Yeah, can't express how fun it was doing all the research for my grow over the last year, and because of those random off topic convo's and how they bring this beautiful personal human element into the mix. For the most part, I'd venture to say that us stoners are some of the smartest and interesting ppl I've ever met!
LOL, but maybe I'm a little biased. It is one of the reasons I fell in love with Hawai'i tho. Came here when I was 17 from suburbia Colorado where it seemed the majority where uptight sheep. As soon as I got here it was like I was finally home, and everyone was family, and we ALL smoked!! And thats how it feels here at 420 too, so I am starting to feel right at home rather quickly.
And thanks for sending the toke my way, funny tho, by the time it got all the way out here it turned from a joint to a bubble hash bowl
....wonder whats gonna happen when it gets back to you...hehehe
Aloha Brother