Grnwzrds 2nd Closet Northern Lights Grow, 315W CMH In Coco

Clonex is pretty cheap anyways, tbh I get better results from the cheap one at Bunnings which is about $11 compared to the more expensive ones ive bought at hydro shops, I think its yates, has 3 different types but I'm pretty sure I use the purple one for soft to semi-hardwood cuttings :thumb:
Cool pic of the alien cucumber, look like little pods :rofl:
Gave the girls a training session lastnight.


And they bounced back pretty good over night.


Theyre looking pretty healthy. Noticed roots pushing out the bottoms of these pots
already so i think they'll be going into their final pots this weekend.

Thanks guys, ill be getting the yates stuff soon. Depending on growth i'l be taking
cuttings this weekend or next week.

The girls got another topping yesterday,but no training. They'll be left for
a few days to sort themselves out and recover.I'll post up a picture later.

Looking like these girls are going to be bushy. First time at doing two
rounds of topping. Pretty excited.
Thanks feral, gotta love a bit of shrubbery. I'm really keen to see
how the girls respond. In all honesty i wish i id done this on my other grows.
Just seems like the right thing to do.





These where just taken, so 24hrs after topping. Nice little shoots just waiting to
take off.

also forgot stupidly the plants are girls and ones called elvis,so make of that what you will.
It's an interesting world these days.

Thanks for looking.
Thanks guys, they are very bushy. After i took these pics i took the wires
off the girls for the night. Let them stretch out a bit. Probably end up repotting
them tomorrow.

I dug up my first grow i did in the tiny cupboard, thought i'd chuck the link here
if anyones interested.
Grnwzrds - 315W CMH - Northern Lights - Coco Grow - Small Setup
Was a lot smaller than the space i have now.

Anyway,the girls are looking happy. There's some leaves that need taking off but
i'll wait a few days to do that.



When they go in their new pots, theyll be tied down again.

Girls got repotted a few days ago and i took some cuttings yesterday. Eventually
got my new ph pen and some supplies. Going with the jiffy pellets this time,
seeing as i use coco anyway,seemed like a good idea.

Photos arent the best.




It's a bit disorganized at the moment, trying to keep the little greenhouse
in with the plants until i can get a new timer, set the top section up,
and put my training grid in the bottom.

Thanks for looking.
Also, these pots are what theyre staying in and ive taken the glass
(it was glass feral) off the hood. Temps seem to be doing fine.

Not bothering with them fabric pots this time around. Just dont
see enough benifit from them.

The girls got a water, some leaqves taken off and i rigged up the screen.
The little greenhouse is uptop under the fluro's. Hopefully the girls can fill the
net soon.



Thanks to everyone on the kind comments. the girls are chugging along,
and the cuttings died. There just isnt enough room up there for them, the
temp stayed good but the light was just too close.

I have modified another cupboard which has more room, and took a few more
cuttings. Should have pics this after noon.


The girls got topped again lastnight and will be given a few days to recover
before i start thinking about some defol and flipping the lights. They look a
bit all over the place at the moment.

The new clone cupboard seems to be working perfectly,they seem much happier
in there. Even the first batch that ended up wilting seem to have perked
back up to some degree.

Worth mentioning i noticed some brown colouring on the leaves, and a bit
of curling. I raised the light a bit anyway,seems to be much brighter without
the glass. Just going to keep an eye on them. Theyre on full strength grow
nutes now so they might be just getting used to that too.

Thanks for looking ;)
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