Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

G'day MATE what's up?? :yahoo::yahoo:

Here's what's up mate.HEY GROOVERS IT'S UPDATE TIME.Thai Haze x Skunk Day 89
Things seem to be progressing quite well. I'll let the pics tell the rest of this story.




Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

And a good story they tell groover:bravo:
Very nice crowd you have there. Looks like they are saying "Me first Daddy".:yahoo::yahoo:

Thanks mate. It's filling in nicely. That's pretty much one plant. The runt in the right corner is just 3 spindly stems. I think I'm gonna go for some shorties next time. I think the Hashberry should be OK on the next one.:grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

or some one blowing it in your face like a cat
That's not a contact high mate it's animal cruelty IMO
any ways nice grow grover i notticed you said 89 days how many are 12/12 and how many are veg
I'm not sure about the veg time. I guess you'll have to read my journal. I'm not a real stickler for times. I just let 'em do their thing and when they're ready they tell me :hippy::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I dunno groover...depends on the cat. My gf's cat will walk over and sit down next to us EVERY time we pack a bowl. She patiently waits for us to start smoking and stares at whoever has the bowl the entire session until she gets a few smoke clouds of her own. If we wait too long she will start meowing at us. She even likes to get in a chair, roll over on her back, and stretch out her arms while you're blowing at her. *shrugs* I've never seen a cat act that way before with weed smoke, I know what you're saying about animal cruelty but this cat ASKS for it lol. Then again she is quite the strange cat on the other hand wants nothing to do with the smoke.
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I'm not sure about the veg time. I guess you'll have to read my journal. I'm not a real stickler for times. I just let 'em do their thing and when they're ready they tell me :hippy::peace:

G'day....Your plants talking to you again?....Back away from the :roorrip: :ganjamon: (That is what I do when they start talking to me...)

I keep whispering to them...subliminal messages...grow gigantic tasty buds, no hermi's, grow gigantic....:grinjoint: Hope they listen.

:peace: brother.
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Then again she is quite the strange cat

Is there a cat that isn't strange? I love cats...we have been friends for years and years. They are touch stones for humans. :ganjamon:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I love cats too, but I love my new green pets much more...they don't run away when you light their tail on fire...:ganjamon:

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I love cats too, but I love my new green pets much more...they don't run away when you light their tail on fire...:ganjamon:


OH! My! God! LOL Sorry, been hittin the BlackJack again. :ganjamon:

You know, you may be totally right. :grinjoint: My cats are gone now and I have lots green girls to play with.:thumb:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Huge a** plant Groover! Big time harvest coming your way bud.

Our cat doesn't like the smell of MJ. If I let her smell a bud, she crinkles her nose up and takes a few steps backwards. In her eyes she's saying to me 'WTF is that". lol.. She doesn't like the tent either and that's a good thing! I've heard too many stories about weed eating felines!
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I dunno groover...depends on the cat. My gf's cat will walk over and sit down next to us EVERY time we pack a bowl. She patiently waits for us to start smoking and stares at whoever has the bowl the entire session until she gets a few smoke clouds of her own. If we wait too long she will start meowing at us. She even likes to get in a chair, roll over on her back, and stretch out her arms while you're blowing at her. *shrugs* I've never seen a cat act that way before with weed smoke, I know what you're saying about animal cruelty but this cat ASKS for it lol. Then again she is quite the strange cat on the other hand wants nothing to do with the smoke.

:laugh: I know that issue, lol. My cat ate one of my seedlings. Gave it the best fim that i couldn't do.
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I was only jokin about the animal cruelty thing. I know some cats ask for it and how strange they can be. I had two cats that were brother and sister. Drasmus the male used to sit on the couch like a person and eat with his paws. Akasha the girl used to follow me to the corner shop and wait out the front for me then follow me back. Here's a tip for cat owning growers. Grow some catnip for the cats and they leave your MJ alone.
Hey MountainHigh I never said they were talking to me.:rofl: I said they tell me and they do man.:hippy::biglaugh: I don't whisper. I talk to em in a firm but fair voice.:rofl: I sing to 'em. Play 'em music. Doesn't everyone.:biglaugh::grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I was only jokin about the animal cruelty thing. I know some cats ask for it and how strange they can be. I had two cats that were brother and sister. Drasmus the male used to sit on the couch like a person and eat with his paws. Akasha the girl used to follow me to the corner shop and wait out the front for me then follow me back. Here's a tip for cat owning growers. Grow some catnip for the cats and they leave your MJ alone.
Hey MountainHigh I never said they were talking to me.:rofl: I said they tell me and they do man.:hippy::biglaugh: I don't whisper. I talk to em in a firm but fair voice.:rofl: I sing to 'em. Play 'em music. Doesn't everyone.:biglaugh::grinjoint::peace:

Still my hard and fast rule...I have smoked enough when they talk to me...:ganjamon:. You know the whispers....feed me Seymour...FEED ME SEYMOUR!!!!

Your indoor grow is looking some gigantic bud maze...I could go in and be lost for days...I would have to smoke my way out...and I would do know I would...I am determined that way. :cheesygrinsmiley: (My luck I would of forgotten my lighter...)

:peace: brother, keep on groovin.
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

One day MountainHigh, I'm gonna smoke my way out of a ganja patch.:peace:
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