Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I like the new lil closet TroubleHead! I think your ladies are gonna love it and good job with the temps. Stable temps will let your ladies relax and get horny... which is what we all want ;)
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey, Groover,
Thanks for the invite.

I read it all too, and I really applaud the Hash Making Guide. Great grow you got there too.

I'm a CFL grower too, but I quit the 200 watt and larger bulbs and went back to 65s, 85s, and 105s. If you ever get the time, check out the CFL Tutorial in my signature.

Peace, bro!
Thanks for droppin by Rosie(us aussies shorten evrythin).:welcome:
I've read your CFL tute but alas all you can get downunder is 8's 15's 20's 28's 48's 125's and 250's. I'm running two 125's 6400kveg and 2700k bloom.
I wish I could get 65's 85's and 105's. I got so much stuff lying around to make light boxes and reflectors. I found a sheet of the same material FryinPanFlyer's reflector is made from amongst the stuff I wound up with when Dad died last April.:rip: I'm thinking of using a couple of 48's 3000k for side lighting when I turn em.:peace:
I like the new lil closet TroubleHead! I think your ladies are gonna love it and good job with the temps. Stable temps will let your ladies relax and get horny... which is what we all want ;)

Thanks Droj, I didn't think you were gonna hang around this troublehead:rofl:
I had to have a bit of a dig. That's how we roll downunder.:rofl:It's the Aussie Way, If you see a button you press it! If you see a pot with a spoon siting in it YOU STIR IT BROTHER:rofl:
It's all light hearted banter at the end of the day. I've only had positive comments and even a couple of +reps from:420: look whats happened out of all this. We all know eachother now and before to long I imagine we'll all be the best of mates. I love it here at 420 mag mate.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I thought it was time for a little bit of an update so here is a pic I took yesterday. Day42 since start of germ.

It's pretty messy in there so I've had a bit of a lash at it with the ole pruning shears:rofl:. My cams flat so I will post a pic later. I guess I should turn em soon. Not gonna bother with the Bonzi Growth Reg (paclobutarol) this time. It just makes the foilage way too dense and the CFL's cant penetrate it IMO.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

:goodjob: Groover!

When you do something nice for your plants you can count on payback. You got major payback coming for sure! :bong:


Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I thought it was time for a little bit of an update so here is a pic I took yesterday. Day42 since start of germ.

It's pretty messy in there so I've had a bit of a lash at it with the ole pruning shears:rofl:. My cams flat so I will post a pic later. I guess I should turn em soon. Not gonna bother with the Bonzi Growth Reg (paclobutarol) this time. It just makes the foilage way too dense and the CFL's cant penetrate it IMO.:peace:

Hey Mate Those girls look great. Healthy as hell. Last thing you need is more bushy. :surf: I love CFLs as you know. I have 24 of them in two cabinets going right now. I don't go by watts I go by total lumens. For good overall growth. 3000 lumens per square foot is good, anything over that is gravy.:surf:
I just checked the calendar, that cam should be there anytime now.:surf:

Here's some irony for you.:slide: I just bought a new camera. It is new model of the one I sent you. The other camera I bought I just couldn't see good enough to use it. The screen was hard to see and I just couldn't see the symbols. So back on Ebay it goes. Actually, I'm happy again and now we both have good ones.:rofl::rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Thanks for droppin by Rosie(us aussies shorten evrythin).:welcome:
I've read your CFL tute but alas all you can get downunder is 8's 15's 20's 28's 48's 125's and 250's. I'm running two 125's 6400kveg and 2700k bloom.
I wish I could get 65's 85's and 105's. I got so much stuff lying around to make light boxes and reflectors. I found a sheet of the same material FryinPanFlyer's reflector is made from amongst the stuff I wound up with when Dad died last April.:rip: I'm thinking of using a couple of 48's 3000k for side lighting when I turn em.:peace:

Thanks Droj, I didn't think you were gonna hang around this troublehead:rofl:
I had to have a bit of a dig. That's how we roll downunder.:rofl:It's the Aussie Way, If you see a button you press it! If you see a pot with a spoon siting in it YOU STIR IT BROTHER:rofl:
It's all light hearted banter at the end of the day. I've only had positive comments and even a couple of +reps from:420: look whats happened out of all this. We all know eachother now and before to long I imagine we'll all be the best of mates. I love it here at 420 mag mate.:peace:

Funny how that can work out isn't it, I mean stirring the pot can certainly be a good thing bro. As long as we all keep smiles and realize we're all in this together. Glad to call you a friend!
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

:goodjob: Groover!

When you do something nice for your plants you can count on payback. You got major payback coming for sure! :bong:


I sure hope so mate. This $$ for meds rort is leaving me busted arse broke.
Hey Mate Those girls look great. Healthy as hell. Last thing you need is more bushy. :surf: I love CFLs as you know. I have 24 of them in two cabinets going right now. I don't go by watts I go by total lumens. For good overall growth. 3000 lumens per square foot is good, anything over that is gravy.:surf:
I just checked the calendar, that cam should be there anytime now.:surf:

Here's some irony for you.:slide: I just bought a new camera. It is new model of the one I sent you. The other camera I bought I just couldn't see good enough to use it. The screen was hard to see and I just couldn't see the symbols. So back on Ebay it goes. Actually, I'm happy again and now we both have good ones.:rofl::rofl:
Irony for sure. Goldy when describing your generosity.:rofl:Irony,Goldy get it. I know bad joke, well medicated. I've been at a mates place smokin the Bamberiboo all arvo.:ganjamon:
Funny how that can work out isn't it, I mean stirring the pot can certainly be a good thing bro. As long as we all keep smiles and realize we're all in this together. Glad to call you a friend!
I couldn't agree more mate. It defeats our common goal if we are fighting amongst ourselves and as you already know that was the furthest thing from my mind. Being cheeky to eachother and having a bit o fun is brotherly IMO.
That's how we are downunder anyhow. We're all a bit warped when it comes to humour. I'm just glad things have all turned out for the best and were all china plates. I'm happy to have another friend too.:rofl::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Irony for sure. Goldy when describing your generosity.Irony,Goldy get it. I know bad joke, well medicated. I've been at a mates place smokin the Bamberiboo all arvo.

