Hazmat And The Magic Beans

Hi Happy,

She is sooo unique, absolutely beautiful leafing she has going on. Doing a fine job with her and I'm so jealous of the girl in the ground. When I retire....

Been trying to catch up on you so sorry for the 100 notifications

Later growmie

:passitleft: :meditate:
Hey thank you krissi I appreciate all the love....she definitely is a purdy girl... Anything out of the ordinary is extraordinary to me.

But I'm not sure how the outdoor girl is doing, since I decided to let her work her own shit aka let her die....I haven't checked at all.....who knows she might be boomin lol

I'll be over to check out your group shortly.
Hey thank you krissi I appreciate all the love....she definitely is a purdy girl... Anything out of the ordinary is extraordinary to me.

I agree with you here! She's going to be even prettier all budded up full with those gems of leaves!
But I'm not sure how the outdoor girl is doing, since I decided to let her work her own shit aka let her die....I haven't checked at all.....who knows she might be boomin lol
Hahaha hell I just coined "Krissi's Crash and Burn" when you purposefully let your plants fall onto other plants and stay there until you walk your ass in there and let them get themselves back to shape. Worked pretty well with Maestro, could've been dead had she been left longer, we will never know....

I'll be over to check out your group shortly.
Take your time brother I am so behind on even the things I post lol my garden outside was neglected with covid so I had to spruce it up...you know how I do with my green.

Peace n love growmie
DAY 68

Alright sorry I've been....idk.....slacking last couple of days.. with tent... plants...etc....I've just been super worn out. But after a good nap this morning/afternoon, I woke up and felt much better.....and got to cleaning and plant duties... *Ahem* plant "responsibility" as they are my green kids not a job. :)

But after I cleaned up the tent and had everyone out, I was able to look her over and I'm happy with what I see. She's healthy, growing very well, and most of her leaves look healthy as can be.....some slight tip burn from me being "over zealousness" with the feeding lol buuuuuuut I did state I wanted to grow a "tree" so I will be doing some pushing here and there....and all the new growth isn't showing the burn so things seem to have stabilized....... over all she's doing great and looks to be loving life.

Not to much else to report on all temps have been stable and humidity has been stable as well.... No pest..... No disease or issues....just a happy plant.

Thanks for stopping, and I hope everyone is enjoying they're weekend as much as I am... Have a dope night yall:headbanger:

Now for the picz...a full figure shot, multiple angle side/top shots, and one full top.







I can relate.... she is looking lovely. Do you bend the top or not? I am curious about the outdoor plant.
Thank you Carmen, but I normally top and train..... I'm kinda just letting the two photos do what ever they need to.... And Ill take a pic of the outdoor girl today..... See if she survived or not.
I can relate.... she is looking lovely. Do you bend the top or not? I am curious about the outdoor plant.
Alright here's the girl outside.... She's not to messed up but she will get no help from me.... Maybe towards the start of flower(if she makes it that long) she will get some bloom nutes....but I thought she was a goner.....she seems to be doing ....ok lol definitely some issues....brown spots....wilting... One split colored leaf :hmmmm: <= I want to address this..... So my other lady in the tent from the same batch of seeds has high number fingered leaves...almost mutation numbers.... And now looking at the one out side, I'm seeing almost all 11 pointers on top and then that one split colored leaf.... This is starting to make me think the strain is unstable.... I have about 2-3 more of those seeds and I kinda want to grow them out.... separate any males....and see if the others do the same or different stuff as well.

But enough banter on possibilities....here she is...





yeeha! I'm so glad she is alive... she doesn't need you Happy lololol.... she is in her element :)
Right doesn't need me at all..... *Sniffles* they grow up so *voice breaks* fast.....:nervous-guy::laugh: I'm happy though... She got her own space outside to grow free and she's using it.

Plus size I didn't see bugs or signs of animals eating at her.... Even tho there is a few big piles of poop within a few feet... I think my Carolina reaper spray is doing the trick keeping them back lol.
Carolina reaper... is that a hot a.f. chili?
Yes the hottest pepper ranked last year... I'm huge hot buff this shit makes me sweat....so I'm sure anything that gets close to tasting is going to regret it lol
Yes the hottest pepper ranked last year... I'm huge hot buff this shit makes me sweat....so I'm sure anything that gets close to tasting is going to regret it lol
But I didn't spray the plant it self...I sprayed about 1.5 ft around base of plant and almost everything within 3 ft... I've tried Tabasco out other garden plants and it just doesn't seem strong enough so I went full balls with the heat to ensure safety
Looking good! Hope the wind doesn't blow the Carolina pepper on to the plant....hot buds haha
Bro that would be terrible lol go to take a hit and it basically act as mace lol
Alright here's the girl outside.... She's not to messed up but she will get no help from me.... Maybe towards the start of flower(if she makes it that long) she will get some bloom nutes....but I thought she was a goner.....she seems to be doing ....ok lol definitely some issues....brown spots....wilting... One split colored leaf :hmmmm: <= I want to address this..... So my other lady in the tent from the same batch of seeds has high number fingered leaves...almost mutation numbers.... And now looking at the one out side, I'm seeing almost all 11 pointers on top and then that one split colored leaf.... This is starting to make me think the strain is unstable.... I have about 2-3 more of those seeds and I kinda want to grow them out.... separate any males....and see if the others do the same or different stuff as well.

But enough banter on possibilities....here she is...





DAY 71

Alrighty update time for the indoor tree lol so while going over my normal things I noticed she was all bunched up and tight barely any light in the middle bottom.....and I don't let that fly in my tent lol so I broke out my clips and used twine to open her up a bit... Basically peeled her hefty self like a banana :laugh: ......but while doing so I noticed a lot of tiny inner growth that will now turn into something.

I will be flipping to 12/12 this weekend I don't have space to allow her to grow any taller....and I may already be f'd in A on this one lol.....looks like I'm gonna have to buy a 2x2x6+ to finish her out....which isn't so bad I've been wanting another space ;).

Other than that she's watered.... comfortable....and growing healthy.

Oh and I took two clones from the very lowest points.....all they received was honey on the cut ends before going into the water....wish em luck.

Thanks for stopping through and I hope y'all have a dope night:headbanger:








Good morning all so just a quick update nothing special..not a whole lot of info just a briefing and some pics.

She's doing....lol....not doing great and not doing bad....so I'll take middle ground. Has some deficiencies so Monday when I'm back around this area I'll give her a hefty veg top dress..... So I was wondering about feeding outdoors.... Is there a way I can make a tray to sit at the bottom of the plant at base, poke holes in it, and fill it with dry nutrients, and then when it rains, it wets the dry nutrients and slow releases into to soil when it rains? Just a thought?!

No pest....nothing eating her...so can't really complain.....rained last night heavy so she got a real droop today.

But other than that....that's it....thanks for stopping, I'll have part 2 up when I get home of my tent lady.



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