H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Oh man that would be really bad. I can't wait to set it up and see how it works. Should help keep things stable.

The aero gsc is leaning a lot for the light on the other side. I lifted up the panel and turned it on. I'll leave it for an hour or two and turn it off. I am trying to harden off the Chernobyl as fast as I can without stressing it out too badly.

The aero buckets ph was a little high so I added a bit more solution and a drop of ph down each bucket.

The hermie in the box is getting more pronounced every day. It's looking funky for sure with little pods coming from the bottom of what Looks to be the start of bud.

Will flip tent this week once Chernobyl is ready!
Oh man it's all happening! Can't wait for seeds and organic buds! One gsc is getting burned up. I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with all the lights I cut out. A lot of amendments in the coco and they probably just started releasing and it was under low light conditions. I'll probably have all lights on by Friday
Going to get very interesting now.

I can't wait! :party: at first I thought this was going to be a lonely one plant grow! So much for that.

Will it be with femiminised pollen? Or from a male?

Hey CB. I'm turning a female hermie to collect pollen from and spread on aero gsc and Chernobyl. I'm using sts to turn them. So far it looks like its working well. Pics as soon an my camera get it.

Although I am making fem seeds I plan on only buying regulars from now on. I will use them to breed.
Yeah, I've offered people clones and they have refused when they found out the mom was fem seeds. Some people have had really bad experiences with unstable fems ruining entire grows. Aside from giving away the dispensaries will sometimes take clones here so I'd prefer regular for that reason but haven't really had a problem with fem seeds myself. The stuff I have grown has been pretty stable so far. I hear they are more prone to stress then regs though
I can't wait! :party: at first I thought this was going to be a lonely one plant grow! So much for that.

Hey CB. I'm turning a female hermie to collect pollen from and spread on aero gsc and Chernobyl. I'm using sts to turn them. So far it looks like its working well. Pics as soon an my camera get it.

Although I am making fem seeds I plan on only buying regulars from now on. I will use them to breed.
Ok cool yeah iwas planning on creating fems of my critical kush for my second grow with CS but they never popped and my blueberry are freebies and im sure i will keep getting freebies of that
Sorry to hear they never popped but that blueberry sounds great! I'm not sure if you have already bought the cs but if and when you plan on making seeds I highly recommend sts. At least so far it seems to work a little faster, stress the plant less, and is more economical. At least that's my experience compared to cs. Good luck.
Hey Alright! Doing a lot of light research. Sp? Anyone else with cmh help me out. It's between timber 900 that is almost 1,500$ or lec cmh I'd like a dual 315 fixture with A/C. Something like this. Sun System LEC CMH 630 Watt Air Cooled Fixture 120 Volt with 3100K Lamps - Ceramic Metal Halide

I'd love any info on lec cmh! Especially on suggested companies to buy from. Definitely want a dual 315 a/c fixture!

Any thoughts? I'm looking for a final light purchase at least for a long time. The fact it only uses 630 watts is so appealing. I think I'm leaning to cmh in a big way! Really looking at ordering that Amazon one.



Here is the hermie she is looking great!


Quick pics. Aero girls have been getting one drop is ph down per day! Rez change tomorrow with fresh nutes. Chernobyl is looking excellent. Turned on one red light.

Bought air splitter and valves for the Dewey buckets. I will cut and split the airline to each bucket. Add a valve and air stone. Dewey says the mister is enough but just for peace of mind I'm going to add an air stone and have it bubble very little.


Looks like it's starting to flower. Love GLR

Better pics tomorrow!
CMH is the way to go bru!!! Speak to Feral and Grnwzrd as they have them set up. Think Feral can most likely point you into the direction for obtaining the best info regarding that purchase. I see ColoradoKid also just bought two 315's and his plants seem to love it. My vote is 100% for the CMH bro, but do that research as I hear cheaper chinese models has ballast problems, would go for the phillips ones :passitleft:
Are you growing autos?

Hey HG welcome in! These are fem photo. I've never grown auto and feel they are Better suited for outdoors as they do best under long light conditions. From what I read 18 hours on time or more is suggested for autos to flower. That's a lot more electricity then glr veg and 12/12 flower.

CMH is the way to go bru!!! Speak to Feral and Grnwzrd as they have them set up. Think Feral can most likely point you into the direction for obtaining the best info regarding that purchase. I see ColoradoKid also just bought two 315's and his plants seem to love it. My vote is 100% for the CMH bro, but do that research as I hear cheaper chinese models has ballast problems, would go for the phillips ones :passitleft:

Hey pat man thanks so much! Cmh it is then. I hope to get it soon! I will pm wizz and see what he has to say. I won't go off Amazon then as I definitely want quality that'll last. Thank you again looking forward to making the switch.
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