H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Alright! You guys convinced me and I ordered some RAW silica from Amazon. I really want to keep down on the amount of bottled stuff I use so I'm excited to have found a concentrated powder you dilute in water. I'll use it on all my plants from now on! Thanks pat and pw!


"Potassium silicate is water soluble, but it reacts strongly with concentrated nutrient solutions, forming an insoluble, glue-like substance. So when using silicon additives, make sure that they are added in dilute form, not directly to the concentrated fertilizer! 50-100 ppm is a good target for most applications. Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per gallon"


This is pretty crazy, I don't think it could be right. I didn't order off this site but it's stating that my 2 ounce pack of silica will make 200 gallons of silica water?!?!?

Not bad for $12
RAW silica can't be used for dicot plants, says so right on the package. Google dicot plants, mj is a dicot plant.
RAW silica can't be used for dicot plants, says so right on the package. Google dicot plants, mj is a dicot plant.

Hey! Nice catch sp! Thanks! Order canceled! I have to figure something else out. I want something powder form. I saw another version on Amazon. The one I got is ment for grass or something. Another option is azomite. Not sure how I'm going to do this now. I'll call the other company I saw on Amazon and ask them. I see a number I can call
Hey! Nice catch sp! Thanks! Order canceled! I have to figure something else out. I want something powder form. I saw another version on Amazon. The one I got is ment for grass or something. Another option is azomite. Not sure how I'm going to do this now. I'll call the other company I saw on Amazon and ask them. I see a number I can call
Diatomaceous earth is good for the result you want. You can get a 5 lb bag for under $15. I used It to kill pests in the soil, at one time. I don't know if it will give you the result of a liquid, but they say it works. And the reason I knew about the RAW, is because I bought it, and used it for like a month, before seeing the warning, right on front of the 1/2 empty package. Ha !!
Diatomaceous earth is good for the result you want. You can get a 5 lb bag for under $15. I used It to kill pests in the soil, at one time. I don't know if it will give you the result of a liquid, but they say it works. And the reason I knew about the RAW, is because I bought it, and used it for like a month, before seeing the warning, right on front of the 1/2 empty package. Ha !!

Hey sp! Alright! I have DE! It worked okish for my gnats problem but now I'll top dress 1tbsp on each plant for silica. I am also going to pick up some azomite to top dress in as well. Really excited to see what they look like with some extra silica and other minerals.
Hey sp! Alright! I have DE! It worked okish for my gnats problem but now I'll top dress 1tbsp on each plant for silica. I am also going to pick up some azomite to top dress in as well. Really excited to see what they look like with some extra silica and other minerals.
I really never heard much about silica being used at all, for growing weed, until like 1 yr. ago, and now it's in my tool box, and I swear by it, for sure !! I've eliminated almost all supporting stakes !!
I really never heard much about silica being used at all, for growing weed, until like 1 yr. ago, and now it's in my tool box, and I swear by it, for sure !! I've eliminated almost all supporting stakes !!
I have also heard great things about Silica, can't wait to use it. Does it help you grow more sturdy plants? Pretty sure once I try it I will stick with it for as long as I am growing. Do you add it to every feed?

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
I really never heard much about silica being used at all, for growing weed, until like 1 yr. ago, and now it's in my tool box, and I swear by it, for sure !! I've eliminated almost all supporting stakes !!

I've seen it but never thought much about it. I'm very excited to try it out though. That sounds fantastic! I was going to put a second screen to hold them up but maybe not. Well see

Do you have a link of a direction to which you can point me for reading up on sts brother? Sounds pretty interesting

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow

How To Reverse Sex Using Silver Thiosulfate Solution

Here you go pat, this is what I'm going off of. If someone has a different more updated link please post but I'm sure not much has changed. I won't get into the whole seed making process much. I'll post pics of the aero girls I plan to seed but you'll just see the results of what I did. Hopefully it works
I've seen it but never thought much about it. I'm very excited to try it out though. That sounds fantastic! I was going to put a second screen to hold them up but maybe not. Well see

How To Reverse Sex Using Silver Thiosulfate Solution

Here you go pat, this is what I'm going off of. If someone has a different more updated link please post but I'm sure not much has changed. I won't get into the whole seed making process much. I'll post pics of the aero girls I plan to seed but you'll just see the results of what I did. Hopefully it works
Do you think i could do what you're doing using just cfls and maybe window light ?
I've seen it but never thought much about it. I'm very excited to try it out though. That sounds fantastic! I was going to put a second screen to hold them up but maybe not. Well see

