Granny420's First SoG Using Seeds, Soil And HPS Lights

Hey Bill! :high-five:

What? WOAH!!! SHIT! :oops:
Yep it was bring your kid to work day on the day of my daughter's birth.
One of the surgeons brought his 12 year old daughter.
She was right beside him the whole time.
I was ducking behind the curtain trying to keep it together.:rolleyes:
Sorry Stone didn't mean to take your thread :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yep it was bring your kid to work day on the day of my daughter's birth.
One of the surgeons brought his 12 year old daughter.
She was right beside him the whole time.
I was ducking behind the curtain trying to keep it together.:rolleyes:
Sorry Stone didn't mean to take your thread :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
WOW!! :rofl: :rofl:

I can picture her rolling her eyes :rollingeyes: at the dad behind the curtain! Yeah, that’s not something most dads can take. Later, can’t you just imagine what she had to say to her dad about the day?:rofl:

:hug::hug::hug:EYE ROLLING :eye-roll: Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
WOW!! :rofl: :rofl:

I can picture her rolling her eyes :rollingeyes: at the dad behind the curtain! Yeah, that’s not something most dads can take. Later, can’t you just imagine what she had to say to her dad about the day?:rofl:

:hug::hug::hug:EYE ROLLING :eye-roll: Granny Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Or when she went back to school. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
OMG, that would have been one helluva "Show & Tell".

(do they still do that in schools? LOL)
It was almost 30 years ago :Namaste:
I don’t know if they still have bring your kid to work day let alone show and tell. :rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My first child was textbook born on delivery date just slid right out. don't know why the wife was digging her nails into my arm an complaining. My daughter was a different story she wasn't going to wait an came eight weeks early, the C section wasn't so bad the wife was drugged up so not so much arm torture. As soon as the Dr yanked her out she let out this really loud scream, (the baby) never cried so much in my life. yeah I lost my boyish figure but having kids made it all worth it
Ok. It’s a bright wonderful new day! Or as Lady C would say, “good mornfternoon!”

Took just a few pics yesterday…
Roots growing out the bottom of their 1” rockwool sweaters…

So ten got bigger homes, even if they can barely be seen in the pics…

Which leaves 12 lil babes being a bit slower. But they are all doing good inside. I peeked and tried to give them a way out…

Hope I don’t kill any off just by loving and worrying too much! Very impatient mom here!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! I think we are going out in the pontoon today to just soak up some fresh air… it’s fall and it’s a beautiful day! Hope you are all growing green!!!

:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:

Lotsa little necks showing. How are they doing today? Start of a whole new week of excitement for the kids!

💞 💞
Lotsa little necks showing. How are they doing today? Start of a whole new week of excitement for the kids!

💞 💞
I’m glad you asked, dear lady! :high-five:

Not sure how this report is? The 10 that were put in pots are all doing fine. One was a bit slow, but is now starting to do better, at least its first oval leaves are finally opening. Just gave them all their biggest drink to date. Have been doing the parameters of the rw, farther out each time, today I went to the edge. Even had a bit of runoff, but I think that was due to super dry soil cuz the top is not completely moist. May have to spray next time I water.

But those in the rockwool are slower than slow. Here they are…

One had troubles with its helmet (front corner BBC). Then the next one (middle behind the unhelmeted one) is coming finally coming out, but its roots went numerous directions before this and I just don’t know if it will make it. Then the back two BBC look good. But there are 5 BBC that just seem stuck, started and for some reason just stopped.

Of the remaining 3 FBs, they have looked like they were going to do something, but they have stalled also. No movement/growth in the last week.

Anyone have suggestions? I’ve kept the rw moist with light spraying when they seemed to be drying, otherwise nothing with them.

I glad there are at least a few more BBC going to join the bigger pots, but don’t know what I’m doin wrong with the others? I am remembering this happening to me the last (and only) time I used rw. After that, I just planted them in small starter pods of soil.

I did have the temp in there get to 83.5F the day I started the others in their new pots and put the second light in. But that was only for a few hours, then I just opened the door back up since I don’t have my fans or air movement in there yet.

Or, maybe I’m just loving them too much and they are afraid to come out and meet me? Maybe they saw me take their buddy and fear what’s ahead for them! :oops::rolleyes::oops: I pulled the light up a bit in case they had too much. Hasn’t made a difference. I know the seeds were viable cuz they stuck their tail root out before they went in the rw. Thus it’s something I did or didn’t do.

