Haight Solid State vs. H.G.LED

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I hear ya.....I really do.

I'm merely going off what the manufacturer says about their light. You saw the post. HSS claims, based on yield, cycle time, etc. that the light SS is using is comparable to a 600 watt HPS.

I didn't say that.....they did.

Barney's farm says the buds finish in 55-65 days and that they must be staked up, due to size and weight.

I have a living room, with a great big elephant in the middle of the room. It dumps about 30 pounds at a time, right on the carpet, and makes a really loud trumpeting noise.....but no one seems to notice.

They just comment on how nice the coffee table is.

My statements have no bearing whatever on the comparison of the two lights. We shall surely find out which one outperformed the other, etc.

I am merely repeating what the manufacturer and breeder have to say. People are free to draw their own conclusions.

DC, we keep going over this. I think it's well established now that you can take any of the stated benefits of LED's and put them through the smell test. I tried hard to save my buddy $1500 but he insisted they were the second coming....I kind of feel guilty for putting up the space! Now if I could only get his damn laptop to take my camera...lol
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I was thinking 40%. For vegging, I swear by those 90 watt leds. But for $100 dollars a pop, not $200 !! They're cooler, and will replace a bunch of cfls and reflectors, all over the place. And cheaper to operate, and damm, they only weigh about 3 lbs.:surf:!! And if we listen to the same people that told all the other lies, then and only then can we say , LAST LONGER .

I can place 2 trays with 10 plants each under a $20 fluro fixture that's those $200 90w ufo cants even cover.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I appreciate the many observations and discussion regarding these LED's. It is difficult to be patient and reserve an opinion based on experience with other lighting technologies; HID and CFL.

I'm coming up on my first anniversary to growing. It's a great hobby and I've learned alot. I started out 'illegal' but got my card last summer. I think some vendors take advantage of the fact that there are newbies they can hype their product to and exploit the naivete factor.

Doc made some good points based on his experience with 1000 watt HID. It is obvious from this grow that there's no way either LED could match a 600 watt HID in any way. I don't have a lot of money either and would be pissed off and frustrated if I purchased a system for a significant amount of cash only to find out I could have done far better using CFL's to veg and HID to flower for less than half the cash.

True, we're not at the finish line yet but the bud development appears less than robust from my limited experience. Apologies to SS for drawing conclusions before the process has been completed, just my opinion based on observation.

You're doing a great job here and these plants are obviously healthy because of the excellent job you are doing.

Thanks again bro!

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I'm coming up on my first anniversary to growing. It's a great hobby and I've learned alot. I started out 'illegal' but got my card last summer. I think some vendors take advantage of the fact that there are newbies they can hype their product to and exploit the naivete factor.

Doc made some good points based on his experience with 1000 watt HID. It is obvious from this grow that there's no way either LED could match a 600 watt HID in any way. I don't have a lot of money either and would be pissed off and frustrated if I purchased a system for a significant amount of cash only to find out I could have done far better using CFL's to veg and HID to flower for less than half the cash.


More then "naivete" is the "legal" factor. Your dealing with an industry that most consumers are not legal. Not yet anyways. That has huge ramifications in customer and seller relationship!

As far as Doc is concerned that test is three months old already....Testing New LED Lights vs 1000w HPS 339grs to 993 grs....did you think my buddy was lying or just couldn't grow shit...lol

Please let SS have his forum back ,,,these discussions have played over and over on other forums already...it's not what this grow is about!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED


4) Netiquette

  • 420 Magazine's Forum Posting Guidelines apply ;)
  • Bashing, flaming, or arguing on the part of any parties will result in an immediate ban. There will be no LED flame wars in this thread ;)
  • This thread is not for the discussion of HPS, please use one of the other 42,000 threads on our boards for this topic ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Me too.... That 1/10th the price comment is just plain stupid. Where could you get a NEW light for $40 or $50 that can grow plants like these?

Any hardware store Why don't you post your HSS plants for comparison here....Are LED's really better then fluro's. You be the judge! started it ....you know kind of so people didn't have to call me names! I await your pictures!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Spirited discussion is good, and different opinions too, but let's try to keep things civil and friendly ;).

As things near the end, emotions are going to escalate, but when I look at the bigger picture, we're all on the same side here, so let's not eat our own.

thanks ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Thanks SS, My plants are posted, just follow the link in my signature.

If your too shy I can post some of your pics on that thread for you. Then you would be helping a few people to make an intelligent decision if they we're wondering what light to buy.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Spirited discussion is good, and different opinions too, but let's try to keep things civil and friendly ;).

