improvements...stay tuned...lol
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

I had to do some rearanging in the flower room anyways, and water (they got heavy feeding yesterday with TigerBloom, BigBloom, and molasses), so I pulled everything out and put some white tyvec down on the floor to add some more reflectivity and to help protect the floor plastic from getting any holes in it (lol, Im paraniod, there is already 3 layers of 6 mil plastic down under the flower room, but I am still worried about poking holes and letting water seep onto the floor underneath). I also made a inner bucket stand the other day to use for flushing my soil, and am using it now for regular watering as well to let whatever small runoff I have out instead of keeping it in the catch pans under. Dont know if that is important, but makes me feel better.
Here's the pics-

tyvec down-

inner bucket stand-



tyvec down on the other side and stands arranged-

OK, thats its for my updates.
:peace: and Pakaloha!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Yo dude thats awesome and thanks for the encouraging words on school and science i am really excited about all of it and you are freaking creative as hell my brotha that grow room is steezy D.I.Y work to say the least! And those plants are all so beautiful great job dude i would rep yah if i could but i can't so I'll send em telepathicly from CO to HW haha good growin man
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Yo dude thats awesome and thanks for the encouraging words on school and science i am really excited about all of it and you are freaking creative as hell my brotha that grow room is steezy D.I.Y work to say the least! And those plants are all so beautiful great job dude i would rep yah if i could but i can't so I'll send em telepathicly from CO to HW haha good growin man

Telepathic +reps received! Thanks my friend!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Plants looked awesome today, after their big feed yesterday, so I couldn't resist MORE PICS!! I was to lazy to deal with the lighting, but they still look good. Here's a few of them-









I am gettin very excited, more and more are kicking into gear and in two weeks its gonna be beautiful in there I think!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Looks good as hell Duck Can't believe all you've done in so short ah time.:grinjoint: I'd be in the hospital by now.:rofl: Joking aside, that is some great work. I hear you about the floor, Bro. Bad things happen with holes. :smokin:

See my girl is still outrageous. That girl is going to give you some real good buds and allot of them.:cheer:

Keep on Trucking :thumb:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Looks good as hell Duck Can't believe all you've done in so short ah time.:grinjoint: I'd be in the hospital by now.:rofl: Joking aside, that is some great work. I hear you about the floor, Bro. Bad things happen with holes. :smokin:

See my girl is still outrageous. That girl is going to give you some real good buds and allot of them.:cheer:

Keep on Trucking :thumb:

Many Mahalos OMM, I love that I can always count on you to show up and give some good energy to my grow, it helps and I thank you! It does seem like a lot of work at times, but its so fun too. I'll tell you tho, I definately have times that are kinda panic attacks where I think its all going to turn to shit (pretty much all in my head I think), then I let it go for the day and usually the next day I am back to thinking "holy shit, this is gonna be frickin' awesome!!". Those episodes were more frequent at the beginning, and are getting less and less, but I still have my days.
Yeah, about the holes, I keep recalling one of the big MMJ news programs this last year, and one of the bad things they highlighted was all the indoor grow operations in Cali where someone set up shop in a rental and pretty much trashed the house, water damage everywhere including catastrophic mold, and other things like big holes in the walls and ceilings, etc. I remember at the time thinking thats more of an asshole/inconsiderate tenant thing, not a "this is how MMJ growers act" thing. So I really have it in my head that I do not want even the slightest scratch or waterspot left after I am done cause any damage wouldn't just hurt the rental I am in, but in a way could hurt the "cause".

Yep, your girl is doing great, and now I have her right up front instread of back in the corner. She is getting even more light now (she has a bit more room and direct light, plus she is on the seam of the two 600w's and getting it from both sides, and she will get even more attention up front. I'd say in two weeks, right about when some of the others are harvestable, she should really be filling out and impressive, and she will get to dominate the room much more! :cool:

Much Aloha Brother!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

For anyone who lives in Hawaii or knows someone who does, please read and PLEASE contact the appropriate representative NOW so we can make some much needed progress with the MMJ laws here in Hawai'i!! Time is improtant here, so contact them today (Fri) or EARLY next week.

There are two medical marijuana bills that crossed over from the Senate and because one received a triple referral (the other a double referral) they need to be heard in the initial committees as soon as possible. The bills are:

SB 2213 SD2 — Compassion Centers
Provides that each county has the power to establish compassion centers for the dispensing of medical marijuana. The bill also imposes a general excise tax on marijuana sales.

SB 2141 SD1 — Relating to Medical Cannibis
Increases the amount of cannabis to ten plants/five ounces. Makes identification of the site where cannabis is grown confidential. Prohibits DPS from requiring certifying physician be the primary care physician. Prohibits physicians from naming debilitating condition. Increases ratio of patient to caregiver from 1 to 4.

Both bills have been referred initially to a joint committee — the Committee on Public Safety and the Committee on Health.
The Chair of Public Safety is Rep Faye Hanohano and her email address is: rephanohano@capitol.hawaii.gov
The Chair of Health is Rep Ryan Yamane and his email address is: repyamane@capitol.hawaii.gov
Instead of giving you a form letter to send, it would be much more effective if you used your own words. It can be a short sentence simply asking that the bills be heard, or more elaborate if you so choose. Thank you so much for your support.

There is also SB 2450 which would make possession of one ounce of marijuana a civil fine. It needs to be scheduled by the Judiciary Committee...Rep Jon Riki Karamatsu... repkaramatsu@capitol.hawaii.gov

Please e-mail him and ask that SB 2450 be scheduled for a hearing....

and Mahalos to RoguePoet for posting the contact info
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck I see your growing duckfoot, so am I, I love this strain, I'll be watching. Good luck-------------------peace!
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