Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

Hi Gray & company!

I must not be using the right strain since I got it too. My cytokine storm was waking up in March to a massive coughing attack. I could not stop coughing and there no way I could partake of herbs. Ran and got cough syrup, cough drops, Chloraspetic, lemon & honey and I dosed with all but nothing helped. After couple hours realized I was in serious trouble and went to ER. I was given a nebulizer treatment (vapor inhaled steroids) plus Influenza A + B test, the results were negative. Asked for Corona test but was told - no dice. Here they said you must be admitted to the hospital & an ER trip don’t count. They released me, no tracking, no follow up.

I’m in my late 50’s and I coughed so hard my chest hurt for 3 days. Seriously; that first of day the cytokine storm, I thought I was gonna puke / hack my lungs right out on the floor. No way a health compromised person could have taken that beating. Had fever for 17 days, felt like dog shit, pressure headaches, loss sense of taste & smell and rounded it out with pink eye. Meahile on tv they said no one in my county had contracted the disease and I’m going HELLO what about me?

Now the interesting part Graytail... weeks later spoke to my neighbor from a distance. He said and I quote “This virus has been going on longer in the US than the authorities will admit”. So I asked - how so? He told me his wife had it in January and described her symptoms and treatment, I never mentioned how they treated me. When he said his wife’s Influenza A & B test were negative and she got nebulizer dose and was released, I just shook my head. She had it in late January, he caught in mid February and I got it from him I suppose. East Coast mid Atlantic state, small city & we are 25 minutes out in the boonies. Homebodies, no international travel, work, grocery store, restaurant & home - very low risk.

Right there 3 people in my little neighborhood and NONE of us counted towards the statistics. The numbers are wrong people, we’ve been lied too. I can assure you this virus is not a hoax. Now fast forward to yesterday (Sat May 23rd) as I drove around I saw multiple house parties going on. One had 8 to 10 people all in very close proximity. The next had 15 cars in the yard, from 8 to 80 years of age, they were hugging, grilling, throwing frisbees and running under the sprinkler. Another group were taking turns riding double on atv’s and dirt bike. I give em 3 weeks and they will be at the ER. They will get the COVID19 test and the nebulizer, some will live - others won’t. We went from 3 counties having confirmed cases to now all counties have confirmed cases.

If you don’t believe me just read your local obituaries for the next couple months. Early on the line here in the paper was the person “died unexpected” and there were many listed and they keep adding more each day only now they say “died from complications of COVID19”. It’s random so a 50 year old can live, while a 30 year old may die. But a person with compromised health is at huge risk.

Most intelligent people will heed the warnings but many folks are dumb, lazy, in denial, or distrust the government and will not take precautions. I hope I’m wrong... I pray that I’m wrong... but opening the economy is gonna expedite this virus. I’m all for getting back to normal but it’s too early. I’m thinking 12 to 24 months and there will be multiple waves of it spreading. Look at China or Italy,

The other day I got an email from the local hospital CEO yokel asking many people to volunteer time and participate in a study of those suspected to have built up immunities to COVID19. Yeah sure thing, it’s now 60 days since you kicked me to the curb. Your hospital really helped me out, I would be thrilled to drive 25 miles one way to the hospital each week for 6 weeks in a row. Can you say - LICK MY BOOTS?

I don’t want to be a downer, but be smart and play it safe. If you or your loved ones are health compromised or in a high risk group - you would be well advised to hunker down on the quarantine. I’m positive you don’t want to hear this message. I don’t want or need notoriety - but please share this info.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.... Sorry for the highjack Gray!
Oof! o_O

It sounds like it kicked your ass good! That's the sort of experience that the media talks about, without the death part. And you survived without medical assistance. Congratulations!

It's very close to what I had in December. My lungs were feeling raw from all the coughing, and I finally realized it was from purposely trying to clear the burbles in my lungs all the time. All the muscles in my chest ached. I could feel a torn muscle in my side. Heavy relentless fatigue. For weeks. I figured it was simply pneumonia at the time because it was unlike any flu I'd had before. And maybe it was.

So I'm looking ahead and poring over numbers, and I can't find a way to keep from getting infected if I haven't already. A phrase I like is "you can only change the day." You can get it soon, or you can get it later - hiding won't insure anything - it'll only change the day.

I don't live in the part of our country that requires a lot of rules for people, and I can grasp how hard it is for people in more dense communities to understand how we can get along without them. The respect we have for experts and their opinions depends on them being right, correct, etc. Once they've completely screwed up a couple times, we get tired of having to listen to them any more. :rolleyes: And some of us are educated and wise enough to wonder why they think it doesn't matter when they screw up. Smart people shouldn't have to make excuses when they throw other people's lives into chaos. I'm not impressed that they didn't intend to screw up. And I will never be impressed with any of their opinions in the future. Why would I?

