Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

By the way I like being a groover:ganjamon:
Your the proper old school GROOVER mate.:thumb:
I'm re-posting this because I think everyone missed it.:thumb:
It's Time For A Indoor Update
:cheer: As you know I'm down to two Thai Haze x Skunk Females and one is a little runt. It has turned out to be a good thing. It seems to have filled the cabinet by itself. Heres a few pics. Oh I think it's day 84 since start of germ.


Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

:yahoo: 2 tickets for crazyland :yahoo::rofl: i'm cooooommiiiiiiiiing!!!!!
:peace: at least

You should see all the lights. Oooohhh and all the pretty colours.:hippy::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Groover Now that is a room full of goodies.:Rasta: That's the first real picture I've seen inside that new room of yours. Looking fantastic. Bet it smells good too. You moved in there yet?:grinjoint:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Groover Now that is a room full of goodies.:Rasta: That's the first real picture I've seen inside that new room of yours. Looking fantastic. Bet it smells good too. You moved in there yet?:grinjoint:

This weekend mate. I had to wait a few days for the rain to stop so I could stain and varnish the skirting boards. I've been a bit lazy lately too. I could do it in the workshop but if I get anything on the E-Type i'm FKD. Just got the last one's drying now. They'll be ready for a midnight 2nd coat in 1/2 an hour.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

This weekend mate. I had to wait a few days for the rain to stop so I could stain and varnish the skirting boards. I've been a bit lazy lately too. I could do it in the workshop but if I get anything on the E-Type i'm FKD. Just got the last one's drying now. They'll be ready for a midnight 2nd coat in 1/2 an hour.:peace:

Lazy! You're workin mid-night hours mate:rofl::rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Lazy! You're workin mid-night hours mate:rofl::rofl:

:rofl::biglaugh::rofl: Only coz I been sleeping late. It's this bloody computer. I stay up till all hours and end up sleeping till lunchtime.:rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Plants are looking grooverlicious there Groover! :bravo:

Nice line up of nutes as well. I'd like something like that in the AN line.

The nearest march to me is a 5 hour drive. It's also the closest place to access a hydro store so I just might make the trip. I haven't been in a protest march since 1970 when we marched in Vancouver against the US plan to test nuclear weapons in the Amchitca Islands near Alaska. A Greenpeace march. Must of worked 'cause they never did it.

Could be fun! Might meet a young hippy chick who'll be impressed with an old hippy dude. My hair is getting pretty long so who knows. I just gotta go now! :rofl:

C'ya L8r

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Plants are looking grooverlicious there Groover! :bravo:

Nice line up of nutes as well. I'd like something like that in the AN line.

The nearest march to me is a 5 hour drive. It's also the closest place to access a hydro store so I just might make the trip. I haven't been in a protest march since 1970 when we marched in Vancouver against the US plan to test nuclear weapons in the Amchitca Islands near Alaska. A Greenpeace march. Must of worked 'cause they never did it.

Could be fun! Might meet a young hippy chick who'll be impressed with an old hippy dude. My hair is getting pretty long so who knows. I just gotta go now! :rofl:

C'ya L8r


G'day mate. I wish mine was only 5 hrs away. It's about 9 hrs. Anything you can do in a day is considered short around these parts. ROADTRIP :cheer:
You might find yourself a nice little lab assistant:biglaugh: At least re-live some 70's memories.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

No idea how come I've never stopped by your journal before...shame on me! Your plants look! I gotta read and catch up but that will take me a bit of time, but so far so good for sure!

:thanks: for stoppin by and :welcome::peace:
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