Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

I was browsing through here again and decided to snag a couple pics from the yard.
Beautiful Gov! Must be a satisfying plant to cultivate. The visual and aromatic rewards are huge - even if the plants themselves take time to establish. I knew a bloke that was into cloning and grafting them, mad botanist - i stlll know him actually, just haven’t seen him for yonks :hmmmm:
hey gray ive seen in the past people asking you about various lighting im wanting to get new lights for my 5x5 and im looking at the budget 350 watt like pc put in his but im thinking two of those should be sufficient the description says flower covering 2.5 x 5-- 850.00 what are your thoughts I will be vegging and flowering both in that tent. :)

For the white lighting panels, you need 30-35 watts per sqft, so you need somewhere in the neighborhood of 750-850 watts.

Two should be very nice in 5x5. :cheesygrinsmiley: Be sure you mount them as close to the walls as you can. The center always gets too much of the light, and the light bounced off the walls will give you more spread over the canopy.

For the white lighting panels, you need 30-35 watts per sqft, so you need somewhere in the neighborhood of 750-850 watts.

Two should be very nice in 5x5. :cheesygrinsmiley: Be sure you mount them as close to the walls as you can. The center always gets too much of the light, and the light bounced off the walls will give you more spread over the canopy.

thanks I thought those should work well I just needed some reassurance :thanks:
ok its done there ordered 3500k so I can veg and flower :)
Yep they say 2 of those work Great in a 5x5. I have three because I keep my lights tight to the top of my tent so to get the DLI or Umols up at canopy level I need it took an extra light. With the three I am getting between 600 at the lowest spots and 850 at the brightest spots. And good job getting the 3500k. I wanted a light that would work well in veg and flower so that's what I got.
Glad to hear you found some TP GT!

Yup meat is getting harder to find here as well. Crazy that I was just hearing about how they want farmers to euthanize their cattle, yet I hardly see any meat in the stores at this point. Then when it is there it is crazy prices. I see 80/20 ground beef going for 7-8 dollars a pound. It is usually no more than 4/pound, especially if you buy it in the 2-3 pound packages. Those are damn near nonexistent now.
Around here I’ve found slaughterhouses still selling at normal
Prices. Cheap and you can buy lots of quantity of anything there. If you want cheap all the slaughterhouse will sell
Things the store won’t like ox tail, tongue, ribs, brisquet etc.
Yep they say 2 of those work Great in a 5x5. I have three because I keep my lights tight to the top of my tent so to get the DLI or Umols up at canopy level I need it took an extra light. With the three I am getting between 600 at the lowest spots and 850 at the brightest spots. And good job getting the 3500k. I wanted a light that would work well in veg and flower so that's what I got.
HLG new light the diablo 648 is more 3500 and 4000 diodes with added 660 red. So I think it’s been found the lots of blue and lots grows best. It’s like they just upgraded a blurple.
Around here I’ve found slaughterhouses still selling at normal
Prices. Cheap and you can buy lots of quantity of anything there. If you want cheap all the slaughterhouse will sell
Things the store won’t like ox tail, tongue, ribs, brisquet etc.
We have been trying to get meat from farms more than anything now, but they are getting over loaded with orders as well. There was a farm selling ground beef for $4/lb but they just raised their price to $5/lb and are like 15 days out on stocking their farm stand, when before they were advertising new deals every day and never running out. They sell steak and pork as well but the prices are a little higher as well. Finding chicken is getting harder, but not impossible. We will be ordering from one butcher as often as possible to try and stock up. We tried to order 40 pounds of chicken breast but they put a limit to 10 pounds per customer due to demand. So we will just have to try and order once a week I guess.
We have been trying to get meat from farms more than anything now, but they are getting over loaded with orders as well. There was a farm selling ground beef for $4/lb but they just raised their price to $5/lb and are like 15 days out on stocking their farm stand, when before they were advertising new deals every day and never running out. They sell steak and pork as well but the prices are a little higher as well. Finding chicken is getting harder, but not impossible. We will be ordering from one butcher as often as possible to try and stock up. We tried to order 40 pounds of chicken breast but they put a limit to 10 pounds per customer due to demand. So we will just have to try and order once a week I guess.
Chickens can also Be raised. Most towns now allow urban farming. Springs the time to get them. Egg layers, roasters and a few ducks. Egg a day per bird.
I filled my deep freeze, pantry and bought 10 cases of water, lots of tp etc in Jan. When China, a place that can kill any citizen at will, puts a 1000 tons of dirt to block the road so no one leaves shits gettin real. The threat of death from a bullet wasn’t enough to keep them. The dirt wasn’t enough they welded doors shut on apartments. They ordered millions of earns. And cancelled a reported 25millon phone numbers. The state gives you a phone. Your phone number is yours until death. So I’m going nowhere without a biohazards suit until lots of testing has been going on for months.
Yeah I should have paid more attention and started shopping earlier. I figured it was going to be like SARS. A bunch of worry and panic for it to stay inside of China and not be a big deal elsewhere. I kind of brushed it off and ignored the news for the most part. I am at a point where the news does nothing but piss me off or bring me down, so I tend to avoid it. I need to see about getting a quarter to half cow and just be done with it.
Diva is an avid DailyMail reader and just ran across this bit of info.

After sifting through 400 cannabis strains, researchers at the University of Lethbridge are concentrating on about a dozen that show promising results in ensuring less fertile ground for the potentially lethal virus to take root, said biological scientist Dr. Igor Kovalchuk. “A number of them have reduced the number of these (virus) receptors by 73 per cent, the chance of it getting in is much lower,” said Kovalchuk. If they can reduce the number of receptors, there’s much less chance of getting infected.”

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher

:cheesygrinsmiley: :bongrip:
When you're really sick from this, it's hard to hold in a toke. Maybe coughing that much helps to discharge the majority of the virus.

It's not so far-fetched. I wake up with a dry cough from the cigs, but when I take my first hits off the pipe for the day, my cough turns productive and it feels like my lungs clear. :hmmmm: Naturally, I shrug that off as wishful thinking, right? :laughtwo: Smoking cannabis will also clear up a runny nose when I have the flu - every time I get sick, which is rarely - maybe twice a year, tops.

I've thought that the lung clearing could easily be from the terpenes themselves, loosening sticky phlegm, etc. And I've wondered if tars have any protective effect.

Dunno. I love the counter intuitive stuff! :slide:

I was just at the grocery store and I again asked if anyone who works there has gotten sick yet, and so far, nope. :hmmmm: No one? They know people who did, but just not anyone who has hundreds of strangers breathing in their face every day. No one at the pizza place has been sick either. One guy's parents went through it and he had to quarantine, but he never had any symptoms and he's back delivering again.

I'm waiting .....

Ever had Norovirus? How would you compare it? That was AWFUL. :(
That virus has some hang time. Longest I've ever been sick

You had it too? That's reassuring. I'm tired of the death count, sheesh. How many have already had it? That's what I want to know. I don't see how it's useful to know which people are contagious today, and which aren't. A third of us could already have had it. They tested our county jail today and turned up 6 positives, 3 inmates, 3 workers. None of them had symptoms. :straightface: So ... how many have already had it? C'mon. The information is useless.

I've had some pretty bad ones over the years, but I don't go to doctors so I'm not sure what they were. This $hit here doesn't let go of your respiratory system easy; sometimes it gets so hard to breath it's not even funny.

Heheh, apparently we have the same taste in medical care like we have in music. The other day, I had to think of the last time I "went to the doctor". Couldn't remember - gotta be decades. I've broken bones and torn stuff, so I had to have that handled, but no "go to the doctor".
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