I'm fed up with bozos, that's all. It doesn't take education or talent to scare the wits out of people. Untold futures have been destroyed. The young couple who took a big leap and opened a new restaurant in January? They borrowed from parents and banks - money they'll never be able to pay back. Their bravery and ambition is now crushed. They'll never try again. That will be their sole attempt at breaking free. Now they'll be at the mercy of the job market, and their children's lives will be poorer in many many ways. The message is to be afraid, hide, don't take a risk, and politicians and "experts" who know "science" will handle it for you.

My only quandary right now is the mask thing. I haven't been convinced. It's looks more like virtue signalling to me. I am not afraid of getting infected. Period. So ... I would be protecting others. From ... what? Me? I'm not sick. There's an incubation period, so in theory, I could be infectious, but I get 4 days off each week, so I get time to see. 15-20 times each work shift, I walk through random apartment buildings where I also have doors open in my face with inside air rushing out. I work alongside 4 other people who are doing the same thing. We're all carriers, right? We're like cashiers. And none of us are sick and none of the cashiers I've talked to know a coworker who got sick. :hmmmm:

So after 6 weeks of being out there, two things are possible. Either I haven't breathed in a virus yet, or I've already been exposed and had no symptoms. Or, if I listen to the media and be smart, I should hide until the virus finally gets me. Something in me says that that's just ... wrong. Can't shake the feeling.

But I'm thrilled every time, to hear that people got sick and got through it on their own! :yahoo: :bravo:
Yeah man, you probably had it back then and are immune now. But you are right on changing the day, it’s foreign and we can’t stop it, either runs its course or they hit on a vaccine. But then how do you give the other half of the population a vaccine in time to prevent its spread? That’s a big stretch.

In times past I’ve heard it said that germophobes get sick in spite of ritual hand washing, yet the bit about how grocery & fast food workers are not catching it is very true. I see same cashiers week after week. It’s a conondrum because many are asymptomatic but spreading it. They will be talking about this and studying it and then one day it will become like 9/11 and we will largely forget the impact.

Here’s the other bit, I live in a fairly small town of 250K and the hospital is ran by a large teaching university who control multiple ER departments in the nearby cites. They had to see case after case come thru the door in the early days yet took a wait and see approach.

Yes on the lingering fatigue, drained to the max and I failed to list that. Mine was also coupled with heavy wheezing about 6 days from onset of coughing. Coughing doesn’t sound bad but when you are gasping to breathe between coughs and the coughs never end I’d call that pretty serious. I find breathing kinda important to my overall well being ;) I bet you’ve had it and are immune yourself, but here the tricky part.... that does not mean you couldn’t catch it again such that you are not sick but now you could pick up a fresh copy of the virus, be asymptomatic yourself but yet still deliver that new copy to another person. Pause on that for just a second and I know you already have.

Yes sir I’m thrilled when I hear of success stories and I love the optimism you have!

Well Mr. Graytail its been great checking in. I did notice the hb boards changed up big time then got added back. I’m glad to have access to the data again but one must play by the rules huh? In other news I finally dropped a journal and won a spot in Seedsman Classic Comparative grow Jack H & Blueberry. I’m pumped about both.

Thanks for all you do here!
Pretty sure I had ‘something’ mid December. Dry Coughing for 4 weeks. Got the pulled muscle in my lower right back. Grunting in pain while awake and asleep. I get it right after my wife had the same cough and could not catch her breath after thanksgiving, After flying in and out of Denver.
I dunno maybe an early morph before it became something stronger.
It feels like I caught it from a guy who flew in from Bumfuck Egypt! :cough:
It's gonna be interesting to see what happens economically after this. I feel sorry for the couple you just described, but not for the two yuppies I saw on TV today that are shutting their restaurant down and letting everybody go because 25% of the money coming in after all expenses are paid isn't enough profit for them. It's a college town and I'm sure they make a grand on a bad day.
Midwest yuppies get into some high tech field that pays enough to retire while they're still kids. Most of them live the other yuppie dream and move west, start a vineyard, and add to the ever lengthening list of bland California table wines that nobody wants to listen to them brag about. These ones I saw on TV are the ones with funny hair and beards but nice suits who live the second yuppie fantasy and start a place to cook their dumb idea for healthy food in and call it something snobby like an eatery or a bistro..... :straightface:
Hola Gray :ciao: Well I hope that means you’re immunity to it is increased, those of you who have had it. I tuned out to all the news a few weeks ago and am not really keeping track much, but i did hear that having it didn’t necessarily mean acquired immunity - is that still being said? Do they know much more yet?

