Haight Solid State vs. H.G.LED

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Do I see a green LED on the HSS? Or is the camera lens playing tricks with a blue led in the high 450-500nm range? I am curious because all of my "stoner research" has taught me that green and yellow are the least used wavelengths in photosynthetic protien production.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Wow, I feel like a proud uncle in a strange, vicarious sort of way. I'm gonna go out an buy some cuban cigars when this is over; or better yet...:grinjoint:
This really is the greatest grow journal thread I've ever followed. I nominate Setting Sun for a series of future comparable grows and would encourage 420 Magazine to figure out a way for forum members to contribute to the cause. This is the kind of thread that really helps other forum members with their grow operations and consider the efficacy of LED vs. CFL vs. HID. Grow on, man!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I totally agree with OMM, I love coming by your journal just for your photography and for your obvious love of what you are doing. Nice place to hang out :grinjoint:.

That's very kind of you MountainHigh.

I do enjoy doing this ;).

:nicethread: BTW, your explanation of your watering technique has gotten me to adopt it, I was being pretty conservative, just watering until I start to see runoff. I will make sure they get a much more thorough watering each time, my pots happen to fit in a 5 gallon bucket so it works out nicely. :thankyou:

I just love this place, I learn so much about plant care.

:peace: brother

I had someone ask me in PM about the watering, so I thought I would expand a little more. I look forward to watering/feeding! It's a bit of work, but so rewarding when you see your plants respond and prosper!

First, I love your 5-gallon bucket idea! I'm going to use one from now on instead of the milk crate over dishpan arrangement I've been using. Thanks!

It's important to avoid having plants sitting in their runoff when watering because we're trying to flush salts, not bathe the roots in them. With that in mind, I will either drill a hole or several small holes in the center of the bucket lid so the water can drain into the bucket, or I may not use the lid and put something in the bottom of the bucket to hold the pots up out of the runoff. Either way should work, the second way probably safer for the more clumsy amongst us ;).

The container you're going to catch the runoff with, dish pan, bucket, whatever, needs to be clean and neutral. I rinse it out with RO or distilled water and then dry it.

When I start watering, I go slow and moisten the entire surface layer of the soil and let that soak in for a few seconds. That really helps the remainder of the watering to soak in evenly. Sometimes, since the soil is dry and pulled away from the sides of the pot, you get runoff right away because the water is running straight down that gap and not soaking in.

Maybe some of this stuff is very basic, but I sure didn't know it when I started growing. If I saw runoff, I assumed the pot was saturated.

After the surface of the soil is moist, I use my garden sprayer with the spray tip set to a fairly fine but strong spray in order to oxygenate the water, and try to water evenly over the pot until I get a small amount of runoff for a PH check. I measure the PH of the first few ounces of runoff as that's the most acccurate.

I don't check the PH in every pot because it should be very close since all the plants are on the same regimen. In this grow, I'm checking one pot out of each group.

Runoff PH is generally going to be lower than what's going in because soil tends to go acidic.

Then I just use the sprayer to give them enough water/nutes to get 25% runoff. The layer of hydroton on top has really helped keep the soil from being displaced or flying out. That amount of runoff gives me confidence that the pots are well-saturated, and that excess salts have been flushed out. If I need to speed up the process for any reason, I just shake the 3-gallon bottle of water or nute solution to oxygenate it and then use a regular watering can, but I'd rather use the sprayer if I have the time.

As the pots drain, I pick them up and tilt them around so that water comes out of each drain hole to prevent having any dry pockets in there. If the water takes longer to drain out of any particular hole, you just avoided a dry area, and I see that frequently even if I think I'm watering evenly at the top.

I set my draining pots on a couple of old bath towels while I'm watering dry ones so that they don't sit in their runoff. I'm sure there's better solutions.

Wow, that's a lot of words to describe simply watering a pot, but if the devil's not in the details, I know good bud is ;).

thanks brother ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Do I see a green LED on the HSS? Or is the camera lens playing tricks with a blue led in the high 450-500nm range? I am curious because all of my "stoner research" has taught me that green and yellow are the least used wavelengths in photosynthetic protien production.


