Hazmat And The Magic Beans

Update time...quick and simple.... Ok it's been 21 days since sprouting....and 7 days since last update....and I'm gonna admit I'm kinda impressed how fast they grow....almost as fast as autos. But they have both been watered today and will get a top dress at the next watering of geoflora veg. I am still going to move them outside this week I just need to find time after work to go do so. But it's a plant it's doing it's plant thing... Thanks for stopping...hope everyone is enjoying the day.


Alright good morning everyone....today is day 27 for the little lemon dosi's. They have received a top dress of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG two days ago with watering. I know I said last week they would be moving them outside but I have been busy restoring a 1981 Camaro Z28 and doing body work on a 2012 blazer.... So super busy. But I will get around to giving them they're outside final home next early day I have. But not to much else to report they look lovely.... hopefully theyre female lol


Happy!!!! Welcome to the photo club! Looking absolutely stellar! Hope you saved me seat!
Aaaaaaaaa der... Lol you always have a seat even if I have to clear of a shelf for ya ;) and I'ma try these photos out and see what the hub bub is about....
Aaaaaaaaa der... Lol you always have a seat even if I have to clear of a shelf for ya ;) and I'ma try these photos out and see what the hub bub is about....
Stick me on the shelf with the Garbage Pail Kids cards from '88, I'll be content....just none of those creepy dolls on the shelf, please.

The hub bub will hit you after about 7 weeks lol just be patient
Update time....it's day 32 for the photo babes, everyone is doing great.....good color ..and mesmerizing ripple in the leaves. Tomorrow morning after our late night rain shower stops I will be planting the ladies into they're earth home. I still have no idea of the sexs...but I'm willing to give these two some effort.

Watered two days ago and have them under %75 power 18 hours of the day and %25 for 6 hours for "night time". Ive ran my autos and previous attempts at photo periods under the same lighting schedule and they seem to grow very well.... I know I know dark for growth and what not... Just go with it lol

But here they are... about a foot tall each...in all they're little glory.

Thanks for stoppin y'all have a great weekend.




Update time....it's day 32 for the photo babes, everyone is doing great.....good color ..and mesmerizing ripple in the leaves. Tomorrow morning after our late night rain shower stops I will be planting the ladies into they're earth home. I still have no idea of the sexs...but I'm willing to give these to some effort.

Watered two days ago and have them under %75 power 18 hours of the day and %25 for 6 hours for "night time". Ive ran my autos and previous attempts at photo periods under the same lighting schedule and they seem to grow very well.... I know I know dark for growth and what not... Just go with it lol

But here they are... about a foot tall each...in all they're little glory.

Thanks for stoppin y'all have a great weekend.




They're perfect!
Update time....it's day 32 for the photo babes, everyone is doing great.....good color ..and mesmerizing ripple in the leaves. Tomorrow morning after our late night rain shower stops I will be planting the ladies into they're earth home. I still have no idea of the sexs...but I'm willing to give these to some effort.

Watered two days ago and have them under %75 power 18 hours of the day and %25 for 6 hours for "night time". Ive ran my autos and previous attempts at photo periods under the same lighting schedule and they seem to grow very well.... I know I know dark for growth and what not... Just go with it lol

But here they are... about a foot tall each...in all they're little glory.

Thanks for stoppin y'all have a great weekend.





Looking great mate :green_heart: they will love their new home
Hey Happy, those are some chunky-leafed (hopefully) gals. They look excellent. Are you going to top/train or just let them grow wild outside?

I really like the close-up seed and sprout pics btw. Really interesting!
Hey adora, yea they getting they're chunk on lol but no those ladies (hopefully) will be allowed to grow straight up.....no training or anything.

And thanks I try to keep things interesting....even if it just a really close photo of a seed lol
Imma keep reading and mastering the craft y'all have mastered any an all advice is welcomed
Good morning IOG :ciao: hope your having a great day my friend.
Here is a thread with everything you need to know.
Check it out.

Stay safe :cool:
Imma keep reading and mastering the craft y'all have mastered any an all advice is welcomed
Lol not a master by any means...just a new age hippie with a bit of a green thumb ;) but keep working at your craft and youll be great to.
Update time Day 37 for the photos.... I keep getting tied up with work and other stuff and keep putting off planting them outside :rolleyes:....it's not a huge issue other than they are in one gallons....but at least they're happy and healthy right lol

Each of them has been watered today about half a gallon each...so in the photos they do have a droop...it's not a problem ;). But I noticed something neat about one of them... The plant with the deepest leaf ripples also has 11 points, it's growing differently than the other one as well.... even tho they are the same seed and not supposed to have a high variation rate according to manufacturer....but oh well keeping things interesting.

But all's good I just have to get my ass in gear and get them in the ground....I'll get to it....maybe have my kid help....maybe lol

As always thanks for checking in... Hope you all have a good night.

Photos of thing 1 and thing 2





Update time Day 37 for the photos.... I keep getting tied up with work and other stuff and keep putting off planting them outside :rolleyes:....it's not a huge issue other than they are in one gallons....but at least they're happy and healthy right lol

Each of them has been watered today about half a gallon each...so in the photos they do have a droop...it's not a problem ;). But I noticed something neat about one of them... The plant with the deepest leaf ripples also has 11 points, it's growing differently than the other one as well.... even tho they are the same seed and not supposed to have a high variation rate according to manufacturer....but oh well keeping things interesting.

But all's good I just have to get my ass in gear and get them in the ground....I'll get to it....maybe have my kid help....maybe lol

As always thanks for checking in... Hope you all have a good night.

Photos of thing 1 and thing 2





How are you liking the photo grow? Weird having them not have flowers yet, right? Looking good. Jealous I can't move mine outside! This grow is going very well for you with all the girls. Happy to be following along
Update time Day 37 for the photos.... I keep getting tied up with work and other stuff and keep putting off planting them outside :rolleyes:....it's not a huge issue other than they are in one gallons....but at least they're happy and healthy right lol

Each of them has been watered today about half a gallon each...so in the photos they do have a droop...it's not a problem ;). But I noticed something neat about one of them... The plant with the deepest leaf ripples also has 11 points, it's growing differently than the other one as well.... even tho they are the same seed and not supposed to have a high variation rate according to manufacturer....but oh well keeping things interesting.

But all's good I just have to get my ass in gear and get them in the ground....I'll get to it....maybe have my kid help....maybe lol

As always thanks for checking in... Hope you all have a good night.

Photos of thing 1 and thing 2





Looking good happy so could it just be a mutation from the mom then?
How are you liking the photo grow? Weird having them not have flowers yet, right? Looking good. Jealous I can't move mine outside! This grow is going very well for you with all the girls. Happy to be following along
I'm liking how they grow for sure .. the thing I don't like is not knowing if they are indeed girls :rolleyes: .... And I believe that's the other reason for procrastinating on moving them outside is I don't want to put effort into a plant Ima chop..... Dammit lol
Looking good happy so could it just be a mutation from the mom then?
Hey twelve coffee, thank you. So I read up on it and it is completely normal means that the hybrid could have a higher sativa ratio as sativa's are known to have the higher leaf count up to 13 and sometimes more in rare cases(*from what I've read*)....but either way it's kinda neat I may play with my camera under my blurple lights for some cool photos.
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