No matter what, I WILL have a good crop and I’ll make sure I take clones to make more… but this is a tad frustrating!

Thanks for visiting! :rolleyes:

:hug::hug::hug:Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
I’m glad you asked, dear lady! :high-five:

Not sure how this report is? The 10 that were put in pots are all doing fine. One was a bit slow, but is now starting to do better, at least its first oval leaves are finally opening. Just gave them all their biggest drink to date. Have been doing the parameters of the rw, farther out each time, today I went to the edge. Even had a bit of runoff, but I think that was due to super dry soil cuz the top is not completely moist. May have to spray next time I water.

But those in the rockwool are slower than slow. Here they are…

One had troubles with its helmet (front corner BBC). Then the next one (middle behind the unhelmeted one) is coming finally coming out, but its roots went numerous directions before this and I just don’t know if it will make it. Then the back two BBC look good. But there are 5 BBC that just seem stuck, started and for some reason just stopped.

Of the remaining 3 FBs, they have looked like they were going to do something, but they have stalled also. No movement/growth in the last week.

Anyone have suggestions? I’ve kept the rw moist with light spraying when they seemed to be drying, otherwise nothing with them.

I glad there are at least a few more BBC going to join the bigger pots, but don’t know what I’m doin wrong with the others? I am remembering this happening to me the last (and only) time I used rw. After that, I just planted them in small starter pods of soil.

I did have the temp in there get to 83.5F the day I started the others in their new pots and put the second light in. But that was only for a few hours, then I just opened the door back up since I don’t have my fans or air movement in there yet.

Or, maybe I’m just loving them too much and they are afraid to come out and meet me? Maybe they saw me take their buddy and fear what’s ahead for them! :oops::rolleyes::oops: I pulled the light up a bit in case they had too much. Hasn’t made a difference. I know the seeds were viable cuz they stuck their tail root out before they went in the rw. Thus it’s something I did or didn’t do.

No matter what, I WILL have a good crop and I’ll make sure I take clones to make more… but this is a tad frustrating!

Thanks for visiting! :rolleyes:

:hug::hug::hug:Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
I'll poke in here. The seeds in the rockwool that are not coming out, ....if you squeeze the bottom of the rockwool cube, is it soaked and squeezing out water easily? One of the most common errors starting new plants is overwatering. Check to be sure those cubes aren't too wet, so the roots have a reason to grow and search for moisture.
Just my humble opinion on one thing to check for. It's hard to tell from photos.
Also, make sure the little taproot isn't exposed to light from the hole above it where the seed was planted.
I'll poke in here. The seeds in the rockwool that are not coming out, ....if you squeeze the bottom of the rockwool cube, is it soaked and squeezing out water easily? One of the most common errors starting new plants is overwatering. Check to be sure those cubes aren't too wet, so the roots have a reason to grow and search for moisture.
Just my humble opinion on one thing to check for. It's hard to tell from photos.
Also, make sure the little taproot isn't exposed to light from the hole above it where the seed was planted.
:thanks: Again Lady! :high-five:

Yes, the rw is soaked. Doesn’t leak water out unless I squeeze them, then yes water streams out. I probably drowned the poor lil darlings! And I will make sure the taproots aren’t exposed too. Again, thank you for those tips. I’ll sit them on a folded kitchen towel to soak up their extra water. Don’t really want to squeeze them!

:hug::hug::hug:Squeeze you tight Granny Hugs, Lady C!:hug::hug::hug:
:thanks: Again Lady! :high-five:

Yes, the rw is soaked. Doesn’t leak water out unless I squeeze them, then yes water streams out. I probably drowned the poor lil darlings! And I will make sure the taproots aren’t exposed too. Again, thank you for those tips. I’ll sit them on a folded kitchen towel to soak up their extra water. Don’t really want to squeeze them!

:hug::hug::hug:Squeeze you tight Granny Hugs, Lady C!:hug::hug::hug:
Good, you need to wick out a lot of that water. I stack absorbent paper towels under them if I make a mistake and get them too wet. Paper towels wick it quick.
{{singing}} Wick it....Wick it good. (you can dance now) LOL
Good, you need to wick out a lot of that water. I stack absorbent paper towels under them if I make a mistake and get them too wet. Paper towels wick it quick.
{{singing}} Wick it....Wick it good. (you can dance now) LOL
My towels wicked them quick, but I will fold a paper towel under each set too- got it. Been reading a lot about wicking and may just have to do that when it’s transplant time. Water from below. Less gnats! But I need to read a lot more before making any decisions. Can’t afford much more for equipment, etc. but do know there’s a wealth of info in 420magazine!

