Grnwzrds 2nd Closet Northern Lights Grow, 315W CMH In Coco

Thankyou guys ,it really means a lot. Joining this forum was one of the best things
ive ever done.

Enough bromance. lol

Dunno pat,i was just gonna chuck them in here and keep going. What do you guys reckon?

Noticed the timer fucked up lastnight so theyve been on longer than they should.
Some of these cheap manual timers are Being stupid, i cant operate
the digital ones.haha, all good, i got some heavy duty manual ones
(for pool pumps i think) and (touch wood) havnt had any dramas with them yet.

probably wont get any girl pics pics till tomorrow.

Stayed up all night with the mrs at a swapmeat dealing with people. tired as.

Time for a beer and to hangout with the dog. If you guys where near me,
id shout you a cone. (passes virtual joint around) ;)
Thanks guys, there's two little ones in there at the moment.
Only been on a few days. Photo's arent the best.




Going to give them a few more days before training/topping. Theyre on weak silica and coco ferts
at the moment.

how you go about moving the stuff ?
if you ever need a hand let me know i know people who know people. ;)
product must be good tho
The girls got repotted a few days ago and i started some training yesterday.
Also got a random bud shot from the last grow. Apologies for the lack of updates.
Lifes been getting in the way,and i havnt been too well.





Elvis is still a bit bigger and moving faster than the little one, but at least
theyre moving hey. ;)

Thanks for looking.
Thanks guys.

Feral, i'm thinking when i get some clones off these girls i might put some outside
if ive got extras. I took a few clones on the last run and used old clonex and coco
so i was starting on the wrong foot already. Going to get some cubes and make a little greenhouse
for the top of the cupboard. I usually sterilise everything too, i was just lazy and not that interested last time.

Welcome along Partimus, Good to have someone on board running coco and the CMH light.
I'm in the process of secretly competing with my friend who runs a 400w hps
and hydro. He's also set up in a cupboard, quite a large cupboard. So far ive
been coming out on top, very happy with the CMH/coco setup.

If my mate trained his plants a bit harder,he might come out on top.

I'm going to try and push the plants a bit harder this time and really try
and strip more shit off the bottom through the grow, ill do it in stages
and half sensibly to not shock the plant. Anything weedy or straggley will
be taken off.

I'm just making use of the sun while I have it with my clone :) will move it inside in a few days to the pollen tent where I might hit her with one of my males, maybe the Strawberry Cough before I kill it off :thumb: I don't go overboard sterilizing everything, unless I'm working with a sick plant, still using the same little bottle of clonex ive been dipping into for over a year now :rofl: best way with cloning is to not overthink it, take more than you need and once rooted keep the best :thumb:
Should have no worries beating a 400w with one of these lights :)

Thanks feral, i think the last ones died because i accidentally filled my sprayer from the
wrong container giving the cuttings strong ferts instead of just water. The clonex went brown,
dont know if was any good still, just chucked it.

The girls seem to be responding well to the training. Going to bump up the grow ferts
soon for them.




Also was messing around my macro lens i made on the phone and snapped
the baby cucumbers i got growing outside. Looks like something from an alien film.
Thought i'd share it with you guys.


Thought it looked pretty cool.

I need to make up some sort of drip tray too for the cupboard. Anyway
thanks for looking.

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