Hazmat And The Magic Beans

Yes having fun and loving every minute and pic.....even tho I take about 50 of each and choose the least blurry spazztastic photo lol
I know man, believe me!!!
DAY 45

*yelling while running down hall* they're women!!!!!!! Woooohoooo idk what the chances of popping two regulars seeds and getting two females is.....but fak yes I'm super pumped.... So since they have both shown pistils they will now need to be up-potted and given the same love I give the rest of my ladies. I'm going to have to do some shopping before said up-pot can take place, so bare with me a bit guys and gals lol. But since I have to wait I'm not going to do a full update...instead just look at the lady parts :laugh:

Four of thing one (first four) and three of thing two(last three)








Hurray Happy you got two girls! Now don’t let them near any males….they only want one thing those animals haha
happy, you sure they females? I dont see pistils yet, unless im just not seeing them, lol..
Hahaha ok you had me trippin at work....thinking I know I saw some pistils....tiny but I ain't trippin lol but here ya go some closer clearer shots.

I know the other do not have pistils yet but Im confident in my ability to spot a claw or calyx.




Hahaha ok you had me trippin at work....thinking I know I saw some pistils....tiny but I ain't trippin lol but here ya go some closer clearer shots.

I know the other do not have pistils yet but Im confident in my ability to spot a claw or calyx.




DAY 58 part 1

Ok good morning all.....so I haven't been a very good plant dad :( shame on me.... But I got my shit together and got one of the photos planted outside.....don't worry it's in a good location where I'm the only one that goes even close to where it is planted.

So she got her last hand feed from me yesterday at 1/3 cup of veg with a dash (cap full in watering gallon) of grow big FF....I'm figuring this should get her started in the ground with some excess food....I'm expecting some burn from it so no worries if future pics have tip burn.

One thing I did notice is a soon as it was planted I had flies landing on it.....lemme tell you instant frustration :eek::rolleyes:...and as most of you know I don't deal with pest I have a good system so I'm sure you can understand lol... Tomorrow I will be treating the area with a all-i-cide to keep it healthy and safe to the best of my abilities.

But that's all for now.....now we wait and see how things go. Thanks for stopping I appreciate you all. Have a dope day and smoke one in the sun.




Alright part 2 coming right up served hot and fresh...

So thing 1 is beautiful to me... She's bushing out and staying fairly short... Leaf color is a bit dark :hmmmm: but she's over all happy....speaking of the leaves I'm completely fascinated with the structure 11-12 points through out whole plant and the deep ripple look she has... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I've decided to keep her in veg for about another 2 weeks and start the flowering process. This one I'll keep short...if I can and let the one I just moved out side in part 1 grow as big as she can get....to keep my tree goal alive lol

Overall super happy and cannot complain. Thanks for stopping and have a dope day y'all.:headbanger:

Below are a few pics from a few angles...top and sides rotated each photo.





Alright part 2 coming right up served hot and fresh...

So thing 1 is beautiful to me... She's bushing out and staying fairly short... Leaf color is a bit dark :hmmmm: but she's over all happy....speaking of the leaves I'm completely fascinated with the structure 11-12 points through out whole plant and the deep ripple look she has... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I've decided to keep her in veg for about another 2 weeks and start the flowering process. This one I'll keep short...if I can and let the one I just moved out side in part 1 grow as big as she can get....to keep my tree goal alive lol

Overall super happy and cannot complain. Thanks for stopping and have a dope day y'all.:headbanger:

Below are a few pics from a few angles...top and sides rotated each photo.




Those really are some interesting leaves!
Those really are some interesting leaves!
Yup for sure it's a first for me.... I've googled how many fingers they can have it says 13+...but not really to many photos of that many.
Day 60.....nobody told me my last update had day spelled wrong lol thanks guys/gals.....I left it anyways :laugh:

So ok I'm gonna be honest if I can get this girl to harvest I will not be growing outside anymore......wtf! First as soon as I plant her in earth....bugs draw to her :rolleyes:....then later that day I check before I leave...she was knocked over by something......then again check in the a.m has bugs and again knocked over a different direction o_O so I stake it with a light tie.......and now this morning I come to check and she's layed over and seems to have been like that since I left and even grew towards the light laying on her side:eek:.....we had high winds yesterday(note the plants around it laid over)..so again I removed the small stake and am now using a 10" piece of 6x6 with a notch cut out of it to be round for the stem.....it's just to much...to many factors. I'll stay safe inside where I can be a perfectionist and not worry about literally everyone one of godz creations lol. I put my heart into these plants so I CANNOT be ok with them being just screwed by nature.