:hug: :hug::hug:Big Hugs Sistah!:hug::hug::hug:

Ok, the poor Rockwool group are now finished - only 3 seedlings potted of them and sorry babes, but I’ve got to go forward. Thank goodness the 3 were all Blueberry Cheese. Potted them today in their 5.5” sq. Pots.

Here are some pics today… First pic is 4 Fat Bastards, potted on 9/7/24. That is the date of all but one of these day 1 pics. They seem happy to me. :)

Then the next group… 4 more Fat Bastards, looking happy to me. Pot day 9/7/24. :)

Then the last group… 4 Blueberry Cheese and the 1 FB that I finally think is going to make it. BBC #1 has a start date of 9/7/24, as does FB #6. The BBC #2, 3, and 4 all have a start date of 9/12/24, today. That is the date i potted them and the potting date is what I will use as their beginning veg date.


Grow tent 2’x4’x5’h.
Pots: 5.5” square pots, with small tray below and lots of holes in the bottom. Will be up potted to 3g bags.
Lights: Viparspectra 2024 XS1500 Pro (2)

The seedlings are not very big yet, but I see growth. I watered the new seedlings by spraying the top soil to wet it fairly good, especially directly around the rw, and then filled the bottom tray with water to help them hopefully shoot out roots toward the bottom. I plan on mainly watering from their bottom tray, but have to get their roots going first. When I see them happy, I’ll be happy!

I watered the first group started on 9/7, last Monday. I watered them fairly good that day and let them soak up the run off. My soil was really dry and I hadn’t given them much before this. I’m trying to get their roots to grow down. So today, I watered only from the bottom, letting it soak upward.

I’m going to try the AC Infinity self-watering base with 3g fabric pots. This is an auto-irrigation delivery system with a bottom reservoir and meter. Basically it uses a wick to water the bottom of the bag. i got the smaller version of this item because my grow space is limited. The reservoir holds 1g of water which should be enough, at least for daily watering of 3 gal fabric bags.

Anyhoo… that’s it for an update. My babies are growing!

:hug:Loving Granny Hugs To ALL!!!:hug:
Hey all:high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five:

Many rambling thoughts of a completely stoned granny! You were warned.

I am going to again review the 420 nutrient charts and info, but do any of you have any suggestions for starting nutes on seedlings? When to? Any favorite brands? I have a few Fox Farms and the rest of specific nutes like earth worm casting, etc. are Bloom City. But please let me know what you use if you might and or if the brands I have are any good? I know lots of ppl recommend start at 1/4 strength and move up gradually. I will do that. I just don’t know what the best brands are? Any 420 sponsors?

Last time I grew, I used 2 types of FF liquid fertilizer mixed in 1g jugs, one for veg and one for flower. And I used a low dose, never changing it. I used a specific blend of soil that our local garden center used and it came with 6 months nutrients in it. But now, I can do better with nutes.

I’m not wanting to get too technically confusing, (big fan of KISS) but I sure know I could do much better in giving my girls what they need. Reading many 420 journals has helped me to see I need to learn a number of things about nutes if I want to grow nice buds in a smaller space. I really don’t know how I grew such nice plants previously and am wondering how I can screw this one up? LOL

I have been watering with distilled water, but when I start nutes on the oldest group (they are Day 6 Veg/in pot), I also have to try this time to track pH. Our pump water on our farm has many active things swimming in it (under a microscope) and is high in Nitrogen and it is hard at 7.6-7.8. I have pH stuff to lower it, but I also never did this with my other grow. I probably had issues and didn’t recognize them.As I now understand it, I put all nutes in first and then get the pH to what? 5.8-6.2?

I used LST thru out my previous grows, but want to do quadlining this time around. I won’t be able to create really wide plants, but I do want at minimum 4 nice colas on each plant in a shorter time. Trying to stick to the SoG even if I went up to 3g pots.

I also ordered an AC Infinity humidifier. I have an a/c unit running and my humidity is running in the 50’s mainly and I think it might help put a bit of moisture for their leaves. And in the coming winter months, our home gets very very dry.