hb boards changed up big time then got added back. I’m glad to have access to the data again
I am missing something. Can’t find it at all :hmmmm:
It feels like I caught it from a guy who flew in from Bumfuck Egypt! :cough:
It's gonna be interesting to see what happens economically after this. I feel sorry for the couple you just described, but not for the two yuppies I saw on TV today that are shutting their restaurant down and letting everybody go because 25% of the money coming in after all expenses are paid isn't enough profit for them. It's a college town and I'm sure they make a grand on a bad day.
Midwest yuppies get into some high tech field that pays enough to retire while they're still kids. Most of them live the other yuppie dream and move west, start a vineyard, and add to the ever lengthening list of bland California table wines that nobody wants to listen to them brag about. These ones I saw on TV are the ones with funny hair and beards but nice suits who live the second yuppie fantasy and start a place to cook their dumb idea for healthy food in and call it something snobby like an eatery or a bistro..... :straightface:
I’ve seen where some businesses that are ready to open back up haven’t been able to because their employees won’t come back because they are making more in unemployment. Wtf?
I never knew people had a choice in that particular type of unemployment claim. I always thought that if the company paying the comp payments notified the unemployment office that they were starting back up, the claimant's payments stopped. They should at least stop the extra 600 bucks unemployment incentive if your old job comes back and you don't take it.
I read for a solid 6 months before I ever signed up, read even more before I ever made a post. Spent a lot of time on that collection every single page in fact. There are individual journals of former crew members that were moved to that section, those journals are closed / locked from edits or new entries and from what I saw the “in the lab” or workshop type threads are no longer visible. The biggest journal appears gone and makes me wonder if it was agreed upon several years ago that the data housed therein belonged to the sponsor not the magazine. IDK but just thinking out loud on last sentence. It’s a killer playground but respect must be shown and rules abided by.
Hola Gray :ciao: Well I hope that means you’re immunity to it is increased, those of you who have had it. I tuned out to all the news a few weeks ago and am not really keeping track much, but i did hear that having it didn’t necessarily mean acquired immunity - is that still being said? Do they know much more yet?

I'm still not sure about what we hear from the news clowns. The question is whether one can be reinfected, and for some reason, the clowns don't offer anything useful. Clearly, live virus has been detected in patients who have previously recovered, but they never say if the patients got sick again. :hmmmm: If you don't get sick, then ... ? Yes, you can be a carrier again, but so are millions of other people who might actually get sick. If you get through it once, then a second time can't be so bad. Right? Of course, I'm not a news clown, so what would I know?

The most stunning development recently is the discovery that it hasn't really mattered how much or how little various countries have done. The results don't correlate with the degree of intrusion. The disease has progressed through the populations at different rates, but the end results are very similar.

And I haven't seen the latest age and health charts, but as far as I know it's still the very old and very ill that have trouble and die. Our latest have been people in their 90s. Half of infected people show no symptoms? None? Another third only experience typical colds? Strep and staph infections go through nursing homes on a regular basis, taking out the weakest, so the situation isn't particularly unique.

I'm out there constantly now, coming into contact with hundreds of people every day, and I don't see any sick ones. Our entire State currently has less that 40 people in the hospital out of a total of almost a million. Out of nearly 70,000 tested, we've hospitalized fewer than 200. Everyone else was treated at home.

And I realize that far too many paragraphs have been written on a non-420 subject. :cheesygrinsmiley: Ima dial it back. It's a community benefit to share the info, but it's not actually forum related. :laughtwo:

I've been keeping runts/mothers/bonsais, and soon I'll get something going again. I'm running low on Carnival, and we simply can't allow that.

:bongrip: :Namaste:
The jars have been surprisingly well, thank you. :slide: :bongrip:

I prefer fresh, but I've gotten a pretty good handle on long-term curing and most of the 1 yr+ buds are smoking great!


And I have my main strains nailed down, so I'm seldom disappointed. Last night, I rediscovered a particularly nice purple Devils Carnival that had a stronger punch than I remembered. :cheesygrinsmiley::bongrip:
Yes on paragraphs wasted and getting off topic. Please accept my most sincere apology Mr. Gray!

It’s not exactly bud porn but it’s close.

10 ounces gosling 151, 1 zip of jack herer decarbed. Chilled... shaken not stirred. 7 day soak. I was going for a stout version using the master wu green dragon recipe but with black bermuda rum you wind up with a brown dragon. Gotta give her heat bath but pretty tasty & effective too, Just over 4 liquid ounces before infusion or any reduction.

On scale 4 zips jack h. sugar leaf trim only, no fans. The plan is decarb, qwet wash - cook into RSO.

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