Malawi And Golden Tiger Tent Grow

Ayye, I see a few that are from Canada, I grew up just north of Detroit - went to Windsor a lot in my teens. O Canada ! 🍻 I saw the Red Wings last game at Maple Leaf Gardens before they tore it down - good times
Maple leaf Gardens was my haunt. :thumb:
Grew up in Toronto.
Rush, Black Sabbath , Genesis , some great concerts back in the day.
Glad you got to see it before the demolition.
Canada has the best neighbors. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@gwhunran - hey man, about what week did you kick that 2nd tier netting for your Golden Tiger SCROG? I'm prepping to do that in the next few weeks..I'm @ Week 6, day 37 of flowering - I think I'm done bending and tying down ... just checking my calibration to see if any adjustments need to be made - thank you sir !
Hi everyone, quick question for you all if you do not mind...what do you think this could be a sign of ? Light stress?

There are only about 4 to 5 leaves that are affected on this 1 plant - no other signs of this anywhere
EDIT: I get my light diffuser for Photone on Saturday - Customs delayed it by 5 days 👍

Hi everyone, quick question for you all if you do not mind...what do you think this could be a sign of ? Light stress?

There are only about 4 to 5 leaves that are affected on this 1 plant - no other signs of this anywhere
EDIT: I get my light diffuser for Photone on Saturday - Customs delayed it by 5 days 👍

Do you use calmag in your feed water?
Could be light but looks similar to a cal def?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I use Cal-Mg but at 1/2 strength - I'll bump it up tomorrow :thumb: thanks !
I'm going to start mixing into 0PPM distilled water as opposed to tap, our tap comes out at about 300 PPM...this will give me more room for the Cal-mg increase - I don't want to go much above 1000 PPM, I've hit 1150- 1200 once last week, and then backed down to 800-900 the last feeding.
I use Cal-Mg but at 1/2 strength - I'll bump it up tomorrow :thumb: thanks !
I'm going to start mixing into 0PPM distilled water as opposed to tap, our tap comes out at about 300 PPM...this will give me more room for the Cal-mg increase - I don't want to go much above 1000 PPM, I've hit 1150- 1200 once last week, and then backed down to 800-900 the last feeding.
If you are able I'd reduce nitrogen in your flowering mixture.
I prefer minimal nitrogen in flower.
They still need it just not in massive quantities like P&K.
Your girls are dark green and show signs of N toxicity and curl. :Namaste:
Just 2 cents they look great.
But I'd increase calcium reduce nitrogen slightly and feed 1200 ppm without a worry.
I'm feeding between 1200 to 1500 ppm week 5 of flower.
Here is your girls with the issue I mentioned :Namaste::Namaste:


Just 2 cents, your garden is awesome. :yahoo:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@gwhunran - hey man, about what week did you kick that 2nd tier netting for your Golden Tiger SCROG? I'm prepping to do that in the next few weeks..I'm @ Week 6, day 37 of flowering - I think I'm done bending and tying down ... just checking my calibration to see if any adjustments need to be made - thank you sir !
I've looked a little at your journal, just to get an idea of where your at. :) I had a little trouble getting my nutes right with the GT. I had two different phenos with the three plants. According to Dubi at ACE, one was a Malawi Killer pheno and the other two were Thai phenos.
My plants overall had weak limbs that wanted to just lay down rather stand up straight toward the light. If I would have known ahead of time they were going to flop with little weight on them, I would have put my 2nd screen closer to the first, so I could have pulled them upright and tied them to the 2nds screen. Your plants stems may be stronger and hold up the weight of fattening buds better than mine. :hmmmm:
Some of my errors can be attributed to being very ill. 🙄 I had to have surgery right in the middle of the grow, and didn't train them during that critical time. 🙄
My buds also required over 6 months to cure out and were better at 9 months than at six, so be patient with the cure.🤠

I'm following your grow now. :) Good luck, mine were finicky.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
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