HD's 1st Indoor: 1200 Watt, Soil, Variety Of Autoflower

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Dam bro...you rock!!! Leme try to add a few of my setup. Just finally got it organized. I had some pigger plants I wanted to get out of there. I am going for all my girls to be no taller than, well 18 inches is probably the max but 12 inches is what I am going for.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Aloha :welcome:!
Buds look nice and tasty already HawaiiDuck :yummy: You're comin along bro :slide:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Tommysno- nice looking harvest you got there. Guess you went from some nameless seeds to probably some of the better smoke in Ohio....lol, nice job bro!! Do you have a journal going yet? Let me know and I'll tune in for sure.

Drojo- I'm super stoked you stopped by and so far giving a good report. I know you have a mighty green thumb so I'd feel even more comfortable I'll get thru this OK if you are on board too, so mahalos!!

Update coming in a little bit, it starts with some good, then gets kinda scary, then good again....until then...pakaloha!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, the update for today. First, good- I got 3 Sour Diesel clones today which totally stokes me out, they are nice looking and over 8" tall, so now I have some super dank stabilized non-auto genetics to hopefully do a full run (18 plants) of Sour D clones. I am so excited for that, and hopefully that will be my next journal adventure.
Here are pics of the new clones-



Next, the scary- I found two whiteflies on the clones after I brought them into the house. Luckily I remembered reading just yesterday on a journal where someone got into trouble with bugs the same way, and he emphasized totally checking anything new coming in, so I did check before I got them into the grow room and found the little buggers. I got them off the plants outside (tried to kill them but they were too fast) and got the plants situated in there veg chamber under the 4' T-5 4 bulb fixture where I will be growing and training for cloning.

Few shots of the whiteflies, then one of the Sour D in their new home-




And the final good- all the girls in the flowering area seemed to handle the heavy feeding I did yesterday very well, in fact the was crazy new growth on most of the plants. Next feeding they are gonna get some molasses added to their feeding, can't wait to see how that treats 'em.
Here's a pretty crappy group shot of the girls today-

OK, thats the scoops for today. Like I said, I am very excited to have aquired the Sour D and get a run of that going next time. If anyone reading this has experience with growing it or know of a good journal/grow of it I would love to hear from you.
Sleep well stonerland!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi Bud I really like how you put the whole thing about your room into your journal. Kinda like thinking out loud. Any one thinking about growing should sit down and plan it like you did, making changes to fit you present situation. If a rookie reads this, it gives them an idea on how to start and plan according to their needs and it gives them an over all look at what they are facing. Unfortunately most jump in and then ask questions. When it's kinda too late.
I kinda did that and it took allot of folks helping me to straighten it all out.
Thank goodness for 420 and folks like you.:yahoo:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Niiiiiice Garden HD... awesome canopy shot too :goodjob:

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Happy Saturday Everybody!! May the green gods smile on you today!!

No I don't but I guess I should stasrt one...just got on here a few weeks ago...still figuring it out

Just a suggestion, but by starting a journal you may figure it all out a good bit quicker, everyone here, especially the hospitality team, are super helpfull and help to any ??'s might be just a few key strokes away, whether its questions on how to get around this sight better and get everything you can out of it, or of coarse any grow room set-up and cultivation ??'s should be answered as well.

Niiiiiice Garden HD... awesome canopy shot too :goodjob:


Thanks Dro! It takes a bit of work keeping them at a fairly even canopy cause they range in size from less than 30" to about 4', but I've got a bunch of various height plant stands that I made to boost the shorties up and even things out, plus the two 600w's are kept at different heights to hit them all with the best light possible. So far I am able to keep 75-80% of all my bud sites/priority branches within 24 inches of the 600w bulbs, so by figuring the inverse square per foot most all buds are getting at least 150w of direct light plus a good amount of reflected light.

Much Aloha,
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

No I don't but I guess I should stasrt one...just got on here a few weeks ago...still figuring it out

Here's the link in case you do want to get one started, it has good suggestions on kinda how to start things out.

