H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Glad it's all coming along, excited to watch this happen as I don't know much about organics so it's going to be good to learn some things :). Haha, it's funny how sometimes the easiest things never work out easy lol, least you got it all sorted now though and it works well. No rest for the wicked pal, sounds like you're gonna be busy ;).

I had no interest in organics and felt overwhelmed at first but I feel like this is a happy medium. I love coco and hated growing in soil but I've only grown in ffof. Just want more taste and smell plus it's cheaper. I gotta say though I'm really enjoying all the amendments and teas and stuff. I feel more connected with the plants. It's a little more work but not daunting. I hope it's worth the extra work. It's nice to know there is interest in organic coco. It's pretty great to grow without bottled nutes.

If anyone has any questions or wants me to be more detailed about something feel free to ask away.

It is funny, I got so mad last night seeing how simple it was to make but kept having issues. It's so easy to over complicate things.

The bucket cloners are almost done, just have to drill some holes. Can't wait to plant some clones!

Always educational around here, ive gotten a lot of good ideas from BF.

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Hey thanks PW! I've gotten some great ideas from you and other growers too! This site is the best. My grow wouldn't be what it is without it.

Quick pic. Opened up to see how they looked this morning. The gsc is growing great but now my Afghan has ran into some problems. I put a fan right on it to help with evaporation and gnats but it looks like it has some wind burn and I think I turned the lights on too fast for a plant that was under a single 2' T5 for all its life. I should have at least pulled up the panel more. I wanted to flip this weekend but would rather flip with 3 healthy plants. I pulled the panel up and turned the fan so the air bounces off the tent wall.

My tea is ready and I will take the plants out to feed and get good pics tonight.

I have a lot in the works! 4 plants are going to be put in 1 gal pots this weekend, 2 plants will go into the new cloner I'm making and will veg for a bit, 1 plant will be put into a small container sprayed with sts and put to flower. I will then flower the two plants in the cloner and dust them with canna sperm.
Getting kinky around here !! you're doing what I been talking about doing, but haven't got it done. Where did you buy your sts ?
So update on a new grow not the current one in the tent. I'll do that when the tea is ready.



Took 4 clones with the longest roots and put them into coco






Here are all the plants after transplant. Gave them a good amount of ro with superthive and greatwhite. Want to give a good soak since then came from a hydro cloner. I'll give them a little splash of water daily and start putting amendments in tomorrow.






Upgraded cloners, I have two now. Instead of tape I used this stuff called reflectix to wrap them.

Put one plant in one clones and two plants in the other. The single plant will get sprayed with sts once I get distilled water and I will put my old cloner bucket over it when it's time for 12 hours of dark.






Here is the vortex brewer. I won't go into too much detail because a lot of good info is easily found online. My brewer is a 2 gallon bucket that sits on another 2 gallon bucket. This bucket is only a stand. Uses 3/4 pvc and a eco 1 commercial air pump. Has a great vortex going. Put in 5 tbsp of ewc and 4 tsp black strap molasses. Once it's ready I'll post some tent pics.
Just go to Amazon and search "Tiresius Mist" it worked a charm but is expensive. I still have the Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulphate i bought from amazon and think ill be using Sts from now on. Its just so much cheaper in the long run.

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Just go to Amazon and search "Tiresius Mist" it worked a charm but is expensive. I still have the Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulphate i bought from amazon and think ill be using Sts from now on. Its just so much cheaper in the long run.

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I did see you had a great success with that mist! I just looked it up and it is pricey. How much do you think you would need for one branch?

I gotta say though, looks Safer then sts. The main ingredient says natural mineral extract but the sts is cheaper.
2OZ isn't too bad considering all the seeds you get. I used a hole bottle of cs and just got sacks with no pollen. I probably needed a bottle and a half, I think each bottle was $20. Sts seems to be the most cost effective since your stock solution can turn many many plants.

Since I didn't add kelp meal my tea should be good to go by around 8 or 9 tonight. I will add tea to every plant in coco. If I add kelp meal I will let it brew by itself for 24hrs then add earth worm castings for another 24hrs. It looks like kelp inhibits bacteria growth for the first 24hrs then helps out the fungus population.

