H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Hello BFarmer! So 900W for 4x4 is, well that 56W of COB light per square foot. That's so close to the optimal 60W of HPS per sq foot (1000W HPS bulb). But the COBs at 50W are close to 170lm/W. There are 600W lights out there that beat 1150W Gavita any day. Plus you are gonna get buds deeper in the canopy. People claim 1,8g per Watt with COBs. And I think you can get to 1,2 with good bulb, but then the bulb is good for like 2 years. I think 600W is golden for 4x4 and you can always add some side panels, to really get the light everywhere :) Sunbath

S2:E2 MASSIVE harvest from Cree cxb3590 diy led grow. - YouTube

And he did not use any UVB which could increase the trichome size if enough was used imo. But that's for someone else to decide. Note that he was using 32 chips so that is 26W per chip, which is very very efficient.

T your the man! Thank you so much! The plan is to put 600w and add 200 more later on. That should allow me to get cobs in there sooner rather then later.

I would die if I pulled 2 pounds from the 4x4 tent! Every grow seems to put on a little more weight then last so that would be really exciting when I get full power in there. Thanks for sharing the video! I'll definitely be saving up for cobs and the uvb bulb might be put in sooner then later.
T your the man! Thank you so much! The plan is to put 600w and add 200 more later on. That should allow me to get cobs in there sooner rather then later.

I would die if I pulled 2 pounds from the 4x4 tent! Every grow seems to put on a little more weight then last so that would be really exciting when I get full power in there. Thanks for sharing the video! I'll definitely be saving up for cobs and the uvb bulb might be put in sooner then later.

Glad I could help man. If anyone can pull out 2 pounds from 4x4 it is you. If you get your veg right, and you do what you do, with a good strains I think you are good to go. If not, then you got a nice goal. But my guess is that more plants is needed if you want to keep the veg time and pot size down. The UVB is nice addition, but you can get sunburns, also so be careful with your eyes. Cheers! :thanks:
Glad I could help man. If anyone can pull out 2 pounds from 4x4 it is you. If you get your veg right, and you do what you do, with a good strains I think you are good to go. If not, then you got a nice goal. But my guess is that more plants is needed if you want to keep the veg time and pot size down. The UVB is nice addition, but you can get sunburns, also so be careful with your eyes. Cheers! :thanks:

Big help T! I am very intrigued!

How much uvb is needed in a 4x4 space?
How long does a bulb last and can you provide a link or company you would buy from?

Thanks again t! I may have to get a good yielding strain and give it a go, for bragging rights! I'm more of a quality kinda guy but to say 2 pounds came from there would bring a big smile to my face.
I agree. More and bigger trichs for about $40? Yes sir! I'll take it.

Hey T do you have a lead on a good uvb fixture and what brand of bulb is suggested? How long do those uvb last for?

Some 10.0 which is strongest. I do not have any T5 experience whatsoever, I have replaced a tube few times, but it was not mine :) And around year, I think, depending how much you shine. My guess is also that when you got some good air movement around it, it should last longer because it runs cooler. Also, have you seen venturi air injection system in action, for tons of small bubbles for reservoirs? No need for airpump and hard to clog.

Some 10.0 which is strongest. I do not have any T5 experience whatsoever, I have replaced a tube few times, but it was not mine :) And around year, I think, depending how much you shine. My guess is also that when you got some good air movement around it, it should last longer because it runs cooler. Also, have you seen venturi air injection system in action, for tons of small bubbles for reservoirs? No need for airpump and hard to clog.


Oh man I'm going to get one uvb and see what it does I'm sure I'll eventually end up with two in there. Would be pretty great! Its on the list!

Hey man I tried to get a venturi set up when I first stared growing but the included piece didn't work out well. The video you showed me put out an insane amount of bubbles. I did some digging and saw he was using the brand mazzai!

T and PW you have to check out what this company offers.


This is fucking awesome! It's a venturi for the last stage of a drip system!! Giving a big shoot of o2 rich water in the soil to the roots.
Irrigation AirJection | Mazzei


This company looks like quality!

Here are the normal venturi. Looks like maybe the guy in the video was using a prototype but here is what you can buy!

venturi_injectors | Mazzei

T this is a gold mine! Thank you. I'll probably pick one up for a little pump to add do to my rez or aero girls.
T your the man! Thank you so much! The plan is to put 600w and add 200 more later on. That should allow me to get cobs in there sooner rather then later.

I would die if I pulled 2 pounds from the 4x4 tent! Every grow seems to put on a little more weight then last so that would be really exciting when I get full power in there. Thanks for sharing the video! I'll definitely be saving up for cobs and the uvb bulb might be put in sooner then later.
And then you'll want 3 lbs. ? LOL !!:rofl:

Roots got big!


Balls. Hey how long until they bust!!?? I have my plants in flower but one or two more weeks before they have buds so I may have to do some collecting.


Chernobyl cutting! I'll leave it to you guys. Should I put it in another homemade dwc or just plop her in coco.

More pics this weekend. Dewey plants low on water. Dupped and refilled about 5-6 grams of maxibloom per gallon
I doubt those pollen sacs make it 2 more weeks, maybe when they start to pop place a plastic bag over them to catch any pollen. I vote dwc for the Chernobyl.
Aww dang! Alright well I'll have to turn off the venting and put a much smaller light in. Oh I get it I will put a big Ziploc over the plant and zip it closed around the stem. Thanks pw!! Alright. I'll have to look for something to put together! I'll set it on top of the box under 24 lighting! This strain is growing amazing in the aero and hope the smoke is as good as it's growing!! Looks like a keeper so far.
I am too!! I am loving it!! Even the dwc can't compete! I can't wait to get more for the box. I figured out my pump is only strong enough for cloning but not for flower. Once I added the splitter they took off! Your plants with the commercial pump Will be happy for sure! I'm so happy you like it man!! I'm really excited about the Dewey mister. It will be LOC for organic buds and aero in the box for quick sog. Maybe test strains before they go in LOC.

Dewey has beaten my high expectations in every way!!
Some seeds germinate easy with no media, just by putting them down in the hole. For small seeds you might need to put a small piece of clay to keep them from falling out. You can poke a little wad of growing media in there and put your seed in that. I'm still trying to come up with some kind of dissolvable cylinder that you can put your seed in. Thank yo for your purchase.
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