Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey groover! I've read the first couple of pages of your grow and the last couple. Now you've peeked my curiosity wnough that I will go back and read through it all! Great entertainment. I always thought Aussies rocked. Now I'm sure they do!:welldone::Rasta:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey groover! I've read the first couple of pages of your grow and the last couple. Now you've peeked my curiosity wnough that I will go back and read through it all! Great entertainment. I always thought Aussies rocked. Now I'm sure they do!:welldone::Rasta:

Nice one bro.:thumb:Welcome to my thread. It's all for "shits and giggles" here mate. We may even learn a thing or two:rofl: Chime in any time you want and:eek:fftopic: isn't in my vocabulary.:thumb::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Nice one bro.:thumb:Welcome to my thread. It's all for "shits and giggles" here mate. We may even learn a thing or two:rofl: Chime in any time you want and:eek:fftopic: isn't in my vocabulary.:thumb::peace:

Groover, I was curious as to were this village of Woodenbong is located, so I looked it up on the Google maps. Looks like a nice little town surrounded by some really beautiful country with some big hills all around and forest land! Looks like an area I'd like myself! :thumb:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Groover, I was curious as to were this village of Woodenbong is located, so I looked it up on the Google maps. Looks like a nice little town surrounded by some really beautiful country with some big hills all around and forest land! Looks like an area I'd like myself! :thumb:

I've been there it's nice. I'm not about to disclose my real location. I have been using different Aussie place names with the word BONG in them and changing them every so often. There is a street in an upper class suburb of Sydney called Bongalong Avenue.:thumb::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I've been there it's nice. I'm not about to disclose my real location. I have been using different Aussie place names with the word BONG in them and changing them every so often. There is a street in an upper class suburb of Sydney called Bongalong Avenue.:thumb::peace:

Very funny! Must keep one step ahead of them at all times just in case they get a bead on ya! :Rasta:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Mi faccio un BONG così carico che svengo per un paio d'ore.

:rofl: :yahoo:

I think this means that when you smoke one bongload you pass out.:thumb:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Grow's looking good Groover! +Reps for you. It's your turn! :cheer:


Thanks mate, Always good to have you drop by. I was wondering if you'd heard the expression "rat-arsed" as a description for being really baked?
I thought you'd appreciate it a bit more than most.:thumb::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Try to transalte :yahoo:


Now i'm going to do a bong so strong( full of weed) that i faint a couple hours.


Thats close to what i think. I wish I could find weed strong enough to do that.:rollit:
I have smoked nearly every day for almost 20 years.:thumb::peacetwo:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Which ones do you prefer??
1 Fastest sperm - cool glass pipe
2 Zebra spoon(blue)
3 Blue pocket kicker glass pipe
4 The Blue Fritted Pipe
5 The Hammerhead Abstract
6 Glass pipe - lizard skin twisted tail
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Which ones do you prefer??
1 Fastest sperm - cool glass pipe
2 Zebra spoon(blue)
3 Blue pocket kicker glass pipe
4 The Blue Fritted Pipe
5 The Hammerhead Abstract
6 Glass pipe - lizard skin twisted tail

I like this pipe. twister-spoon-pipe-color-fantasy
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