I put half a ml of AN sensi coco per gal of water in the cloner buckets, forgot to mention that. The closest will be set to GLR and the single plant will be sprayed and covered with a bucket to simulate 12/12

Going to make my sns drench and apply that today. More pics to come
2OZ isn't too bad considering all the seeds you get. I used a hole bottle of cs and just got sacks with no pollen. I probably needed a bottle and a half, I think each bottle was $20. Sts seems to be the most cost effective since your stock solution can turn many many plants.

Since I didn't add kelp meal my tea should be good to go by around 8 or 9 tonight. I will add tea to every plant in coco. If I add kelp meal I will let it brew by itself for 24hrs then add earth worm castings for another 24hrs. It looks like kelp inhibits bacteria growth for the first 24hrs then helps out the fungus population.

I put half a ml of AN sensi coco per gal of water in the cloner buckets, forgot to mention that. The closest will be set to GLR and the single plant will be sprayed and covered with a bucket to simulate 12/12

Going to make my sns drench and apply that today. More pics to come
Is the AN senci organic?
I'm now calling this grow style LOC. Living organic coco! Should be filled with bennies from the tea and all the amendments. How can I Change a thread title
Let me know if you find out. Been wondering ? You gonna put live worms in that coco? Ha !! Maybe a pet lady bug to stand guard ? I remember that at about week 5-6, I snapped that the buds weren't developing at the regular rate, and it's so tempting at that point, to lace them with a high p chemical fert. . I restrained myself, and wound up with a decent yielding crop. But one thing for sure, I've never tasted weed so sweet and smooth as organic. These folks that say there's no difference between organic & hydroponic weed are definitely misinformed. I'm smoking coco weed now and I can tell a big difference !! The coco weed was flushed with water only for 10 days, and it's been curing for well over a month, and it's smoothest smoke I've sampled around here, but it don't have that good organic taste. I can't describe the taste, but there's a huge difference!! I want to go back to organics, when I get my stash built up to the point where I'm not concerned with yield, but goodness !!
A bit late to this but one pic looked damn exactly like my Jesus OG with triangular symmetry. Subbed

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Hey illi, welcome in! I'll have to take a look through your thread. Jesus og sounds interesting! Do you have a journal going?

Let me know if you find out. Been wondering ? You gonna put live worms in that coco? Ha !! Maybe a pet lady bug to stand guard ? I remember that at about week 5-6, I snapped that the buds weren't developing at the regular rate, and it's so tempting at that point, to lace them with a high p chemical fert. . I restrained myself, and wound up with a decent yielding crop. But one thing for sure, I've never tasted weed so sweet and smooth as organic. These folks that say there's no difference between organic & hydroponic weed are definitely misinformed. I'm smoking coco weed now and I can tell a big difference !! The coco weed was flushed with water only for 10 days, and it's been curing for well over a month, and it's smoothest smoke I've sampled around here, but it don't have that good organic taste. I can't describe the taste, but there's a huge difference!! I want to go back to organics, when I get my stash built up to the point where I'm not concerned with yield, but goodness !!

I pm'd a mod, well see what happens. No worms or bugs lol! My wife is super awesome to let me take up the bedroom and parts of the living room for my grow but adding bugs to my grow would be a no. I actually was looking into buying predatory nematodes to eat the gnats!!! That was a big NO.

Your grow had a great yield! I hope the scrog i do will be close to a pound like you got.

I agree! I find potency isn't really affected by hydro but taste and smell take a huge hit. I'm really hoping this will be a best of both worlds thing. The fast growth of hydro and the taste and smell of organic. I smoked some people out at a party and my wife heard someone say "this can't be very good It barely smells." But some said "this stuff is so potent, it's like it came from Humboldt"

I'm really looking to trying some home grown organic. I can't imagine how much more smell there will be but these plants in veg have an amazing smell I never got with AN. Hopefully this LOC works because I much prefer growing LOC. I'm sure if I loose a few ounces it will be worth the weight in smell and taste.

Man ill have to try organic at some point but i do like my yields.

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Hey pw do you follow anyone that grows with doc buds kit? Curious if they have less at harvest compared to synthetic. I hope all the teas and amendments help to keep the yield close.
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