Haight Solid State vs. H.G.LED

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hey 420Warior - it was my grow journal where HGL challenged HSS and SS offered to run it To me, the HSS plants look strong and healthy and the curled leaves and growth pattern on the HGL plants just seem wrong - but since I grow with HSS, it may be just what I'm used to. There is still a long time to go, should be interesting...
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hey 420Warior - it was my grow journal where HGL challenged HSS and SS offered to run it To me, the HSS plants look strong and healthy and the curled leaves and growth pattern on the HGL plants just seem wrong - but since I grow with HSS, it may be just what I'm used to. There is still a long time to go, should be interesting...

Nothing wrong with rooting for a favorite ;) What would good sport be otherwise ;)

(except for the growmeister of course, he's following the dispassionate scientific method)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I continue to be impressed by SS's amazing grow skills and discipline. Massive respect my good man!

The plants, while clearly growing differently under each of the 2 lights, all look very, very healthy. If the results are poor, I think we can say with 100% certainty that it is NOT due to growroom conditions or lack of love.

As for the progress, I believe the HSS model uses all 6w LEDS, right? Well I am not sure whether 6w LEDS are even made in 660nm. If not, and the HSS model therefore has no 660nm but only uses 630nm, this could have a significant effect in later flowering.

Just a passing comment.....

p.s. I am getting really excited with all the progress being made in the world of LED grow lights, with units using 3w chips (which were unthinkable 12 months ago) now becoming affordable and common in the market. If things continue at this rate, I think LED grow lights will become a real alternative to HID lighting within the next 2 or 3 years, with prices constantly falling. And that can only be a good thing. The more options available the better!

When 300w or 400w of LED lighting offers good penetration, has been shown to flower effectively and is available for under $400, I think a lot of people (including me) will start to take a serious look at investing in this technology. Until then, let's raise our glass to people like SS, the pioneers! Cheers!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

HEAR MY GRANPA now 'YAW TELL ME WHEN TO GO ILL BEAT YA WITH SUNSHINE AND LUV!!!] but he was old ill keep watchin
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

looking good SS, very impressed with the grow. healthiest plants i have seen in a while all they way all the way though the grow. nice work. also... i see nuggies and frost! that is makin me happy. also nice seeing how straight all the plants are growing

still liking the way the HGL is looking, just amazed how much light those LED panels are able to get inside the plants

thanks bro ;)

Yeah, it's nice to start seeing a little frost! It's pretty amazing to me just how much sheer vegetative foliage and mass these two lights have produced at 126w and 180w.

thanks for your kind words and support RC ;)

Nice work Sun.. I think the HGL plants are going to give you more med's from the looks of those pic's.. You seeing the same in person? The HGL plants look more dense IMO...

Yes, the HGL plants are definitely denser at this point, but it's still fairly early in bloom.

thanks dogsnova ;)

I dunno. Last week I was liking the HGL, this week I'm liking the HSS. But I really like the buds and frosting altogether. I'm still waiting on the results. I'm between grows and looking to purchase a new grow lamp for my next crop. Waiting...waiting... Is it me or are the HGL leaves starting to curl? The HSS leaves still look nice and fat, the HGL - not so much.

Both sets of plants have some leaf curl on the side away from the light and on the lowermost branches, the HGL having more.

It's been this way through pretty much the entire grow, and it appears to simply be light-related. The leaves that get less light tend to curl.

This is where side-lighting with some CFL's or additional LED's would really shine in the absence of LST, topping, scrog, etc.

In any case, more light or shorter plants would resolve it.

thanks hydronewbie!

Pretty work! +8

Looks to me like the HGL is getting more power to the plant.

Looks that way, huh?

When I was able to raise the light and expand the coverage, it decreased the intensity, of course, but it has seemed to provide more total energy.

It was killin' to have that light at 6". Maybe over two plants, but even over two plants the size of these, I think I would have it up at least 8-10". It still seems to have enough intensity at that height.

