Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Und phunky.
Remember that mutant tripod? Here she is now. None of this strains plants got very tall, but they do put out chunky buds. The tripod may end up being one of the better producers of the 4.

In my other thread there was a discussion on Osmocote and how it would do with cannabis. Particularly, is there enough Calcium? Currently I have a mint plant outside that's gone nuts using the stuff. Well, I've started an experiment. The other day I dropped an auto Zkittlez in some Pro-Mix that was amended with some Osmocote. Per their site, a light feeding is 2g per liter. I am using a solo cup to start this seed, so I went with 1g of Osmocote Plus, Outdoor and Indoor, mixed throughout the Pro-Mix. Once it's established in the Solo cup, I'll be transplanting it into a 5 gallon cloth pot. That pro mix will be amended with 7g of Osmocote per gallon, which is what they recommend for heavy feeders. It will end up outdoors on my deck as an "ornamental" since I'll have my other plants occupying my tents. It's really a test on how simple one could make growing. Mix in some fertilizer prills, feed tap water when the rain doesn't supply enough, and let the sun do the rest. I figured a Zkittlez auto would be a good test since all of them I've grown so far have been short in stature.
In terms of the Osmocote, remember that there are at least 3 variations we know of: yours, mine, and Baked's. If one doesn't work the others might.

Yesterday the AC on my upper floor went out. Temps got 95 in the tents, 82 outside the tents. $910 and a day later, it's recharged and stop leak applied. One bonus was that the higher heat made the Osmocote/Zkittlez Auto seed sprout fast. She was up but with a helmet. A little water and a dental pick, she was free. I'll let her go until the leaves are towards the edge of the cup and then I'll transplant her and move her outside.

The mint plant thinks so.

I don't have a current mint plant on FN nutes. Did last year until it didn't get watered when needed and got fried. Problem I had with outdoor plants and trying to fertilize was rain. Sometimes we'd get a rain and just about the time it would need watering with FN Nutes, it would rain again. They averaged getting fed every other watering. They did love the FN Nutes over the winter on a windowsill.
Day 6 for the Osmocote seedling. I'd like to put her in her final home outside on Thursday but at this rate she may need out there sooner.

But to the subject why I came here. Regarding to your original Glues. Have you noticed during the growth any excess N (strain appears to be very N sensitive) or K-, P- or Mg symptoms?

Didn't you feed at least 150ppm N during the flower? Just wondering because mine gets tox when exceed over 130ppm of N. Getting their nutrition right just seem to be a hell of a task.

Oh and any idea what kind of PAR they getting? Or luxes? Because this pheno does not either thrive under intense light. Lol sounds like a disaster.
But to the subject why I came here. Regarding to your original Glues. Have you noticed during the growth any excess N (strain appears to be very N sensitive) or K-, P- or Mg symptoms?

Didn't you feed at least 150ppm N during the flower? Just wondering because mine gets tox when exceed over 130ppm of N. Getting their nutrition right just seem to be a hell of a task.

Oh and any idea what kind of PAR they getting? Or luxes? Because this pheno does not either thrive under intense light. Lol sounds like a disaster.

Never had and problems with my Original Glues Autos from Nirvana. They were about the most trouble free plants I've grown.

They were fed THIS mix from around Day 26 till harvest.

Lighting was in the 45-55k lux area in the 3500k spectrum.

The only plants that I've found that haven't thrived on the feed linked above are the current Zkittlez Autos by Nirvana. They have been light feeders. 120ppm of N and everything else reduced proportionally as well.
Harvested 2 of the Zkittlez today. The "Tripod" still remains since she was the furthest behind. The extra space made it possible to upcan the Osmocote girl. I was gonna shove her to the back porch, but as long as there's a spot in the tent I'll leave her here until I get the Blueberry Glues going. At this point I figure I won't start the Blue Glue's (aka Glueberry) until the first of July. I booked a 5 day getaway with Mrs Farside to Punta Cana over our anniversary (June 27th it will be 24 yrs). I think I'm going to start the Osmocote girl her own thread for those that are interested to see if it works and may not feel like digging through a 158 page journal.

Awesome haul!
Is it the two skitlzzs here? And are they in a vacuum? :hmmmm:

It was 2 Zkittlez. Still one more to go.

It's a turkey bag for burping without having to contend with a lot of jars. After I get them consistently between 55-60% I transfer the bud to 2 gallon lidded buckets with 62% Humipacks for curing.
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