Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

Ya, but I probably need to be more considerate of other people. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's just that sheesh, I'm the guy in the risk group. If I'm ok going *gasp* maskless, then ... c'mon, I'm gonna infect you? That's the fear, the rationale? As they say, OMG.

*mutter* Gotta be nice to the fearful ones, I know, I know.

[Edit] Oh, Oh! And here's the context! I've been delivering pizzas for the past month. 50+ doors each week. Maskless! :eek: And hardly anyone reacts to that at the door. Their own door, with food in my hand and a bright smile. *shrug* Go figure.

*mutter* ... brings out a really morbid sense of humor, too. You should see what I'm NOT posting. :bongrip: The irony - the world is so thick with irony these days.
Here, if you’re wearing a mask, it’s assumed you have it - or suspect that you may have it. That’s the criteria we’ve been given. Wear a mask if you have a need to protect others from yourself.

So if you go out here with a mask on - folks sidle away from you very quickly!

There are maybe more ‘mask-wearers’ in the bigger towns and cities, i’m regional/rural, but my folks here tell me that almost no-one locally is wearing them.
Dang Graytail,
over fifty years now?
rolling my own now
pain in the rear but,
marlboro golds cost as much as ...
Ya, but I probably need to be more considerate of other people. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's just that sheesh, I'm the guy in the risk group. If I'm ok going *gasp* maskless, then ... c'mon, I'm gonna infect you? That's the fear, the rationale? As they say, OMG.

*mutter* Gotta be nice to the fearful ones, I know, I know.
cracking me up in the middle of the night GT
don't melt the snowflakes :love:
I’m not wearing no stinking mask.
you are a rebel bro :love:
little fat govner made it part of his lockdown rules in land of lincoln.
Dang Graytail,
over fifty years now?
rolling my own now
pain in the rear but,
marlboro golds cost as much as ...

Still smokin' my camel straights! Check the price of those babies sometime! :straightface: I can rationalize the cost so far, but I do think about rolling my own from time to time. If I could find a decent mix.


... surreptitious spliffs would be possible, too, and quite likely. :cheesygrinsmiley:
In the end I think Wuhan virus isn’t the deadly bio weapon they thought. It’s just another variation of seasonal flu. I’m sure we’ll be hearing about cures and preventatives as time goes on.

No Penny, it's not a seasonal flu. Coronaviruses are way different from influenza viruses, they're more contagious and they're more deadly. So far you raked 69k dead in US and you have a chance to rake 200k by June, while we're standing at 28k officially. Total deaths worldwide stand at 250k as of today, which is maximum number of deaths that any seasonal flu causes all over the world IN A YEAR! Any way you crack the numbers, COVID-19 is definitely not a flu!

Bio weapon theory if you can call it that is pure drivel. No sane government would unleash a bio weapon on itself. Escaped from the lab? So far there haven't been any convincing arguments. It's pure speculation if it's not supported by any proof.
Around here we are now supposed to wear masks any time we go into public where social distancing is not readily possible. So any time you go to a store you now need to wear one, unless of course you have an underlying medical condition that is exasperated by wearing said mask. Then you are free to walk around without one, and since asking you if you have a medical condition that is effected by the wearing of a mask is a violation of HIPPA laws, most stores have signs posted saying if you are not wearing a mask they are going to assume you have some such condition.

It is funny actually, I went into a grocery store before the masks being required came into effect. Everyone in the store looked at me like I was a madman, They could hardly believe I was in their store with no mask of. I got the weirdest looks and people definitely stayed as far from me as possible. I then went into a small family run store and decided I should probably wear a mask to avoid any more odd looks. What happens? They look at me like I am a leper! You could tell they were having a hard time taking me serious as I walked around their store wearing it. Not a single employee or other customer (they are allowed 5 at a time) had one on. I cannot seem to win lol.
its the same hear a mask is mandatory in this day and age of being offended im sure your screwed whether you have a mask on or not either way your going to offend someone :laughtwo: I have a friend his wife is from argentina so when its winter here they go down there so I was talking with him and he says if your out walking around without purpose they arrest you so its there to strange times!
Ahoy Graytail,
Question for you and the crew here.
If I take a solution that has been formulated to provide 150 ppm/gallon, can I simply evaporate water to increase ppm ratio.

example; can I take 100 ml of a solution diluted to 150 ppm. and evaporate 50 ml of water leaving a new concentrate of solution at 300 ppm? my thinking is yes, so I better check with some smarter folks.

This will launch our MeJA studies to the next level if you say that is how it works. :bongrip:
My background as a chemist in school tells me you're right, but I don't fool with ppms and such, so I'm not a reliable source. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Someone else knows though, fer shure.
Talking about mask. The stores here are requiring you to wear a mask to enter which is bad for me because I do have a breathing condition COPD so I don't breath very well and a mask does interfere with my breathing. The other thing is Most mask etc. do not protect you from Viruses the germs are much smaller then what most mask can keep out, Most are made for particulate matter and does NOT filter viruses so the mask is not helping people for getting it. They may help if someone has it to keep it in an area around them maybe that's what the distancing is all about
Lol, that's good for most any day! I love my Walmart and the people who shop there including my own self, but ya gotta admit ... :laughtwo:

I don't like not seeing people's faces. I'd rather wear one of those plastic wrap-around shield things. Plop my hat back on top and I'm good!

I think I was memorable today in the grocery store. :straightface: I have no manners, apparently. There were old farts wearing masks and shying away as I breezed by them, all bare nekkid faced like usual. Masked moms were pulling their masked kids to the side ...
If you look up Wallmarterenise or something close to that. I don't spell very well so that may not be an accurate spelling but if you look it up you will be amazed and laugh your a$$ off
I got one of those "cobra commander" style masks that make me feel way cooler than everyone else. I even wear it when I don't have to...

I found me an old thong in the clothes drawer from back in my porn star days; I'm gonna make a mask outta that! *sniff, sniff*
Eckkk!!!!! :cough:
probably should have washed it before I put it away.....
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