They look very green in the pics, but here's some info cut and pasted from Haight Solid State's website:

"Here are some common questions about our grow lights.

>What is the spectrum for your grow lights?

Plants grow with just the red and blue wavelengths that are absorbed by chlorophyll, but there are a number of additional pigments that also absorb light. These additional pigments can affect various regulatory and nutritional aspects of the plant. It can also affect taste. Our PPF grow lights use lots of red and blue LEDs, but we also include some white LEDs.

Under 400nm Ultra-violet - not used
400-450nm Violet - not used
450-500nm Blue - strongly absorbed by chlorophyll
500-550nm Green - reflected by plants
550-600nm Yellow/Orange - some pigments absorb light
600-650nm Red - strongly absorbed by chlorophyll and helper molecules
650-700nm Deep Red - strongly absorbed by chlorophyll
Over 700nm Infra-red - not used

>My plants are on display in my store, will they look weird under your grow lights?

No, not really. A small amount of green light is included so the leaves will appear green like normal."

It's possible that my camera is making those LED's look greener than what they are.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Wow, I feel like a proud uncle in a strange, vicarious sort of way. I'm gonna go out an buy some cuban cigars when this is over; or better yet...:grinjoint:
This really is the greatest grow journal thread I've ever followed. I nominate Setting Sun for a series of future comparable grows and would encourage 420 Magazine to figure out a way for forum members to contribute to the cause. This is the kind of thread that really helps other forum members with their grow operations and consider the efficacy of LED vs. CFL vs. HID. Grow on, man!

I'm so glad you feel like a part of this grow ;).

Best part's coming up!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hi Sun Just had to say something about your photography. Your pics are beautiful to say the least. The shot from the bottom up was really great. It is what the girls see looking up. They have multi colored LEDs to see. Once again great work, Old Friend :peace:

Once I get the "formal" pics done, I like to mess around randomly and see what turns up when I download and view them later.

I was worried that my camera might be damaged by taking those close-ups of the LED's. The LCD had all kinds of crazy lines and pulsating pixels, lol. None of that turned up in the pics, so I liked the effect shooting up from below.

What a beautiful subject our beloved plant is!

love your visits and comments my brother ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

The LEDs look kind of green, but they are definitely white. Lots of LED grow lights don't have white, and they require some CCFLs or other white light source. I've tried some of the other LEDs without white and had lots of problems - never could get seedlings to grow with them, for example.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Then I just use the sprayer to give them enough water/nutes to get 25% runoff. The layer of hydroton on top has really helped keep the soil from being displaced or flying out. That amount of runoff gives me confidence that the pots are well-saturated, and that excess salts have been flushed out.

Thank you *so much* SS for the thorough description of watering - very helpful for this new grower!

A question about the flushing of salts: will watering with the normal nute solution and allowing 25% runoff be enough to flush salts or is a separate nute-free watering required? If a nute-free watering is advisable how soon should it be followed with a watering of nutrients?

All this talk of toilets, dishpans and buckets has me feeling I should be using a lot more water, but I'm afraid of overwatering...

Thanks for any insight you can provide.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

The FF soil schedule specifies to feed nutes every other watering.

I follow that for the most part, but not rigidly. For instance, this feeding I just did, per schedule, would have been just water since I fed them nutes immediately after the big flush prior to 12/12, which was their last feeding, but my reasoning for giving them nutes again was that the plants could handle it because the big flush depleted the soil enough to give them nutes consecutively without burn.

From here on out, I'm going to alternate nutes and water unless I think I can push them harder without burning them, and then I might skip the water again, depending on how they're doing.

As far as overwatering, if you let the medium dry out enough between waterings, you *want* to saturate your pot completely so that the roots can grow throughout the medium and so that you don't have to water too often. Get a feel for how much your pots weigh wet and dry, and hold off until they get light, but before the plants start to wilt. Often, you can see early wilt from lack of water in the leaves of the lower smaller branches first.

