Hazmat And The Magic Beans

Day 74 PART 2

Alright let's get into the inside sister. For starters she's doing great... Growing strong and steady. Not to much to update on with her but she still gets her time in the journal lol. Still throwing random number of fingers on the fans but all 11+ .....still very interesting to me.

So I did take two clients near from her early this week and they seem to be coming along nicely. I changed the water and at the bottom of the clippings the process of rooting is starting to show.....even tho they're looking a bit rough I think they'll be ok.

But that's about it for today...I hope you all have a good weekend and have fun...even if it's a bit risky ;)








Day 75

Today is flip day.... I read twice this morning that alternating stem growth is an indication to flip....how true ???? Idk ..... And also when the plant fills 2/3 allowed space it's time to flip as well....again not sure lol but non the less it's time to get her bloomin....first time photo flip in a controlled space....so here we gooooo.

Timer set for 6am on to 6pm off and that will start today.... immediately.

Photos below of the alternate spacing.




Wassup Happy? Plants are looking great. Hope you are well.

Wutz up 9toe how ya doing today?

I'm great just doing some plant tasks for my issued auto lol and fam time.

And plant singular lol the other one I checked this morning is not doing so hot....like at all...good thing I have two ;)
Day 76---Day 1 of flower.

Well so far so good I guess I didn't wake up to a weird disaster flipping lol nope just a happy plant. Nothing to really update just want to share some pictures I got of her today....I really do love this plant :).

Oh and I'm not going to up pot or anything like I previously anticipated doing... Even tho she is in less than a gallon pot of soil she's doing friggin bomb.

Only negative to this so far is the two clones I found knocked over and shriveled this morning....so I said fuk it and chucked them.... I'd rather have the room for new autos in a month or two.

But as always you all rock and I appreciate the crap out of you for checking in.... Enough chit chat on to pictures....







Well.....not sure what to say about this one.... Idk if she's gonna make it. From the time I checked her two days ago to now she's very distressed and something snapped her top:rolleyes:.....you can see it's giant path through the thick growth near by.....either a deer or the massive woodchuck that's around here would be my guess.

I did not expect anything to come of her outside... As it's far from home and I can't be there to baby and nuture her properly. So I'm gonna let it just run its course and honestly I may just try to forget she exist and see what nature will do on its own.

But here's some pics......




Day 79 DAY 4 of flower.

Ok not to much to report on as nothing has changed to much....she's gotten taller by about an inch and her inner branches have grown about the same. But all is good with this big ol lady... No issues no pest no problem ;) ...... I must say I am getting a bit impatient waiting for the fluffy show to start lol but I need to be.....dammit :laugh:.....she does have starting pistils showing every where...so not to long.

But that's all for now thanks for cruising on through.... Have a dope night yall and I'll catch ya on your end









How the heck did I miss your latest journal?

I'll try to get caught up ASAP.

Damn sorry about your outside girl and that must have been one hell of a chipmunk.
Lol not latest this one is like 2.5 months old lol I do have a new journal tho.

But thanks for stopping by farmer I always appreciate it :) ... And could have been anything that trampled it...it was laying over before I took the pic and saw it broken.

Bosses daughter lives around the corner she said shes gonna dig it up and try to rehab it :laugh:
Day 82 Day 7 of flower.

Alright just a quick update on what's going on....watered today, roughly a liter.... Has done a bit of early flower stretching.... And is now getting pistils everywhere....other than that all is good and she looks great.



Hey growmie just getting caught up, your lady in the tent is gorgeous with all her ruffley-fingered leaves and Christmas tree shape. But how do you resist cutting off that one really tall top?!? Lol!:ganjamon: I'm heading over to your new journal now!
Wutz happenin growmie, thank yea she's a looker :) but at the start of the journal I said no topping or training just freedom....and that she did :laugh: we'll see what will happen in a week or two....I have light at max.

But I'll head over and catch up with you as well...I've been busy with art projects.
Dam ..good looking plants. Bro. Tall too. Been pampered at little too.
Thanks brutha glad to have ya over... Yea her sis passed due to nature :laugh: but yes I'm pampering this girl making sure she's healthy....maybe a bit to much lol.
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