Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

The baby got her transplant to her forever home. Forever I'm this case is until harvested.

The last two seeds are showing themselves so it looks like 4 for 4 although the first one was much quicker out of the ground.

The earliest baby is due for a taste of 4ml of each FN Nute®. Maybe tomorrow AM she'll get some of that.

Well lookie here. The front left is getting her stretch on. She's pulled even or maybe slight ahead of her sibling to the right. May have to remove a riser or two in the next couple of days.

Looking great Farside, plants look happy AF and bottom right plant is stacking beautifully :green_heart:

It's been pretty smooth sailing so far. Just the way I like it. I'll take "Brain dead growing" for $1,000 Alex.
Wow those plants look great. Did you say these were quadlined autos? Fantastic job on those.
Wow those plants look great. Did you say these were quadlined autos? Fantastic job on those.

No, just topped around node 5-6 (didn't really count, just went by what looked about right) and lightly trained. Had the red 90 degree bendy things on them for about 2 days and then removed them. Last time I grew this strain and breeder, all I did was top it and it did the rest. Unfortunately I haven't seen Nirvana's Original Glue Autos on any seedbanks site recently, including their own. Normally you'd at least see them and a Sold Out status but the entire strain seems to have disappeared from existence.
Laid out so evenly it looks like a scrog!

I'd like to take credit for that but it's more of the plants doing. Seriously, I only had the red bendy 90 degree things on them for 2 days before taking them back off. They just want to grow that way on their own. All 5 that I've done now have come out that way.
Laid out so evenly it looks like a scrog!
This. :thumb:

Could you take couple close ups of your Glues bud set? Just for the comparison — wondering does your GG’s have same kind of flower development.

The plant seem to burst out mad sized calyxes. Looks like some kind of fruit bunch :D
Could you take couple close ups of your Glues bud set? Just for the comparison — wondering does your GG’s have same kind of flower development.

Mine look more "normal". Tried to take a pic of all 4 plants..

The babies seem to be settling in well in their new homes.

Mine look more "normal". Tried to take a pic of all 4 plants..

The babies seem to be settling in well in their new homes.

They definitely look more ”normal”. I think it’s more about the gene as my coco GG plant starts to produce same kind of fat calyxes before pistils push out.
Shut off the exhaust fan in the babies tent to increase the temp and humidity. Was about 68 degrees an 38 humidity. Now more like 73 and 55. Much better for the youngins.

The blooming autos. The front left and back row are a shade or two lighter than the front right which I consider optimal. They aren't showing any deficiencies so I'll just leave them the hell alone for now. Sometimes I think growers over-react and end up creating bigger problems for themselves.

Do you use silica throughout the whole grow, or do you start tapering down as they get further into flower?
Do you use silica throughout the whole grow, or do you start tapering down as they get further into flower?

They get Silica throughout the entire grow. I start at about 10 ppm of Si from seedling and increase to about 50 ppm at full strength during veg. They stay at the 50 ppm level until harvested.
Day 59/49 for the flowering girls. They all needed 2 gallons of feed, dosed at 10ml each FN Nute® product.

Babies are doing well. The back right's first set of leaves were pretty gnarly from the get go. She looks like she's growing out of that.

I've submitted a request to @Expert Seedbank to for a sponsorship. Polled the son and his buddies for what they'd like to see me grow when this next crop is harvested. They've come up with Blueberry Glue Auto, Bruce Banner Auto, and Tropicana Cookies Auto. All look and sound amazing.
The son and I have been busy in the kitchen this AM. Got a batch of Canna Coconut oil in the @Magical Butter machine. What do you do with a left over gram of hash that tastes like Lemon Bars when smoked? You make Lemon Bars with it. 20mg per square.

Also made a lasagna (no THC in it) for dinner. Figure we may have the munchies later. Waiting for the Lemon Bars to kick in. Catch you all later.
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