Yea Mate That's what I like you Buddy. You see the fun in all the sh*t
we humans do. Sounds like your having good time down under.:ganjamon:
Take a hit for me.:surf:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Sup Groover! Love the new cabinet and obviously the gals love it too! Well done there, looks very well built and stealthy to boot. You made me smile with your bubble-bag weekend hash binge! Still love reading the journal keep it up brother. I want to say mate soooo bad, but my old Australian friend says Americans sound like tools when they say it LOL. (does that apply to typing as well?)

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Yea Mate That's what I like you Buddy. You see the fun in all the sh*t
we humans do. Sounds like your having good time down under.:ganjamon:
Take a hit for me.:surf:
I always take a hit for me OldMedMate. It's good to try and put a fun positive spin on everything. If it's too serious to make fun of wait a week or two.:rofl: For example It's hilarious that we got me ole Dad cremated in a FIREPROOF race suit:rofl: That would not have been funny on the day of the funeral but now its hilarious IMO. I'm here for a good time mate:ganjamon::peace:
Sup Groover! Love the new cabinet and obviously the gals love it too! Well done there, looks very well built and stealthy to boot. You made me smile with your bubble-bag weekend hash binge! Still love reading the journal keep it up brother. I want to say mate soooo bad, but my old Australian friend says Americans sound like tools when they say it LOL. (does that apply to typing as well?)

G'day Groost,
You Yanks sound like tools when you try and say anything Aussie:rofl:
Typing in Aussie is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN :rofl: Nah Mate only jokin go for it I'd rather be called mate in a dodgy accent than be called a C#!T in a good one:rofl: Don't think it applies to typing:rofl: Thats why I can say"Hey way to go there buddy" in my best American.:rofl::ganjamon::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

G'mate In my best accent (somewhere between here nor there). :ganjamon:

I always take a hit for me OldMedMate. It's good to try and put a fun positive spin on everything. If it's too serious to make fun of wait a week or two. For example It's hilarious that we got me ole Dad cremated in a FIREPROOF race sui

Absolutely Hilarious and I bet your Dad would have laughed too. :rofl:

I would love to sit down and have few bowls with you. :ganjamon::ganjamon:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

G'mate In my best accent (somewhere between here nor there). :ganjamon:

Absolutely Hilarious and I bet your Dad would have laughed too. :rofl:

I would love to sit down and have few bowls with you. :ganjamon::ganjamon:

Your not wrong mate! Dad would have pissed himself:rofl:
I was just reading a few kind messages left on motor racing forums just after he passed. Google ralt australia if you want. It would be great to sit down and have a few bowls.
THE DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN So if ever you find yourself in Sydney on holiday I'm only an hour or two away.That goes for any of my 420 friends:grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Your not wrong mate! Dad would have pissed himself:rofl:
I was just reading a few kind messages left on motor racing forums just after he passed. Google ralt australia if you want. It would be great to sit down and have a few bowls.
THE DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN So if ever you find yourself in Sydney on holiday I'm only an hour or two away.That goes for any of my 420 friends:grinjoint::peace:

Thanks groover I always wanted to come down and watch the filming of Australia's Next Top Model. Dirty old man that I am. If that hasn't killed me, I will let you know if I ever get down that way.:rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Thanks groover I always wanted to come down and watch the filming of Australia's Next Top Model. Dirty old man that I am. If that hasn't killed me, I will let you know if I ever get down that way.:rofl:

As I've already told you, I think i'm a Dirty Old Man trapped in a young mans body.:rofl: I sometimes feel bad looking if they're a bit young.:rofl:
A good mate reckons I shouldn't. He says you pick em when they're young and put em on the shelf till they're ripe. If you leave em on the vine some grub will get into em and then they're FKD :rofl:
Welcome to Groovers misogyny tutorial:rofl: I really am LOL.:grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Tell me about it groover The high school girls walk by here twice a day.
To me they look more like 20 and wear hardly anything. That's when I start that check writing thing. My body goes :rofl: So I look away. It easier that way.:rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

My almost 18 yo step-daughter ought to wear more clothes sometimes. :rofl:

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Tell me about it groover The high school girls walk by here twice a day.
To me they look more like 20 and wear hardly anything. That's when I start that check writing thing. My body goes :rofl: So I look away. It easier that way.:rofl:
Don't they have pills for that:rofl: There's prolly even an MJ strain that puts a bit o lead in ya pencil:rofl:
I've got two daughter-in-laws that I have to be careful I don't stare too long! My girlfriend is positive one has had implants! I love it! LOL
Can I come and visit. Pretty pleeeeease:rofl:
My almost 18 yo step-daughter ought to wear more clothes sometimes. :rofl:
Your a baaaad man LR:rofl: Almost 18 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:grinjoint:
Haha i see alot of perverted old men here, i'm glad i'm not one:rofl: i'm just a peverted young-in :rofl:
Those chicks from your part of the world are hot mate. Ya lucky bugger.:peace:
You'll catch up!
I'm catchin up too fast for my liking. I'll be 40 soon and it stings a bit:rofl:

You guys crack me up,keen me sane, and help keep the"black dog" under the fkn house where he belongs.:thanks::thanks::peace::peace::peace:
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