The HSS light, with it's wide-angle, delivers it's energy very differently, so it's hard to make a direct comparison, either by eyeball or meter.

If the measure of energy delivered is how budding is going, the HGL plants are ahead *at this point*. Branches are more fully developed and there are more bud sites, but again, it' still early.

thanks obx ;)

From the latest pics, it looks like the HGL is putting more energy into budding and the HSS is putting more energy into leafing. Should be interesting to see how things unfold in the next month if that's the case. They may end up tied in the production category, though.

That's an astute observation.

As I mentioned above, the HGL plants have put more energy into budding, while the fan leaves and petioles on the HSS plants are larger and longer.

I agree, it should be very interesting to see how things go in the next month.

thanks Bolivar ;)

Everything is looking good and it is clear there is a much more pronounced difference and it comes the the strength of the reflected light, angle of the light leaving the fixture and/or one light meeting the plants needs better right now.

The next month and 1/2 should be very interesting.

Lilbit is just a week ahead of your girls and my other two are a week behind.

Will be interesting to watch for future closet grow.

:peace: brother and great job!

thanks MountainHigh!

appreciate your kind words and comments ;)

Sweet, another great update... Looks like the HSS plants might have a little more frost, and more pistils, in the bud shots.

maybe you shouldn't of vegged them that extra week. How much headroom do you have left? How does the headroom compare between the two lights now?

The main top bud shots look pretty close. I'll have to double-check the headroom tonight before commenting.

In hindsight, a 4-week veg may have been better, but they weren't 12", and that's where we wanted them.

Outside of the two 30"+ and still growing beasts, the other six plants, at 22-24", are what we were shooting for.

In any case, assuming the two freaks stop anytime soon, I should have enough headroom to bloom them out.

thanks bro!

great update SS, both sets of plants look great.
Really impressed with the way you are handling this comp grow.
reps if I can.

thanks Mmmmick!

doing my best to steer this bus down the middle ;)

Hey SS, contrary to what some people are attempting to say I think your doing an incredible job staying neutral and letting the plants do the talking. Some people say HSS,others say HGL,only you can see the true differences and IMO 420 has chosen the right man for the job. Keep up the great work :thankyou: :peace:

thanks 420warrior, I'm learning a lot from this comparison, and appreciate your positive energy ;).

Looking good:yummy:
:welldone:, as usual.

thanks bro ;)

I hate to say it, but i think the hgl is winning at this point. At least on the two plants you used for comparison. Does all 4 of the hgl plants look the same as this one ?? I would have bet anything that the hss would smoke the hgl, but as of now, the hgl is winning. I just can't believe the 126 is covering 4 plants !! You're a real pioneer SS, keep on doing what you're doing !! Fine job !! I'd personally like you to do another grow and grow them like you would if you was growing for production. Using lsting and topping !! To keep the panel closer to all the buds. Stay cool Bro !!

Yes, the HGL plant in the last update was a good example of how they all look at this point.

The HGL is not covering the 4-plant canopy evenly, or even completely, but does seem to be delivering enough light energy to enough area at this point.

Oh man, I'd LOVE to LST some plants under these lights ;).

thanks bro ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

It's that comedy thing again...doesn't come off well over the internet all that welll....LOL...sf...you mean you own a HSS?...LOL...no way?...just pulling your leg again...LOL...trust me I would like nothing better then the HSS to [win]
I personally believe most of us are rooting for the hss, because of all the way Cammie misrepresented her lights. I mean she expects people to blindly except her information as gospil !! And it's been proven to be all lies !! And would get mad, if questioned !! Ha !! She could'nt take any criticism !! But,I must say, the hgl is winning at this point. There's no comparing the amount of new bud sites or the node spacing, which should make more compact buds.
I have had plants start to bud under leds, but watch what happens in the last 3 weeks. I mean growth just stopped, so i had to fire up my hps to finish !! And still got a productive harvest !! So even if the leds will support the growth up to that point, that's still a big savings on electric and venting bill. I love leds, but they just don't have enough ump in the last 3 weeks. Maybe that 600 that Irish is testing will show us something ?? leds are in their early stages of developement !! Someone with $$ to play with, will accidently discover the right spectrum, and strength needed. That's my hope !! I hope he or she is a friend of mine, as they will be filthy rich in a short time. You're doing a fine job SS !! :cool::popcorn::nicethread:
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I continue to be impressed by SS's amazing grow skills and discipline. Massive respect my good man!