How To Reverse Sex Using Silver Thiosulfate Solution

Here you go pat, this is what I'm going off of. If someone has a different more updated link please post but I'm sure not much has changed. I won't get into the whole seed making process much. I'll post pics of the aero girls I plan to seed but you'll just see the results of what I did. Hopefully it works
3 bambu stakes in this mess !! That's good !!
RAW silica can't be used for dicot plants, says so right on the package. Google dicot plants, mj is a dicot plant.

I have this Silica and I even used it for awhile, I didn't see a warning. Ops! Also, what is a dicot plant?

Why can't the stuff be used I wonder, that's pretty crazy, I've watched loads of Harleys videos and he's even in grow shops with the stuff talking to people growing medicine and he never says a thing about not using that Silica when growing medicine.

I have quite a few of the other RAW items, they're cool and I like the powder form too like BF says. Also the Omina is amazing, I can really see the difference in thickness of stems since I've been using it. The amino acids are supposed to chelate the calcium ions and allow for the roots to uptake a far greater quantity of calcium than they can otherwise. From what I've read calcium is important in raising the level of brix in a cannabis plant.
Do you think i could do what you're doing using just cfls and maybe window light ?

In my experience the plant that I sprayed got stressed and didn't get very big but made sacks. I didn't have enough cs so they were duds but you can get away with a smaller space and light for sure. I think you could move it to a window once you see sacks but I don't know for sure. Never tried that.

Shot brother, for some reason I didn't see the post of where you had the link but when Slowpuffer copied it I saw it. App is getting hairy in here, LoL :rofl:

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow

Yeah man I wouldn't leave you hanging. Lol yeah I don't use the app just the mobile site. Idk it's always been easier for me to use. Hope it helps man!

I have this Silica and I even used it for awhile, I didn't see a warning. Ops! Also, what is a dicot plant?

Why can't the stuff be used I wonder, that's pretty crazy, I've watched loads of Harleys videos and he's even in grow shops with the stuff talking to people growing medicine and he never says a thing about not using that Silica when growing medicine.

I have quite a few of the other RAW items, they're cool and I like the powder form too like BF says. Also the Omina is amazing, I can really see the difference in thickness of stems since I've been using it. The amino acids are supposed to chelate the calcium ions and allow for the roots to uptake a far greater quantity of calcium than they can otherwise. From what I've read calcium is important in raising the level of brix in a cannabis plant.

I'm not sure about other RAW products but the thing about dicot plants. For what little I understand there are two plant species. I won't get into it. But grass is an example of what that silica is for the package says something like it will have little or no effect on dicot which is cannabis. Maybe sp can elaborate.





Here are the tent plants, I put DE on. Was only going to put 1tbsp but I figured if it can be used as a medium. I covered the top with a good amount the gnats hated it! I have to order azomite. Also added 1tsp flower girl!




Was having some Browning on my roots! Called Jeff at Dewey. They have great customer service. He advised me to lower the amount of water in the bucket. I'm going to clean out my buckets and hopefully they live. I'll add straight ro for a day then change water with 100 ppm AN.
I have this Silica and I even used it for awhile, I didn't see a warning. Ops! Also, what is a dicot plant?

Why can't the stuff be used I wonder, that's pretty crazy, I've watched loads of Harleys videos and he's even in grow shops with the stuff talking to people growing medicine and he never says a thing about not using that Silica when growing medicine.

I have quite a few of the other RAW items, they're cool and I like the powder form too like BF says. Also the Omina is amazing, I can really see the difference in thickness of stems since I've been using it. The amino acids are supposed to chelate the calcium ions and allow for the roots to uptake a far greater quantity of calcium than they can otherwise. From what I've read calcium is important in raising the level of brix in a cannabis plant.
This is the Webster version; Any of various flowering plants that are not monocotyledons, having two cotyledons in the seed and usually flower parts in multiples of four or five, leaves with reticulate venation, pollen with three pores, and the capacity for secondary growth. The dicotyledons, which include the eudicotyledons and the magnoliids, are no longer considered to form a single valid taxonomic group.
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