Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

I’ve enjoyed this journal.

Just tag me when you start up the new one - I’ll see you there!

The current thinking is to keep this one going for the 32"x32" tent with the old DIY light, and have all the action with the new light and such in the new thread. Kinda give the new light and strains their own place.

Not too sure if you're being serious. I'd give it a go!! But I'm guessing that you want to stay within the US.
Theres a few growers on here who i think would love to give it a try, lemme know and ill help how i can.

Damn, and I was just getting my hopes up when I saw this, SMH. :laughtwo:

Please feel free to tag me in you're new journal, I've truly enjoyed this one!

Yes I'd like to keep it in the States so I don't have to pay for international shipping. The Nute powders for a gallon of each product costs me about $34 and I figured about $16 for shipping, so my outlay would be close to $50. I'd enclose a dosing syringe too. Comparable value to another Nute line would be in the $180-$200 range. Of course the beneficiary would have to spring for the 4 gallons of distilled, and I pour mine into some quart plastic containers I got at Walmart for $1.50 each that I'd highly recommend. I like them because they have snap close lids that gave a hole just slightly larger than a 10ml syringe. So they would have a little time, effort, and maybe $10. I originally said a 3 month supply for 4 plants but later thought that I miscalculated. I think it's 3 months for 8, or 6 months for 4. I'd rework that math but I'm spent. Worked all night on night shift and came home to do 2 tax returns. I'm done mathing for today.
The current thinking is to keep this one going for the 32"x32" tent with the old DIY light, and have all the action with the new light and such in the new thread. Kinda give the new light and strains their own place.

Yes I'd like to keep it in the States so I don't have to pay for international shipping. The Nute powders for a gallon of each product costs me about $34 and I figured about $16 for shipping, so my outlay would be close to $50. I'd enclose a dosing syringe too. Comparable value to another Nute line would be in the $180-$200 range. Of course the beneficiary would have to spring for the 4 gallons of distilled, and I pour mine into some quart plastic containers I got at Walmart for $1.50 each that I'd highly recommend. I like them because they have snap close lids that gave a hole just slightly larger than a 10ml syringe. So they would have a little time, effort, and maybe $10. I originally said a 3 month supply for 4 plants but later thought that I miscalculated. I think it's 3 months for 8, or 6 months for 4. I'd rework that math but I'm spent. Worked all night on night shift and came home to do 2 tax returns. I'm done mathing for today.
I'll send you a PM of a few growers consider if you'd like.
The current thinking is to keep this one going for the 32"x32" tent with the old DIY light, and have all the action with the new light and such in the new thread. Kinda give the new light and strains their own place.

Yes I'd like to keep it in the States so I don't have to pay for international shipping. The Nute powders for a gallon of each product costs me about $34 and I figured about $16 for shipping, so my outlay would be close to $50. I'd enclose a dosing syringe too. Comparable value to another Nute line would be in the $180-$200 range. Of course the beneficiary would have to spring for the 4 gallons of distilled, and I pour mine into some quart plastic containers I got at Walmart for $1.50 each that I'd highly recommend. I like them because they have snap close lids that gave a hole just slightly larger than a 10ml syringe. So they would have a little time, effort, and maybe $10. I originally said a 3 month supply for 4 plants but later thought that I miscalculated. I think it's 3 months for 8, or 6 months for 4. I'd rework that math but I'm spent. Worked all night on night shift and came home to do 2 tax returns. I'm done mathing for today.
Incoming PM!
I think I opened Pandora's Box! What started off as a new light has morphed into a total overhaul of the entire operation.

What do you do when the @Mars Hydro FC3000 is temporarily out of stock? You get the next bigger light, the FC4800! Small problem, my current 3' x 3' is more like 35" x 35". You'd need some KY Jelly to stuff the FC4800 inside. The solution? I ordered a 3.3' x 3.3' (39" x 39") Mars tent to hang the new light in. I was trying to convince myself that I could upgrade all the way up to a 4' x 4', but there is not enough space in the main part of the lab without getting rid of some furniture. That's not an option the Mrs. Farside05 would find agreeable. Better keep the peace than find myself and all the equipment out on the street.

So replacing the main tent and it's light opens a new option. The 32" x 32" has been occupying the closet of the lab since I started. Reason I couldn't go any bigger is a shelf that runs the 8' length of the closet. The distance between the shelf and the opposing wall is only 33". Add on the fact that the old 32" tent has seen better days. The zipper only goes 3/4 of the way around the door opening. I didn't have to worry much about it since I could always close the closet door to achieve darkness for blooming. So if I cut the shelf in half, so it's only 4' of the 8', I can move the 3' x 3' into the closet, along with the DIY light.