thank you sweetherb ;)

The plants, while clearly growing differently under each of the 2 lights, all look very, very healthy. If the results are poor, I think we can say with 100% certainty that it is NOT due to growroom conditions or lack of love.

If you believe in reincarnation, and would be content with a relatively brief but love-filled life, you could do worse than coming back as one of these plants ;).

Honestly, I haven't taken better care of them than I would have if this were a regular personal grow for meds, except for one important thing that I will continue to do from now on, and that's to stay on top of and track my PH regularly. Gonna talk a bit more about that in a bit.

As for the progress, I believe the HSS model uses all 6w LEDS, right? Well I am not sure whether 6w LEDS are even made in 660nm. If not, and the HSS model therefore has no 660nm but only uses 630nm, this could have a significant effect in later flowering.

Yes, the HSS uses all 6w LED's. I don't know what the nm values are for the HSS, but do 630nm LED's kick in later in bloom?

p.s. I am getting really excited with all the progress being made in the world of LED grow lights, with units using 3w chips (which were unthinkable 12 months ago) now becoming affordable and common in the market. If things continue at this rate, I think LED grow lights will become a real alternative to HID lighting within the next 2 or 3 years, with prices constantly falling. And that can only be a good thing. The more options available the better!

When 300w or 400w of LED lighting offers good penetration, has been shown to flower effectively and is available for under $400, I think a lot of people (including me) will start to take a serious look at investing in this technology. Until then, let's raise our glass to people like SS, the pioneers! Cheers!

It is an exciting era to be living in!

I've always loved technology, and when it combines another passion, such as growing, I get really excited about new stuff.

Historically, in the world of marijuana growing, there have always been these little hokey semi-automated grow systems marketed to people as an easy solution for those who want to grow their own.

None of them have worked well because the technology wasn't there yet.

If it's not there yet now, it's real close.

The day that we can go to X-Mart, bring home a box, and plug it in and grow some decent herb is coming.

seeds included ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

OK, lights on soon.

Pots were nice and light yesterday so I fed them.

Full FF schedule for this week except that I left out the Grow Big since I see no signs of nitrogen deficiency and I don't want to take a chance on slowing bloom down.

This is what they got, all per gallon:

1 Tbsp Big Bloom
2 tsp Tiger Bloom
1 Tbsp molasses
1 drop Superthrive

soil runoff was 6.2

nute PH was 5.4 before adjusting it up to 6.7 with 9ml of General Hydroponics PH Up.

I didn't use to do all this PH checking on these soil grows because I though it wasn't that important due to the buffering effect of the soil, and I also just didn't want to hassle it.

I used to use the same nutes I'm using now without checking runoff or nutrient PH, so I'd just be pouring it in at 5.4, and then wondering why my leaves didn't look as good as they should. After a flush, I'd start that cycle all over again. FF soil nutes are excellent, but not PH stable, and I'm not aware of any soil nutes that claim PH stability, so to grow healthy plants, even in soil, I need to follow PH.

Going in at 5.4, my runoff was probably in the 4's. It's amazing they did as well as they did.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Those are some healthy healthy healthy plants. Something about the green pigment of the Chlorophyll looks so stunning. HGL is doing a nice job compared to the HSS. I just don't think 31 - 6w LEDs will have enough impact on flower development. Who knows everything is merely speculation until the scale is ready to weigh in results. Correct me if I am wrong but HSS as a large power advantage, right?:nicethread:
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Thanks SS for sharing your insights on feeding, pH, etc. for growing in soil. Do you do any TDS or EC readings on the nutes going in and coming out? If so, I'm wondering what numbers you are looking for at this stage of the grow and how you would make adjustments, etc.

