Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

The wife normally takes 3.8 to 7.6mg of THC, in capsules, at a time for her fibromyalgia pain. I made those Lemon Bars yesterday at 20mg each. She has a problem dosing with good tasting edibles. She tends to over eat. So 3AM she comes to bed last night giggly as shit. She's cursing me for making the Lemon Bars because I know she can't stay out of them. :rofl: Still better than her 210mg cookie night (ate 7 at 30mg each). She was stoned for over 24hrs.
Yesterday AM the Zkittlez all got half gallon of feed (6ml each product per gallon).

I thought the back right girl was growing out of her funk, but now it doesn't look like it. I don't know if she'll make it or not. Looks like her top is dying off. Never had one that made it this far just give up on life. It's getting too late to drop another seed. If she doesn't survive it will just be the three.

The Original Glues.

Never heard anything from @Expert Seedbank about a sponsorship. Filled out their form and sent them an email. No response. I went ahead and ordered their Blueberry Glue, Bruce Banner, and Tropicana Cookies, all autos. Hopefully their order fulfillment goes better than their communication.
@Carcass would tell you to top it rather than toss it.
I sure would!
Looks like node#1 is growing pretty well, and node#2 isn't...need to get it outa the way... :)
My boring ass, Ron Popiel, Showtime Oven, "Set It And Forget It", grow. Raised the light on the Original Glue's. Reduced the lux in the center of the tent but upped the lux to the edges. The Zkittlez autos are plugging along. The back right twisted girl is trying to become a tripod. New autos are supposed to be delivered tomorrow. As much as I'd like to drop a new seed to fill in the back right's spot, I will hold off. Too much difference in age. If back right Zkittlez doesn't make it, I'll just spread the other 3 more to fill in the space. The new seeds will go in after the Original Glue's harvest. Will probably go Tropicana Cookies and Bruce Banner to replace the Glues and then go Blueberry Glue to follow up in the Zkittlez tent.

Anyone out there fit this criteria? In the USA, buffered soil-less mix (aka Pro-Mix, Sunshine #4, or willing to make your own per my instructions). Possibly even FFOF or Miracle Gro Performance Organics. Tap water between 75-175 ppm, preferably indoors, and decent lighting? Willing to follow instructions, and not deviate, as part of an experiment? Keep toying with the idea of seeing if my process is as wicked stupid simple for others as it seems to be for me. Willing to provide another grower or two with approximately 3 months worth of nutes, for 4 plant, at my expense. Beneficiary would have to reconstitute 4 bags of dried nutes into 4 gallons of distilled water. Not brain surgery but if you don't feel you can heat water in a pot and pour it back into the gallon the distilled water came from, don't apply. Won't promise this will happen, but I'm putting out feelers.

Tent Chicken® not included!
You have the bars on separate drivers?
That's actually the tent with the Viparspectra XS2000, not my strip build. No, I just had the light closer to the tops and therefore the footprint of the light was very concentrated in the center. I was getting 70k in the middle but only 15k dead in the corner. Raised the light and now it's 50k in the middle and the corners are a little over 20k.

All three of the nodes (the top and the first set) have gnarly, twisted growth. If it were just the top I might see where that would help, but the two lower ones aren't normal either.
Had to work mandatory overtime this AM. Came home to find my 30 new autos beans in my mailbox. Makes the day a little brighter. Ordered from @Expert Seedbank around noon on the 4th and they are in my hands before noon on the 9th. Nice!
Topped the back left this evening. Tomorrow or the next day I'll put some of the 90 degree plastic trainers on the branches.

The back right tripod seems to be gaining some assembly of normalcy.

When I had the flowering girls out yesterday AM to feed them, some of the colas we're falling over without having walls and other plants to lean on. Next time I water them I'll probably have to stake up some buds.

The other week, after noticing the big drop off in lighting in the corners of the 32"x32", I've been mulling some changes. OK, to be honest it isn't something new. It's been that way since I added the 3'x3', and put a different light in the 32"x32". Now that I'm finally in a position to do something about it, the DIY strip light is likely to return to it's original home in the 32"x32", and a new fixture may soon adorn the 3'x3' tent. I have been eyeballing the @Mars Hydro FC3000. It would be a return to my roots in a way. I started in this hobby with four of the old Mars 300's which I ran for three years. When I finally moved on from the 300's, I built the DIY strip light. There weren't any commercially available options like it at the time. Now there's numerous choices at prices below what I paid for a pile of components. Not to mention the time and effort to assemble it all. The thinking is that the FC3000, being more square with lights focused more towards the outer edges will give me a more even footprint than rectangular style lights with all the diodes in the middle. Odds are that the footprint will be slightly better than my DIY light too since the strips aren't evenly spaced like it is. At under 10lbs the FC3000 will weigh significantly less than the DIY. I've never weighed it but it can double as a boat anchor if needed.

Stay tuned for what may come.
Looking forward to the plants you grow with the FC3000.

I'm looking forward to it too. I recently acquired three new strains I haven't tried before, from a breeder I haven't used, and adding on a new light. That's quite a bit of change but enough to rekindle my interest. I've been a bit flat of late, just going through the motions.

I'll likely start a new thread for all of it too. Although there's a number of followers on this thread, all of whom I appreciate and hope follow the upcoming action in any new thread, I do think that some members are intimidated by 3000+ post threads and don't want to join in the middle. Maybe a new thread will draw some new blood along with the old.

On to this AM's activity...

I came home and put some of the red trainers on the back left Zkittlez auto. Even though I just gave it 3/4 gallon of feed the other day, it seemed a bit light. I gave it another gallon of full strength feed (10ml FN Silica®, 10ml FN Micros®, 10ml FN A®, and FN B®).

Anyone out there fit this criteria? In the USA, buffered soil-less mix (aka Pro-Mix, Sunshine #4, or willing to make your own per my instructions). Possibly even FFOF or Miracle Gro Performance Organics. Tap water between 75-175 ppm, preferably indoors, and decent lighting? Willing to follow instructions, and not deviate, as part of an experiment? Keep toying with the idea of seeing if my process is as wicked stupid simple for others as it seems to be for me. Willing to provide another grower or two with approximately 3 months worth of nutes, for 4 plant, at my expense. Beneficiary would have to reconstitute 4 bags of dried nutes into 4 gallons of distilled water. Not brain surgery but if you don't feel you can heat water in a pot and pour it back into the gallon the distilled water came from, don't apply. Won't promise this will happen, but I'm putting out feelers.
Not too sure if you're being serious. I'd give it a go!! But I'm guessing that you want to stay within the US.
Theres a few growers on here who i think would love to give it a try, lemme know and ill help how i can.

Tent Chicken® not included!
Damn, and I was just getting my hopes up when I saw this, SMH. :laughtwo:

Please feel free to tag me in you're new journal, I've truly enjoyed this one!
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