Granny420's First SoG Using Seeds, Soil And HPS Lights


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Watch the world melt into a softer more playful version of itself with this all-time classic​

Original Cheese x Blueberry

Blue Cheese Cannabis Seeds​

Type: Feminized Weed Strain
Blue Cheese Strain by Barneys Farm

This Blue Cheese strain AKA Blueberry Cheese is one of the best and strongest on the market, and is guaranteed to knock your head off. Blue Cheese this is an easy to grow strain, which creates an incredible yield of fragrant and tasty weed. The intense aged-cheese flavours are softened by a sweet blueberry aftertaste.

The short stocky plant has strong side branches which develop heavy sticky colas in a short flowering period. Prepare to relax because this is a true sensation for Indica enthusiasts. Blue Cheese is now also available in an autoflowering strain.
Is Blue Cheese Indica or Sativa?
The Blue Cheese strain by Barneys Farm is 20% Sativa 80% Indica.

What is the best way to store my Blue Cheese strain seeds?
To properly store Blue Cheese seeds, it is recommended to keep them cool and dark in an airtight container ideally in a refrigerator with proper labeling and dating, avoiding freezing.

What is the best method to germinate Blue Cheese strain seeds?
There are numerous techniques for germinating Blue Cheese cannabis seeds if it is allowed in your location. The paper towel method is a common method in which the Blue Cheese seeds are placed on a damp paper towel and covered with another damp paper towel to keep them moist. After that, keep the paper towel in a warm, dark spot and check on it every day to ensure that it remains moist. When the Blue Cheese seeds have germinated, gently place them in soil or similar growth media.

What is the best temperature for germinating Blue Cheese cannabis seeds?
Blue Cheese cannabis seeds germinate in temperatures from 70°F-90°F (21°C-32°C) Temperatures below 70°F (21°C) and above 90°F (32°C) can prevent or compromise healthy germination. Low temperatures delay or even stop germination. High temperatures can cause poor germination, stunted or slow growth also increases the possibility of seedlings drying out.


Well that ends the first three strain’s descriptions. Yummy strains!
The journey begins… the girls are swimming tonight.

Blueberry Cheese (6)

Mataro Blue (6) oops… 7! Guess an extra decided to sneak aboard!

Fat Bastard (12)

Into the black tote they go… rest well tonight my dear hopefuls!

Very productive day. Happy dance :party:cuz the journey has a start!:woohoo::goof:

:hug::hug::hug:HUGE GRANNY420 HUGS TO ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Howdy grams, I just got a chance to re-read thru your journal. Too much to process all at once an didn't want to add hundreds of comments on to your page. First off , so sorry for your loss an I hope your coping well with things. at our... well my age when I run into folks I haven't seen in a while sadly enough we talk about the people we knew and are no longer with us. ❤️‍🩹
and don't even get me started on the songs runnin around my brain. The play list is all discombobulated an I've come to realize I've been hearing the wrong lyrics most of my life. With CCR it was more hoid it thru the grapevine than heard. Lost my train of thought 🙃 anyhoo great journal so far
Gees! Hope I get better at adding photos!
Evidently I need to rotate and size my photos before uploading them.
And they are backwards, ie. last is first, etc.
I will do better next time.

The first is simply the temp and humidity in the grow room, without the door being shut but with the CFL lights on. but there is no ventilation yet.

The next is just the CFL light info, in case others down the road want that info. Bright white, 100w, 1500 lumens. Uses 14w electricity.
Two lights in the room for the sprouts - YES I will have some sprouts soon!

And I did go ahead and put the 250/400/600w MH/HPS light in and added the venting ducts on both sides. If you can see in this sideways pic, I will be pulling cooler room air in through my light, and out of the grow tent where it will be sent into the attic (as I did in previous grows). I’ll use an in-line duct fan to do this. It was just easier to set this up now, before plants fill up the room.


If it makes sense to anyone, I also tried to estimate at what height I should grow them to before flipping to HPS and 12/12. Thus, the pots stacked up by the yardstick (which ends at 35”). From the floor to where the MH light is, is 36”. These are 6” pots.
Bottom pot 6” represents the soil/perlite mix to the top

Second 6” pot represents the growing plant at 6” tall (12” above floor, 24” below light). I will flip to flower at this height.

Third and fourth pots represent a 12” stretch after flower when they double to triple their height.
At this point, if their height tripled they would be 18” tall, 24” floor to tip, and only 12” below the HPS light… which means the light would need to be raised. I can only go up 6” at the most with the light, so I hope I am calculating right. If not, no biggie, I’ll adapt.

That’s it for today’s update for me. Figured out a number of things today from cooling the light to how tall to grow before flip and first upload of images with a new (cheap) camera. Productive day here!

Hope you are all having a great Labor Day weekend and stay safe!

:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs!!!:hug::hug::hug:

I'm a bit confused are those CFL bulbs or LED if LED cut off the defuser

I'm Urkling up for that cheese! Did I say that?
Hehe, good luck with them granny420!
:thanks:Honey! You did say that! Haha Thank you so much, may the good luck forces be with us!:yummy:

:hug::hug::hug:Cheesy Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Howdy grams, I just got a chance to re-read thru your journal. Too much to process all at once an didn't want to add hundreds of comments on to your page. First off , so sorry for your loss an I hope your coping well with things. at our... well my age when I run into folks I haven't seen in a while sadly enough we talk about the people we knew and are no longer with us. ❤️‍🩹
:hug:Hey Honey! Yes, losing loved ones becomes much more frequent now and it is sad. Thank you for your warm thoughts. You are all helping me cope.:thanks:
and don't even get me started on the songs runnin around my brain. The play list is all discombobulated an I've come to realize I've been hearing the wrong lyrics most of my life. With CCR it was more hoid it thru the grapevine than heard. Lost my train of thought 🙃 anyhoo great journal so far
Funny how we learn years/decades later that we been singing the wrong words!🤪:)🙃
I'm a bit confused are those CFL bulbs or LED if LED cut off the defuser
You are absolutely right, they are LED lights!
Now remember I said that, You are absolutely right!
My hubby always makes me repeat those words! LOL!
They look like regular light bulbs used to look. 💡

My first grow I used many CFLs, the curly kind, just have to git in me head these are not the same! They have come a long way since those days on light bulbs! Yes, they are LED lights. All they are doing right now is keeping my seeds warm in their black box in the tent. But they are sure BRIGHT 💡! EEK!:high-five:

:hug::hug::hug:Bright Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:

Good Gawd! Look at the size of that cola! No wonder it's called "Fat Bastard"!!
@Granny420, I'm really looking forward to this one. :cheer:
Hey Lady C! :high-five:

Yes, those look like they named it right! Of course in this SoG I don’t think we will get to see what we would see if they were allowed to grow up big, but I’m hoping for better returns than some plants would give in a SoG. We will see. Still wishing I could grow giants like your girls in the girlz vs guyz contest! You have sooo many beautiful long colas that I’m sure are filling out wonderfully! They are gorgeous for sure! I will just drool :drool:over everyone’s big huge girls while I test seeds here in my little SoG!

:hug::hug::hug:F A T Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
The terpene profile for Fat Bastard sounds excellent. Most of my favourite strains are a blend of caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene.
Hey honey! :thanks: for stopping by! Yes, just what we need for med benefits.:yummy:

:hug::hug::hug:Terpene Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
The terpene profile for Fat Bastard sounds excellent. Most of my favourite strains are a blend of caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene.
I gotta agree with Mel. That fat bustard looks good. Looking forward to Grannies grow. Should be great.
SEED Update
Approximately 15 hours of soak. Into paper towels now.

First, Mataro Blue: These old seeds didn’t really want to sink, but 5 did and 2 didn’t. They are old and probably much drier than fresh seeds. I left their paper towels a bit wet instead of damp. I will drain them off before bed tonight, but it’s kind of like leaving them to soak for 24 hours.


Next, Blueberry Cheese aka Blue Cheese. No action on these either, but they sure look swelled.

Last but not least…
The Fat Bastards are off to win the race! Some have peeked their roots out.

So I am probably a little early, but I wet some Rockwool with distilled water so the temps would be nice for the seeds.

And I covered them after draining off the extra water.

That’s it for my update! The Fat Bastards are winning the seed pop race!

I feel like I’m a mom watching her babies give birth! EEK!

:hug: :hug::hug: POPPIN’ Granny Hugs To All!:hug::hug::hug:
SEED Update
Approximately 15 hours of soak. Into paper towels now.

First, Mataro Blue: These old seeds didn’t really want to sink, but 5 did and 2 didn’t. They are old and probably much drier than fresh seeds. I left their paper towels a bit wet instead of damp. I will drain them off before bed tonight, but it’s kind of like leaving them to soak for 24 hours.


Next, Blueberry Cheese aka Blue Cheese. No action on these either, but they sure look swelled.

Last but not least…
The Fat Bastards are off to win the race! Some have peeked their roots out.

So I am probably a little early, but I wet some Rockwool with distilled water so the temps would be nice for the seeds.

And I covered them after draining off the extra water.

That’s it for my update! The Fat Bastards are winning the seed pop race!

I feel like I’m a mom watching her babies give birth! EEK!

:hug: :hug::hug: POPPIN’ Granny Hugs To All!:hug::hug::hug:
I'm rooting for the fat bastard. That report you posted looks fantastic.
I'm rooting for the fat bastard. That report you posted looks fantastic.
:rofl: And the competition begins. One vote for the Fat Bastards as they come flyin’ outta the gate!
Fat Bastard in the lead on day 1. Anyone else wanna cast yer vote? :high-five:
Love the results so far! Keep the faith in the rest of them. Fingers crossed you get 100%
💞 💞 💞
:love::hug: I’m crossing my fingers! And thank you Lady C!
I peeped in on them once. No change. I’ll leave them alone until mid-evening.
:rofl: And the competition begins. One vote for the Fat Bastards as they come flyin’ outta the gate!
Fat Bastard in the lead on day 1. Anyone else wanna cast yer vote? :high-five:
Oh heck Who am I kidding.....cheers for all the little gals! :cheer: :cheer:
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