Great work man - +reps if I can.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Yes, the HSS has a 54w power advantage at 180w vs 126w.

I've vacillated between both groups so many times that I basically stopped trying to figure out which will do best.

My tents, at 32", are pretty much an ideal setup for the HSS, which depends a lot on reflected light to perform, so yeah, who knows.

should be interesting if the LED grow curse stays away ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I didn't use to do all this PH checking on these soil grows because I though it wasn't that important due to the buffering effect of the soil, and I also just didn't want to hassle it.

But, i'm glad you are monitoring it anyway. Many people, including me in the past, have used the soil buffer excuse to over-nute and burn plants. I believe every good grower should own a ph meter.:bravo:

P.s.- what is the led curse?
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

It was an excuse, and I assumed that a nute line as popular as FF would be fairly PH stable.

Root's Organics says their Soul Synthetics line of soil and hydro nutes are PH stable, so that might be interesting to test on a grow. It it grows well and I could avoid PH testing, I'd use it, but for now I'm keeping the PH meter handy. I like the results.

The LED grow curse has to do with, for some reason, lots of LED grows blowing up for one reason or other and never getting through bloom.

When I first became interested in LED's about a year ago, I kept looking for completed grows online and that's when noticed that something seemed to happen to them before harvest.

very strange, but I'm sure it can be explained rationally ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hello My Buddy sun I went back to the first and looked through most of the pages. I gave up. I was trying to find out which pH meter you use. I want to get one that is accurate and works well. I couldn't find any where that you mentioned yours, so I'll ask now. What kind and model do you use?
Thanks, Bro. :peace:
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

...When I first became interested in LED's about a year ago, I kept looking for completed grows online and that's when noticed that something seemed to happen to them before harvest.

very strange, but I'm sure it can be explained rationally ;)

I'm sure it can, too. I doubt that it's all a big coincidence, but that's always a possibility... :smokin:
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

The LED grow curse has to do with, for some reason, lots of LED grows blowing up for one reason or other and never getting through bloom.

When I first became interested in LED's about a year ago, I kept looking for completed grows online and that's when noticed that something seemed to happen to them before harvest.

very strange, but I'm sure it can be explained rationally ;)

Keep an eye out for the black helicopters... :cheesygrinsmiley:

And that pool cleaning van across the street... does it take three days to clean a pool?

So, now they know you're on to them Sun... well, been good knowing you! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Seriously, I wonder how many got frustrated with the results and turned on an HPS to finish?
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hello My Buddy sun I went back to the first and looked through most of the pages. I gave up. I was trying to find out which pH meter you use. I want to get one that is accurate and works well. I couldn't find any where that you mentioned yours, so I'll ask now. What kind and model do you use?
Thanks, Bro. :peace:

I mentioned it once, but it's buried in the middle of the journal somewhere.

I'm using a cheap Milwaukee PH600 meter, which is working just fine for now.

take care my friend ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Keep an eye out for the black helicopters... :cheesygrinsmiley:

And that pool cleaning van across the street... does it take three days to clean a pool?

So, now they know you're on to them Sun... well, been good knowing you! :cheesygrinsmiley:

yeah, that's weird, especially since that house doesn't even have a pool, lol.

Seriously, I wonder how many got frustrated with the results and turned on an HPS to finish?

All I know is it was very frustrating trying to find finished LED grows.

One of the reasons I wanted to do my own.

thanks bro ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I'm sure it can, too. I doubt that it's all a big coincidence, but that's always a possibility... :smokin:

I haven't gone looking for LED grows for a while, so it may be easier to find completed grows now.

The Spaniards seem to be using them quite a bit and doing well. I'm fluent in Spanish, but I haven't had a chance to scope their stuff out yet.

thanks brother ;)
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