Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

Glad to read people started laughing at the time too.
I still get a chuckle over that incident I once mentioned in PotChimp’s journal when I was on the witness stand in court with my ex trying to get visiting rights to my kid and her lawyer suddenly asked asked me in a nasty threatening tone
‘Sooooo..... Mr Weasel.... when was the last time you smoked marijuana?’
And I said ‘I can’t remember’.
That was a totally innocent answer but then I looked over at the judge and I saw him trying not to laugh, and then I started laughing and he couldn’t hold it in, then everybody started laughing and that was the end of that line of questioning. Ha ha ha. Only laugh I had in court ever.
Good afternoon Gray,
Went to pull up a chair and I had to dust it off :cheesygrinsmiley:........ You have anything going on yet or are you still laying low?:passitleft:
Just to bring everyone 'up to speed' ...Gray has a trailer load of top shelf cannabis ,.no need to grow anymore for a while....right Gray..... :passitleft:

:laughtwo: ... "need" ... :hmmmm: ... no, I definitely NEED to grow ... :laughtwo:

Problem is, yes, I just end up with more herb when I do that. Lemme get a rough count of my jars ...

Yeah, still 'bout 50 quarts left, maybe 35-40 ounces. :straightface:

I have a bunch of raggedy clones I'm "saving", but still no good purpose in starting up the bloom room yet. I have to replace the main vent fan (that S&P TD-100 ran 24/7 for 6.5 years!) before I get back to it, and I may just do that tonight ... :bongrip: ... and eventually I'll want some fresh herb, so ...

Meanwhile, I watch and still learn stuff. :slide:
:laughtwo: ... "need" ... :hmmmm: ... no, I definitely NEED to grow ... :laughtwo:

Problem is, yes, I just end up with more herb when I do that. Lemme get a rough count of my jars ...

Yeah, still 'bout 50 quarts left, maybe 35-40 ounces. :straightface:

I have a bunch of raggedy clones I'm "saving", but still no good purpose in starting up the bloom room yet. I have to replace the main vent fan (that S&P TD-100 ran 24/7 for 6.5 years!) before I get back to it, and I may just do that tonight ... :bongrip: ... and eventually I'll want some fresh herb, so ...

Meanwhile, I watch and still learn stuff. :slide:
Appreciate the reply and update. Sounds like the fan didn't owe you anything. Good luck with the change out.
Damn Gray, how big is that thai pan now? Or did you clone and ditch it?

LOL, I took two clones from it but I didn't ditch it - so I have all three. It's in a 1 gallon with 16 inches of bare legs and a thumb-sized stalk. :laughtwo: Looks pretty raggedy.

The fan makes more noise than the old one, darn it - got a faint hum. I upgraded to the TD-100X. :hmmmm: . I'll give it some time to warm up ...

But I can grow in the bloom room now. :slide:
Some good news there Gray.. :passitleft:..Too bad about the noisy fan..Have you insulated it..any ducting , 90's etc. And how is it mounted bud..hanging, suspended with something, shelf, etc? :passitleft:

Don' know yet. It mounts into a U-bracket with 4 screws into a joist. I insulated the mount with some rubber but nothing changed. It's like the fan motor itself is humming. And then it resonates all down the flue - swell. It's wedged up between a couple floor joists, too, so it's a real pain to work on. Grr. With the old one I only had to deal with the sound of rushing air through the flue.

Tired now - fuggit. :bongrip:
Ghost Train Haze is definitely gonna be on my next seed order. Every time I see that one PotChimp is growing, the crave hits me again. :love:
Wife & i are just finishing off the last jar of 22 jars of Ghost train haze, and I will say, It's very potent, and has a heavy lime taste. I have access to that strain of seed (cheap) right here in my area, and I'm definitely growing it again, soon. It's very cured at like 3 months of being in qt. jars. Glad you're liking the GTH Gray, I love that strain !!
Ya, two things,...thats in a bad spot, as you know. That new fan doesn't run quite as smooth as the old one , causing more vibrations on those/that floor joist. Prolly the worst place to install a fan in a house...ha. You are getting hum from the motor too, that at wat % Gray got it set to high maybe..?

The % doesn't seem to matter. It's the motor, I'm sure. This is a fan I picked up a couple years ago off the 'bay. It had a cracked housing, but I figured the fan would be ok. I bet the sucker got dropped. :straightface:

But I see that AC Infinity has theirs for $90 shipped, so I'll probably buy one of 'em. They have PWM driven motors, so they're even quieter. Shouldn't be a hum problem from one of those.

Bah! - hours wasted.
Wife & i are just finishing off the last jar of 22 jars of Ghost train haze, and I will say, It's very potent, and has a heavy lime taste. I have access to that strain of seed (cheap) right here in my area, and I'm definitely growing it again, soon. It's very cured at like 3 months of being in qt. jars. Glad you're liking the GTH Gray, I love that strain !!

I still haven't run one. Lime? Even better!

Um ... you and the wife finished off 22 jars? o_O :cheesygrinsmiley: Heheh, not much slowpuffin' at that rate.
1. I've used S&P TD-Silent fans for'em. All I hear is air moving. <thumbs-up>

2. 22 jars in 3 months?!! ... gotdam

3. I killed one thai pan bean. still have a few more and will crack some next round for sure. I also have an unopened 5-pack of some GTH that I've really wanted to crack. I loved it the last time I ran it...about 3 years ago, but my room is packed. Need space to expand. Just upcanned and flipped 2 really nice bubba hash that vegged for 10 weeks. They filled my last open slots in my tray. 3 weeks before anything else comes down.
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