Grow Number 2 Malawi Gold

No I have not. Please explain.

I would consider stripping the lower 3rd to maybe even 1/2 of the lower parts of the plant.

Taking away those leaves and nodes will take away their ability to photosynthesize therefore allowing her to slow down a bit.
You're getting crazy light penetration down there but realistically the bud produced down there will be very minimal.

If it will stop her vertical growth and get her to start producing buds vs overgrowing your entire space it may be worth it to consider.
Here is a pic of mine to show what I mean.



I did this prior to flipping to flower mind you and will do another one at day 21 like scheduled.
This may or may not work for you and I'm sure others can chime in and give their opinions,
just throwing ideas out there to be helpful if I can.
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I would consider stripping the lower 3rd to maybe even 1/2 of the lower parts of the plant.

Taking away those leaves and nodes will take away their ability to photosynthesize therefore allowing her to slow down a bit.
You're getting crazy light penetration down there but realistically the bud produced down there will be very minimal.

If it will stop her vertical growth and get her to start producing buds vs overgrowing your entire space it may be worth it to consider.
Here is a pic of mine to show what I mean.



I did this prior to flipping to flower mind you and will do another one at day 21 like scheduled.
This may or may not work for you and I'm sure others can chime in and give their opinions,
just throwing ideas out there to be helpful if I can.
are these Malawi ?
What are you doing to get her under control? CL🍀
Well I did a lot of panic training. Lots of LST and super cropping. Literally bending everyday for like 3 weeks. What really did it was I dropped the temps into the high 60s for last three weeks, Really slowed her down and pushed into full flower. Also the lights have been on 11/13 for awhile now as well.
WOW !!! you are going to have a VERY good harvest - even if you are making a small jungle !! guess running 3 malawi's in a 3by2 would be nuts (that was my plan) Not much more you can do to the plant to slow it down- forget what day of flowering ? have heard that Malawi can go for 4 months + but every cultivator is different. are you glad you topped it ?
Well I did a lot of panic training. Lots of LST and super cropping. Literally bending everyday for like 3 weeks. What really did it was I dropped the temps into the high 60s for last three weeks, Really slowed her down and pushed into full flower. Also the lights have been on 11/13 for awhile now as well.
Thanks for the tips, I might have to try them. CL🍀
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