Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

In mid December I went through something with symptoms just like Wuhan. :hmmmm: I only had a brief fever, but it was an odd lung thing. Usually I get a sore throat, then raspy lungs, then painful lungs with plugged nose and watery eyes. But this had no nose and eyes, and very little throat pain. It was all lungs, fever and chills, and fatigue - extreme fatigue.

But that was too early for it to get mid continent USA, no? :hmmmm:

Anyway, that'd be nice - to know I've had "it" already.
So far in my State, we've tested 8% of the population and found about 4% of them positive at the time. Of those, 6% had to be hospitalized, and 9% of those died. The large majority of the tests were done for patients that had already been screened for symptoms - maybe 10% were random. Of total positive cases, 2% have died. And 65% of deaths came from nursing homes.


This looks more and more like a fubar. :straightface: I think we been punked.
Diva is an avid DailyMail reader and just ran across this bit of info.

After sifting through 400 cannabis strains, researchers at the University of Lethbridge are concentrating on about a dozen that show promising results in ensuring less fertile ground for the potentially lethal virus to take root, said biological scientist Dr. Igor Kovalchuk. “A number of them have reduced the number of these (virus) receptors by 73 per cent, the chance of it getting in is much lower,” said Kovalchuk. If they can reduce the number of receptors, there’s much less chance of getting infected.”

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher

:cheesygrinsmiley: :bongrip:
I haven't gotten sick in the 3.5 years I have been smoking.......even when everyone else in the house was sick. The one time I got feeling halfway bad, I burned a bowl of Tangie Ghost Train haze and whatever funk I had was gone. Just saying.
You had it too? That's reassuring. I'm tired of the death count, sheesh. How many have already had it? That's what I want to know. I don't see how it's useful to know which people are contagious today, and which aren't. A third of us could already have had it. They tested our county jail today and turned up 6 positives, 3 inmates, 3 workers. None of them had symptoms. :straightface: So ... how many have already had it? C'mon. The information is useless.

Heheh, apparently we have the same taste in medical care like we have in music. The other day, I had to think of the last time I "went to the doctor". Couldn't remember - gotta be decades. I've broken bones and torn stuff, so I had to have that handled, but no "go to the doctor".
Our neighbors got Coronavirus. She works in healthcare....home care nursing type stuff....does the billing and accounting....but her boss apparently got it and gave it to half the office. She in turn gave it to her husband. They both were down with it really hard for a couple weeks. Said it was no joke.
The entire fresh chicken section was empty the last time I was at the store. :straightface:

With the processing plants being closed, the supply backs up and the output drops. The producers get completely screwed because it's a perishable product, and the processor costs go sky high.

Two months ago, I was wondering why no one would talk about what happens when you shut down a complicated just-in-time-delivery economy like ours, and then try to "turn it back on". No such thing. "It" lives its own life. "It" will do what "it" does.

Now I'm wondering what's gonna happen to all the commercial real estate values. I'd be desperately trying to find a buyer if I owned rental or commercial property. No one will be able to afford current prices with a reduced income. Malls are goners, fer shure. And I'm not so sure about rental property - maybe if you have enough equity to get through the bad years.

Thank gawd I'm old. :bongrip:
We may have to learn to live life again, Maybe a garden, where our lawn is now. People in Germany raise deer, beef, pork, & chickens, in their back yard, and everyone has large gardens. We will learn to survive !! This will cull, the old farts like me. And life goes on !! Property values will plummet, we're gonna have less cops, less firemen, teachers, smaller banks will be have to merge, business loans will tighten up, and it's going be awhile before this economy is anywhere near normal again. Just my 2 cents !!
Plumeria/Frangipani. The big one has dark pink flowers with white edges. The one in the back left of that 1st picture is blooming pink right now. On the other side of the yard we have a few big yellow ones. My Wife has all the strain names. The plumeria breeders/collectors are a bit unusual, but so am we get along. The dude that gave me Lucinda has over 200 strains he keeps.
Daughter sent her mom, plumeria seeds from Hawaii so they're now growing in Ma.. lol !! Till winter anyhow, then into my basement. Maybe !!
So... it finally happened. I managed to grow a plant right into my panels. Damn things are so cool that there was very little actual damage. I was a touch shocked.

She looked like this after at least 24hrs of actually touching the panel.

HPS would have torched that girl hard long before she came close to touching the light source.
Luvin my panels.
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