H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Yep but ill have to until i find another apartment so i have the room for cloning and feminizing and be able to donit right.

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Interesting you mention the synthetic(chem) vs organic nutes brother. Me and the other fella was talking abou this just two days ago to what we are going to be sticking to and what will be used. I am going with organics using the biobizz nutes I currently have and he is going chem nutes. Quite interested to see the results, the buds I have now just get me buzzy for days man. Have had a few hard potato moments with it :rofl: danger zone with jazz hands LoL

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
Interesting you mention the synthetic(chem) vs organic nutes brother. Me and the other fella was talking abou this just two days ago to what we are going to be sticking to and what will be used. I am going with organics using the biobizz nutes I currently have and he is going chem nutes. Quite interested to see the results, the buds I have now just get me buzzy for days man. Have had a few hard potato moments with it :rofl: danger zone with jazz hands ��LoL

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow

Hey pat you'll have to let me know how your buds compare! I think organic will be the better quality. Well see





Here is the Afghan! It's coming back!! I turned off the panel it sits under and turned the fan away.

Here is the gsc xtrm









Watered with ewc and bsm tea
It will be interesting to see the harvest results bru, think I won't yield too much with the organics though, don't know yet...going with a final pot size of 40L...tad bit bigger than the Mono 4.0 he harvested, if I can pull close to 400g dried I would be a happy chap

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
It will be interesting to see the harvest results bru, think I won't yield too much with the organics though, don't know yet...going with a final pot size of 40L...tad bit bigger than the Mono 4.0 he harvested, if I can pull close to 400g dried I would be a happy chap

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow

I'm going up a size too, I hope it makes a difference! I expect less yield but I hope it's not much less. I would be very happy with 14oz, just shy of a pound!

I am using a product called Z7 and want to get into it more because I don't think I have mentioned much about it.

"Z7 is a super concentrated, two-part, proprietary probiotic enzymatic cleanser. Z7 is not a plant food; it simply allows plant foods to work better because the nutrients can get into the roots easier. Z7 increases the chances that the plant will grow to its genetic potential because it is constantly cleansing the root system."

"Z7 is naturally steeped with 100% of the ingredients being certified organic, natural or food grade. Z7’s revolutionary formula contains no oils, detergents, soaps, surfactants, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver or harsh chemicals."

Z7 is very economic at 1/2ml for 1 gallon of water And 5ml for every 10gallon of water.

I will use z7 in all my grows from aero, synthetic coco, Living Organic Coco, cloning, and in my aact tea vortex brewer.


When I first started using the aero cloner I used great white. It left a slime and I think made my rooting time longer. Then I went with bleach, roots a few days later but they seemed to root better once I added z7. I'm sold on this product. Even with bleach the water was starting to slime up after a week or two. It's better to change your rez weekly but Z7 helps a lot if you get lazy or forget it's no big deal.
That sounds similar to silica but just regarding the uptaking of nutes. Apparently silica helps the plants grow nice thick stems and protects more against deficiencies and pests like gnats or mites. So hoping that will benefit me, the only suckish thing about us blokes here in South Africa is that we don't have the majority of products you would for instance have in the US, think the widest range of BioBizz nutes here is the Bloom, Grow and FishMix, so not too much of a selection but seems to do the job alright. I have some chem nutes laying in the closet that was a for incase type of move. Never used it but if I had to run the res with that I am sure it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out. Perhaps I could do a future run of the similar strain but using different nutes and then compare yield, quality, denseness, different smells perhaps, etc. Would be great to experiment that way imo. I would have to import that Z7 which would cost me a left nut and a shave off the top tbh :rofl: even the full biobizz range would cost more than it is worth in the end.

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
I keep wanting to add silica to my grows but can't find it. I probably have to go to the hydro shop but I keep looking every time I go to Lowe's or home depot. Is silica a powder? I have to do more research on that. A lot of people seems to like biobizz. That's cool you have have organic and synthetic nutes. I'm doing synthetic in my smaller grows like for aero or in my little box but I'm really liking the organic so far and will probably keep the tent organic depending on yield
I think it is a liquid brother, small bottles usually. I think Feral uses it and the results do speak for themselves. He grows monster plants

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow

I use silica blast, i think its from botanicare

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Alright! You guys convinced me and I ordered some RAW silica from Amazon. I really want to keep down on the amount of bottled stuff I use so I'm excited to have found a concentrated powder you dilute in water. I'll use it on all my plants from now on! Thanks pat and pw!


"Potassium silicate is water soluble, but it reacts strongly with concentrated nutrient solutions, forming an insoluble, glue-like substance. So when using silicon additives, make sure that they are added in dilute form, not directly to the concentrated fertilizer! 50-100 ppm is a good target for most applications. Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per gallon"


This is pretty crazy, I don't think it could be right. I didn't order off this site but it's stating that my 2 ounce pack of silica will make 200 gallons of silica water?!?!?

Not bad for $12
May be an option for me when i run out of silica blast

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I'll be your guinea pig pw! For $12 I couldn't pass it up!


Here are the aero buckets! I added another light but I need to get more adapters and bulbs.

The Afghan in the tent has grown a few new nodes and is recovering well. I turned on the second panel again to harden her up. Hopefully it's not too soon but I need to flip! I'll probably let the Afghan grow another week or two, put two aero plants and buckets in the tent. I have to get spraying for a hermie first before buckets go in. The roots on the single plant I want to turn are looking good again. Hairs are coming back. I have to check the ppm of my aero buckets. I'll bring it to 100ppm and hopefully they start growing fast.
I keep wanting to add silica to my grows but can't find it. I probably have to go to the hydro shop but I keep looking every time I go to Lowe's or home depot. Is silica a powder? I have to do more research on that. A lot of people seems to like biobizz. That's cool you have have organic and synthetic nutes. I'm doing synthetic in my smaller grows like for aero or in my little box but I'm really liking the organic so far and will probably keep the tent organic depending on yield
i use silica blast, works well !!
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