All of the above assuming that the medium drains well. If the medium is too heavy and retains too much water, unfortunately, the grow is pretty much screwed from the get-go because MJ likes good drainage.

thanks usul!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

you SS have inspired me as hell!, thanks for a loving good weed journal!
your the best! damn much creds!!!, super info and great pictures!

I will soon when I get my new light start groing 10 femi WW, with a 350watt LED light! but with one or two 150watt cfl as extra in flowertime =D!

Keep up the good work!

Best Regards
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

The FF soil schedule specifies to feed nutes every other watering.

Ah ha! I missed that part of the feeding instructions. I've been feeding with full-strength nutes for the past three waterings. Fortunately, no sign of nute burn and the plants seem to be very happy. Looks like I should go with just water (and Cal-Mag Plus?) for the next watering.

Thanks again!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

How did you source your LED build? What individual wattage did you use and did you put it together yourself? I have been looking to put one together and cannot decide whether to go with many lower power or fewer high power and what ratio?
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

How did you source your LED build? What individual wattage did you use and did you put it together yourself? I have been looking to put one together and cannot decide whether to go with many lower power or fewer high power and what ratio?

both lights he is using can be purchased through the sponsers here
Hydro Grow LED
Haight Solid State
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

you SS have inspired me as hell!, thanks for a loving good weed journal!
your the best! damn much creds!!!, super info and great pictures!

I will soon when I get my new light start groing 10 femi WW, with a 350watt LED light! but with one or two 150watt cfl as extra in flowertime =D!

Keep up the good work!

Best Regards

Thanks man!

I think the side-lighting with CFL's will help a lot with the LED penetration issues.

If this wasn't a pure LED comparison, I'd be side-lighting with two 42w or 65w CFL's.

best wishes for your WW grow!

Ah ha! I missed that part of the feeding instructions. I've been feeding with full-strength nutes for the past three waterings. Fortunately, no sign of nute burn and the plants seem to be very happy. Looks like I should go with just water (and Cal-Mag Plus?) for the next watering.

Thanks again!

It's easy to miss the way the graphics are designed on the FF schedule.

Yeah, after three nute feedings, I would go with just water, and if you're using RO water, I would add the Cal-Mag every time, nutes or water, but stop the Cal-Mag at least a couple of weeks before harvest so the buds don't taste bad.

both lights he is using can be purchased through the sponsers here
Hydro Grow LED
Haight Solid State

thanks RC!
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I just was catching up with ur journal bro and your ladies are turning out very nice. I also liked the under shot photo showing ur lights. Thanks for breaking down how you water your plants, it was very informative and helpful.

Keep doing what you do SS!!

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

How did you source your LED build? What individual wattage did you use and did you put it together yourself? I have been looking to put one together and cannot decide whether to go with many lower power or fewer high power and what ratio?

All is explained earlier in the journal:peace:
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I just was catching up with ur journal bro and your ladies are turning out very nice. I also liked the under shot photo showing ur lights. Thanks for breaking down how you water your plants, it was very informative and helpful.

Keep doing what you do SS!!


Thanks brother!

I'm glad the detail of my watering routine was helpful. I wish it hadn't evolved through making mistakes, but it did ;).

The ladies are looking very nice, both groups.

No burn whatsoever from the full schedule FF feeding, so I'll probably go full schedule again on the next feeding.

The pots aren't drying out too quickly. I'm feeding/watering every 5-6 days or so at this point. Plants definitely process less water under LED's. I think I'd be watering at least every 3-4 days or so with HID lights.

Will update with pics on Wednesday, day 14 bloom :grinjoint:

All is explained earlier in the journal:peace:

Thanks OMM ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

G'day SS, Great job your doing mate. Keep up the good work.
I'ts these type of tests of which we should be truly greatfull.
It benefits so many and saves us the unwanted hassle and expense.
+:grinjoint::bong::peace:rep if i can
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