The Readers Digest version of all that verbage above:

The main room gets all the new equipment.

After cutting a shelf, the equipment currently in the main room goes to the closet.

The closet's current light goes to storage.

The 32" x 32" tent goes in the bin.

Now that I have a plan, all I can do is wait for the UPS Fairy. I can't wait to get the new light and tent. I want to start some babies in there from birth, but In order for that to happen I have to have something else cleared out. Come on Original Glue's. Finish quick!

The plants:

The back left Zkittlez after a day of training

The Original Glues
Staked 2 of the Original Glues and watered all eight with the 10's. Moved them into the 36 x 36 for more room. They'll finish in the new tent under the Mars FC4800. Word is the light will be here Saturday, but I fear the tent won't arrive until Monday. I'd love for it to all get here at the same time, when I'm off work, but it looks like the light made it out on an earlier truck.

I repositioned the red bendy things on the back left Zkittlez. They all could have gone a couple days before watering but while I was at it... The back left got the 8's. Had fed her 10's last time but it might have been a bit much too soon so I backed her down. The rest got the 7's. They now reside in the 32 x 32 until the big reconfiguration.

I stopped this AM and got the 4 foot shelf so I can move the 36 x 36 into the closet when all is said and done. I'll work on switching what I can on Saturday. It's supposed to rain so that's a good indoor project.
So many phat colas!

This strain doesn't produce fat chunky colas, but they sure are long. More missile shaped. Probably 12 inches of cola on average.

Good news. UPS updated their tracking and both the tent and light are supposed to arrive Saturday.
Congrats on getting your taxes done early! Oh, and those missile shaped colas as well. Oh, and the new tent and light set-up! Oh, and the young ones are looking good too. Oh, and they'd look even better if you topped the runt. What do you have to lose?
I'll likely start a new thread for all of it too.
Will that one include bloom nutes?
I’ve enjoyed this journal.
You and you alone. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just tag me when you start up the new one - I’ll see you there!
Tag Felipe but for me drop a link here please!
So many phat colas!
More missile shaped.
So many missile shaped colas!
The disaster that is part of the lab while I'm reconfiguring. The closet setup is done. Working on the new gear. I'll get pics up of the finished product later and start the new thread. Two hours to get it done was a gross underestimate. Four hours in already (including breaks). By the time clean up is done it will probably be six. The new tent is up. Down to hanging the light. I already know that I'm probably gonna order a new fan and filter too. Never been happy with the one on the closet. It moves massive air even on its lowest speed and it's quite loud because it runs so fast. If I swap the one from the main room to the closet and put the new one in it's place, I'll have all @Mars Hydro gear in the main tent. It'll look like a Mars showroom.

The disaster that is part of the lab while I'm reconfiguring. The closet setup is done. Working on the new gear. I'll get pics up of the finished product later and start the new thread. Two hours to get it done was a gross underestimate. Four hours in already (including breaks). By the time clean up is done it will probably be six. The new tent is up. Down to hanging the light. I already know that I'm probably gonna order a new fan and filter too. Never been happy with the one on the closet. It moves massive air even on its lowest speed and it's quite loud because it runs so fast. If I swap the one from the main room to the closet and put the new one in it's place, I'll have all @Mars Hydro gear in the main tent. It'll look like a Mars showroom.

Those colas man…..!
The closet where it all started. Cleaned out and ready for the equipment from the he main room. Had to shorten the shelf to make it all fit.

The old main rooms equipment moved to the closet.

The "Weed Lab"

The view from the Director of Operations chair.

The Zkittlez Autos all settled in their new digs. Tent Chicken included. You need that Chicken karma. Topped the fronts. I know @InTheShed has been wanting me to top the back right. Looking closely today, node 1 on one side and the top have both taken equally dominant positions. The other side of node 1 is nothing to speak much of. She's decided on her own to make 2 solid tops out of different stems. I'll let her keep going this way and see what becomes of it.

This AM in the Zkittlez Auto tent. Removed the red clippy things off the back left. Both left plants needed 2 gals of feed each, the rights just 1. The front 2 almost look like they were quadlined. All I've done with them is top them. No training yet.

Happy 420 all!

This mornings view in the Zkittlez tent. The new filter for this tent came in yesterday but I'll probably wait until the weekend to install it.

The front left took off and added quite a bit of height. Hoping the front right follows suit in a couple days. Back left still wants to be a Christmas tree despite topping and attempting to train her. The back right Runtz looks better, just not large. She was the last to make an appearance so maybe she'll catch up a bit before it's over.

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