H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Everything looking on point, looks like my flood table same brand. Cant wait to see the balls on that girl. Lol

It's getting more and more visible everyday! I'll try to take a pic with my wifes phone later.

Today I went into the aero buckets and took off the airstones. I put a suction cup on the tubing and set it to bubble a bit. It's just enough to break the water tension a little more. Chernobyls roots got bigger overnight from the rez change.

Trying to get the right drain for my flood tray. I love this thing! I think the one i got is botanicare. I'm trying to put it as low as possible so I don't loose usable light space but still can drain off out of the tent. It will hopefully be set up Sunday with better pics. My phone seems to be getting worse and worse.

Man so much back and forth with this lights. Hydro guys say it's too much heat for my purposes but it's New technology and I'm sure they don't have first hand experience. Feral is saying he is having no issues with his 630 cmh in his 5x5 with no a/c. That is adds about 5° from room temp. THANKS PAT AND FERAL!! I think I'll buy a single fixture soon and see how it affects heat. Depending on that I'll either get another 315 cmh OR 2-400 watts of timer cob. I definitely want to start getting new lights soon though as I need more light in the closet.
How often do you have to top off your aero bucket?

So basically I was having some root problems due to me and was Changing it every two days. Now I give a drop of ph down per day as that's what I've found keeps ph in check, z7 every 2-3 and I'll top off depending on ppm if it goes down, ill remove a bit of water and add fresh nutes, I check every few days but I'm sure I'll need to check more once they get going in flower. Rez change weekly but I'm learning as I go.
I added z7 and AN sensi ph perfect, my ph is high but even with ph perfect i think im going to use some ph down and lower it some.
Oh man I think I have to bump up my ppms. You are at 300 and I think I am about there now. I'll probably go up to 4 or 500. I don't think my meter is as accurate as yours though, the plants look like they can take in a but more.

Definitely going with one cmh hopefully soon and will probably add cobs to it if not another cmh for cooler months.
Thats just a starting dose it'll go up a little very soon, my next light will be a cob i think but it'll be awhile before i really start looking at them. Can you run hps in a cmh fixture?
Thats just a starting dose it'll go up a little very soon, my next light will be a cob i think but it'll be awhile before i really start looking at them. Can you run hps in a cmh fixture?

I think I was getting a little burning on my clones but now I'll go to 400 since they are flowering and continue weekly.

I did a lot of research into cob but It's very expensive so I think I'll do the single 315 for most of my coverage and a few hundred watts in cob for side lighting. The cobs look like the real deal though!! I don't think you can run hps and cmh like that but I did see conversation kits to run cmh on hps. I know very little about cmh.
Same here, was just wondering if CMH would be effective for flowering or if their mainly for veg. 400 shouldnt be too much in flowering.

CMH looks like it kills it in flower. I think it has high uv and red. But looks like they are great in veg too. Kinda like how cobs can be used from the whole cycle. Would be an interesting combo. Well see what happens. Yeah I think I'll bump them up very soon thanks pw!
CMH looks like it kills it in flower. I think it has high uv and red. But looks like they are great in veg too. Kinda like how cobs can be used from the whole cycle. Would be an interesting combo. Well see what happens. Yeah I think I'll bump them up very soon thanks pw!
In my 630 fixture, I run one veg bulb & one bloom bulb. I believe the #s are 3100 & 4100.
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