Enough about that.....she looks to be enjoying the transplant regardless....and is still green and healthy so here she is.

Thanks for checking in....have a dope day all:headbanger:



Props to you Happy I'm too chicken to grow outside. I couldn't spend all that time to watch it go south due to bugs or rain/mildew/rot. Bugs are bad enough inside ;) She's looking good, looks like she wants to lay down.
Props to you Happy I'm too chicken to grow outside. I couldn't spend all that time to watch it go south due to bugs or rain/mildew/rot. Bugs are bad enough inside ;) She's looking good, looks like she wants to lay down.
Yea I came in this morning she's was almost flat with the ground lol and all potential bud points pointing upward..... And I'm still chicken about it...but I'm gonna try at least once.... Prolly try each grow method once and figure out where I excel the most.....and outdoors so far.....isn't for me lol
Ooooo and might I add that we've had steady temps in the mid 70s to upper 80s for about two weeks before I transplanted and after I transplant the temps dive.....like right now it's only 51°f/10.5c..... :rolleyes: well she's either gonna live or not.... We'll see
Day 60.....nobody told me my last update had day spelled wrong lol thanks guys/gals.....I left it anyways :laugh:

So ok I'm gonna be honest if I can get this girl to harvest I will not be growing outside anymore......wtf! First as soon as I plant her in earth....bugs draw to her :rolleyes:....then later that day I check before I leave...she was knocked over by something......then again check in the a.m has bugs and again knocked over a different direction o_O so I stake it with a light tie.......and now this morning I come to check and she's layed over and seems to have been like that since I left and even grew towards the light laying on her side:eek:.....we had high winds yesterday(note the plants around it laid over)..so again I removed the small stake and am now using a 10" piece of 6x6 with a notch cut out of it to be round for the stem.....it's just to much...to many factors. I'll stay safe inside where I can be a perfectionist and not worry about literally everyone one of godz creations lol. I put my heart into these plants so I CANNOT be ok with them being just screwed by nature.

Enough about that.....she looks to be enjoying the transplant regardless....and is still green and healthy so here she is.

Thanks for checking in....have a dope day all:headbanger:



A good root structure will help her resist the winds but it'll take her a little time to build it.
Outdoor growing isn't for everyone, but I love the results (usually, lol)!
Just a drive by of the other lady's leaf.... She has 13 pointers now.. and if I'm seeing correct there's more growing ... I believe I may have a mutant of sorts with her.


DAY 64

Hey all so good news and bad news..... The photo planted outside has had everything from high winds to high heat and everything in-between.....and did not make it... I checked her this morning and she was dropped over and a funky green color.... So I pulled it... I know i know should have let her try.... But between the two plants from the same seed it was clear where the stronger genetics were and it wasn't her.....sooooooo *makes slice throat gesture with sound* :laugh: .

Alright on to the good news.... As mentioned above the sister of the dead one is beast and has awesome genetics so far from how she's growing. This plant is getting monstrous in the tent lol light is already at max height.....so she may have to finish out in a closet at some point lol. Has some lower yellowing but that was from the over water last week that as you can see she's praying and happy:). I'm still in wow of her over all look and the leaf development is feken stellar lol....sorry I really do just love her look.

Anyways she looked Hela sad yesterday and droopy....but I fixed that with a watering and then bam over night perked the hell right up. She'll be getting a top dress in two waters I would estimate.... But for now she seems to have enough of what she needs.

But enough rambling here's some pics...

Love and light yall






Hi Happy,

She is sooo unique, absolutely beautiful leafing she has going on. Doing a fine job with her and I'm so jealous of the girl in the ground. When I retire....

Been trying to catch up on you so sorry for the 100 notifications

Later growmie

:passitleft: :meditate:
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