Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

Thanks brotha! Don’t use all that Cottonelle in one place......Well actually.....yes....use it in one place....just not all at once.....hopefully.....that would be bad!
It was just sitting there all by itself on the shelf! I couldn't believe it! Just the one pack on a long empty shelf, me looking at it - it looking back at me. There might even have been a glowing halo around it and organ music, can't remember. :hmmmm:

And I was on my last half roll, too. :bongrip:
o yes, you're lucky !! Sounds almost like a miracle !! Probably means way more to a connoisseur ?
Glad to hear you found some TP GT!

It’s not hard to find here but meat is becoming harder to find.

Yup meat is getting harder to find here as well. Crazy that I was just hearing about how they want farmers to euthanize their cattle, yet I hardly see any meat in the stores at this point. Then when it is there it is crazy prices. I see 80/20 ground beef going for 7-8 dollars a pound. It is usually no more than 4/pound, especially if you buy it in the 2-3 pound packages. Those are damn near nonexistent now.
Glad to hear you found some TP GT!

Yup meat is getting harder to find here as well. Crazy that I was just hearing about how they want farmers to euthanize their cattle, yet I hardly see any meat in the stores at this point. Then when it is there it is crazy prices. I see 80/20 ground beef going for 7-8 dollars a pound. It is usually no more than 4/pound, especially if you buy it in the 2-3 pound packages. Those are damn near nonexistent now.
its not that bad here as far as selection chicken is another thing the other day I was in Safeway and they had two whole pork shoulders bnls. in a bag 1.29 lb. I took that home got some steaks and I ground the rest were using that for burgers and tacos its good and cheap so there are some bargains around if you don't mind getting creative!
The entire fresh chicken section was empty the last time I was at the store. :straightface:

With the processing plants being closed, the supply backs up and the output drops. The producers get completely screwed because it's a perishable product, and the processor costs go sky high.

Two months ago, I was wondering why no one would talk about what happens when you shut down a complicated just-in-time-delivery economy like ours, and then try to "turn it back on". No such thing. "It" lives its own life. "It" will do what "it" does.

Now I'm wondering what's gonna happen to all the commercial real estate values. I'd be desperately trying to find a buyer if I owned rental or commercial property. No one will be able to afford current prices with a reduced income. Malls are goners, fer shure. And I'm not so sure about rental property - maybe if you have enough equity to get through the bad years.

Thank gawd I'm old. :bongrip:
The young people are the ones who need to wake up, their future is going down the shitter right in front of them.

Exactly! But we all had to ignore history until it bit us in the ass. Besides, we old ones cling to a past that they don't even know.

I actually know how to survive, which is why I'm happy to be old. It's their struggle, and they won't be listening to us anyway. The wheel of life, is that the phrase?
I just went to check my own pantry ...

I have 30+ jars of cannabis and ... that's it! :D

Oh well - there's always barter, eh? :bongrip:
Exactly! But we all had to ignore history until it bit us in the ass. Besides, we old ones cling to a past that they don't even know.

I actually know how to survive, which is why I'm happy to be old. It's their struggle, and they won't be listening to us anyway. The wheel of life, is that the phrase?
they wont listen you no gray those kids wonder how we ever made it this far in life little do they no :)
Thank God my wife is a canning fanatic. Our pantry is loaded with jars of fruit and veggies. I could be a vegatareien for 6 months if things got really bad. But we don't have a deep freezer. Just old school fridge with freezer on top. But it's stainless. Lol
im the canner at our house we have a supply of that to its nice to be stocked up your a lucky man dank!
Hmm we planted so many veggies this season, that we'll be able to feed an army. We have like 20 tomato plants of different varieties, courgettes, red peppers, aubergines, cipolla di tropea, melons, sugar peas, cauliflowers, broccoli, three kinds of salad, wild rocket and various herbs. I think I might plant broad beans after sweet peas are done :)

Ah and I'm waiting for ground cucumbers to break the ground :)
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