As things near the end, emotions are going to escalate, but when I look at the bigger picture, we're all on the same side here, so let's not eat our own.

thanks ;)

Sorry SS I'll try to be a vegetarian next time.:peacetwo:

SS here's some really crappy pictures but hopefully they are clear enough to show some detail. These plants were never topped, bent, or any kind of LST. The water did this.



Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Sorry SS I'll try to be a vegetarian next time.:peacetwo:

SS here's some really crappy pictures but hopefully they are clear enough to show some detail. These plants were never topped, bent, or any kind of LST. The water did this.




What strain is that?
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

What strain is that?

Mostly AMS with a few White Widow but a few of us are using the exact same strains, light, nutes, schedules, and method but these are the only ones to do it. The only difference is the water! I'm trying to document one of these grows but first on the list is my own half decent camera. i took eighty pis and tried all the different settings to come up with four lousy pics.lol
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Mostly AMS with a few White Widow but a few of us are using the exact same strains, light, nutes, schedules, and method but these are the only ones to do it. The only difference is the water! I'm trying to document one of these grows but first on the list is my own half decent camera. i took eighty pis and tried all the different settings to come up with four lousy pics.lol

Tell me about your water!
I've heard of "blessed" water, where anything will grow. What's up with your water?
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

No groover I have always gone from 24hrs to 12hrs overnight
What I have been rambling about is and keep in mind we're dealing with well water:

- I have a friend who helps some growers out growing the same two strains WW and AMS by GreenHouse
-one place the water tests at .39 EC that's around 280ppm the other at 1.59ec = approx 1100 ppm

- the first place growth is average, you need to top your plants several times to get a larger canopy from each plant, and each plant still allows you to clean up the bottom 1/3 or whatever ... after turning lights to 12/12 (same day) the plants take 12-15 days to form buds

-second place with the outrages (atleast it is to me...lol) reading, the plants shoot out with dozen of branches from the bottom and they look like the top of the Jewish

and they grow twice as fast!

-after turning lights to 12/12 (same day) the plants take 7-9 days to form buds

Everything else is same, lights, the nutes, quantity 1.6-1.7 ec (on top of water reading) at flowering and 3/4 at veg and 1/2 when starting, and method of growing!
OH and we have always run veg nutes until the plants start forming buds and then switch to bloom with the fortifier!

I of course beeing mr lucky has slow place number 1 but I have verified and seen it all with my own eyes and do have pics.
Sorry Sun didn't mean to hijack but in 30 yrs of being around MJ I have never seen this before! :peacetwo:
Have you serenaded the girls yet?

sorry doc tired of repeating the same story! it's not my water but I know it hasn't been tested...the guy decided to give it a try despite the unbelievable high readings. it takes a ton of ph down as well. let's see if it does as well in flower but I can't see why not!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I understand, bro. It sounds like your well water is high in nitrates.

I know that his well is a pvc pipe in the ground. because he's on a swamp the well routinely overflows. and it's very close to the road where of course road salt and all kinds of other crap comes from... he thought for sure his plants were going to be toast but who knew. Anyone own a bottling company?:peacetwo:...lol
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Amazing shots SS.

You're probably right about the ignorance, even when cammie came here with those 1st. couple of attempted grows, i always thought that she should have been keeping a lower, level canopy, instead of the leggy straight up style. And that's why i don't understand why hgl is charging you for the 126, as you're doing their research for them, 3.5 to 4 mos. worth !! Win or lose, I respect hss for giving you the light !!

We've learned a lot from this grow.

In retrospect, I think both companies should have agreed to the same terms as regards providing their products before the grow.

There is something to be said with partiality when it comes to graft for testing, I personally trust Setting Sun implicitly, but someone new to this site who is a bit wary will wonder if HSS "wins" this subjective test because they gave the light. So there is something to be said for not using "gifts" in tests.

Demo model prices for those lights...they could get more for them on ebay "Light used by Setting Sun in his famous test thread" for the novelty sake. This thread has huge views and not everyone is poor like me. :ganjamon:

Then Setting Sun could take the proceeds and buy himself a nice 1000W setup :Rasta:...did I say that outloud? :cool:

Bravo Setting Sun for the obvious level of impartiality though. Has been as close to truly scientific a small sample can be. I would trust the outcome myself. And I hope it is a good one for SS's sake. :yummy:

:peace: brother.

Funny and thoughtful post MH, thank you ;)
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