How to Make a Grow Journal

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi Bud I really like how you put the whole thing about your room into your journal. Kinda like thinking out loud. Any one thinking about growing should sit down and plan it like you did, making changes to fit you present situation. If a rookie reads this, it gives them an idea on how to start and plan according to their needs and it gives them an over all look at what they are facing. Unfortunately most jump in and then ask questions. When it's kinda too late.
I kinda did that and it took allot of folks helping me to straighten it all out.
Thank goodness for 420 and folks like you.:yahoo:

:thankyou: OMM!! Yeah, I would love it if my journal could help someone who is just getting going. I only wish that I had actually started the journal from the very beginning of crackin seeds, and kept it less dis-jointed (hehehe, jointed). This one kinda jumps around a bit. But I figure probably when I move locations that will be a good time to do a journal from scratch, initial set up, soil prep, crackin seeds, transplanting, training, etc., in more real time and better photo documented. It will be more full of my theories and stratagies and such. I kinda want to do that before I make any changes to my grow style (like medium or environmental enhancements).
Always a pleasure to have you stop by my Hawaii brother!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi duck! Nice Grow!!! My soil growing Braddah! Lived in Hawaii in the mid 80's, pop was Marine. Lived in Kailua and Kaneohoe Bay. Girls look Sexy!! Shaka!!!!! Love the Pakalolo :p

Right on TS!! I've spent some time on land and in the water around Kailua and Kaneohe Bay, and its beautiful, my fav is just south (townside) of there in Waimanalo. Unreal beaches and almost no ppl (Waimanalo Beach Park right next to Bellows).
:peace: and Pakaloha,
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Time for another update. I did a bit of a photo shoot in the flower room but finally turned the HPS off and got enough other light to semi-focus (man it felt weird intentionally turning off the lights when they are supposed to be on!). But yeah, here are the in room pics of the girls.











whole room group shot

taller side/left side

right side

So I am trying to get my pics better, and meanwhile I think my girls are doing pretty decent. I have another batch of pics to post, its every girl one by one just to get them all a nice solo shot before things get too crazy to move them out again (because hopefully they will be way to big/heavy/fragile with thick buds :yahoo: ).

Thought I'd get further with pics and journaling tonight, but sleep becons me.
'Night stonerland
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi HD Your pix are really looking better:grinjoint:
By chance is that the "Wild One" in the front row of the last picture?
Sure looks like she's doing her thing...all over the place:grinjoint:
She's gonna be the kine.

Been on that beach by greater downtown Waimanalo many times. Great place and.....not too crowded....except on weekends...then it's blue tarp city.
Grinds on the grass and with a bit of grass.:peace:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hi HD Your pix are really looking better:grinjoint:
By chance is that the "Wild One" in the front row of the last picture?
Sure looks like she's doing her thing...all over the place:grinjoint:
She's gonna be the kine.

Been on that beach by greater downtown Waimanalo many times. Great place and.....not too crowded....except on weekends...then it's blue tarp city.
Grinds on the grass and with a bit of grass.:peace:

Good eye OMM, but actually that is another duckfoot that is fairly similar, but she is much less mature than the other one. She is a good 10-12" shorter than the super crazy one, and if she settles into flowering now (looks like she might) instead of stretching more she wont be as outrageous as the other. But she IS very similar.

Yep, love that beach. I used to work at a restaurant in Honolulu and on my day off (Wednesday, so way less crowded than weekends fo sho, in fact sometimes totally deserted), me and a few work buddies used to head over there with pupu's, long boards, beers, and of coarse bud and just have the best day every time!!

Aloha to you braddah,
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, here are the girls solo shots. This is all 15 girls that I have going in flower now, including the runt. A few of them have close ups too since they were extra pretty. I'm gonna go ahead and include their alpha-numeric codes/names (they all got kinda generic alph.num. for tracking purposes, and just two have more personal names so far, I'll include those too).

Here we go...

R1 (the runt)




D2 closeup


D5 (OMM, this is that one that is similar but younger than my really crazy one, she is gonna be last and her name is D3, AKA "Sweet Sage")

D5 closeup (big duckfoot leaves, my hand is pretty big)


EB1 closeup

EB1 closeup2



D4 (AKA "Candi" - 'cause thats how she smells)

D4 closeup





D3 (AKA "Sweet Sage", OMM- this is that crazy potential stubborn bitch)

Well, thems my girls, and I love them all!!!
I'd love to hear some comments so don't be shy, feel free to give me the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I went ahead and started a new journal for my newly aquired Sour Diesel clones, and you are all invited to come follow that one along as well....the more the merrier :grinjoint:

:peace: and Aloha,
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