My temps are staying in the mid 70’s withboth lights at 40%. I am pushing air into the tent in one of the 6” vents at the bottom. I’m really impressed with these Viparspectra XS1500 Pro light. They don’t even kick out much heat at all out. Of course, they are on 40%, but I’m real impressed. Those HPS lights put out a tremendous amount of heat. Night and day.

And any advice on soil mixes, temps, humidity, or LITERALLY ANYTHING, is most welcome any time.

And as always… :hug: Granny Hugs to All!
This is a chart @InTheShed put in someone’s journal and I just want to add it here for my reference.
:thanks: Mr Shed!:hug:
Plants need nitrogen all the way through flower, almost as much nitrogen as potassium, and very little phosphorus all the way through. And I make sure I'm not overfeeding them with N because I'm sticking to specific ppm numbers, just like folks bumping MC do according to their feed charts. My late flower mix maxes out at around 160ppm of nitrogen, which would be 6.3g/gallon of MC, but I'm nowhere near what that amount of MC would be for potassium at 210ppm or calcium at 133ppm because MC is not my only nutrient source.

I've posted these before, but this is a pdf with plant analysis charts and graphs (with full detailed lab analysis) done on the macro and micronutrients found in three different strains of cannabis plant during veg and flower.

The varieties and analysis are from 2003, but I don't think we have modified the plant in the last 17 years to the extent that the nutrient results would vary that greatly today. Here are screenshots of the first three graphs:


hash bud plant analysis.JPG

berlin plant analysis.JPG

Two out of three of them used more nitrogen in flower than in veg!
For my reference…
I don’t want to use too many (overlap/overdose), so I need to reference some type of info. Just a basic list of what I have for nutrients and what each does and has in it. At least most of them.

I purchased:​

Organic Root Stimulant, Salmon and Kelp Formula, Rich with Microbes and Mycorrhizae by Bloom City​


Organic Liquid Seaweed and Kelp Fertilizer Supplement by Bloom City​

Kelp meal is a popular fertilizer for gardens and farms. It is made from kelp, a type of seaweed that grows in cold, shallow waters.

Kelp meal is rich in nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are essential for plant growth. Kelp meal also contains trace minerals, such as iron and manganese, which are important for the health of soils. Kelp meal has been used as a fertilizer for centuries.

In Asian countries, it has been used to fertilize rice paddies. In Europe, kelp meal was once a common ingredient in animal feed. It is an environmentally friendly fertilizer that can help to improve the health of both gardens and farms.
I purchased:

Mother Earth Nitro Bat Guano 5-3-1 Plant Fertilizer for Vegetative Plants, Flowersj​

Bat Guano
The feces of insectivorous bats consists of fine particles of insect exoskeleton, which are largely composed of chitin. Elements found in large concentrations include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements needed for plant growth. Bat guano is slightly alkaline with an average pH of 7.25.

Chitin from insect exoskeletons is an essential compound needed by soil fungi to grow and expand. Chitin is a major component of fungal cell wall membranes. The growth of beneficial fungi adds to soil fertility.

Bat guano composition varies between species with different diets. Insectivorous bats are the only species that congregate in large enough numbers to produce sufficient guano for sustainable harvesting.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › Guano


I purchased:​

Organic Root Stimulant, Salmon and Kelp Formula, Rich with Microbes and Mycorrhizae by Bloom City​

Fish emulsion has been shown to be effective as a fertilizer. While nutrient ratios may vary, a typical fish emulsion may have nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) rates of 2-4-1 and the micronutrients calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, and sodium.

I purchased:

Organic Earthworm Tea Concentrate and Compost and Bokashi Booster by Bloom City​

Worm castings are rich in nutrients that are essential for plant growth, including:
  • Macronutrients: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK)
  • Secondary macronutrients: Calcium, magnesium, and sulfur
  • Micronutrients: Iron, zinc, manganese, boron, copper, and molybdenum
  • Other nutrients: Chlorine

Worm castings also contain a large number of beneficial microbes, including bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and protozoa. These microbes break down nutrients into a form that plants can easily digest.

Worm castings have many benefits for plants, including:

Improved soil structure: Worm castings enhance soil structure, which promotes root growth.

Disease protection: Worm castings can help protect plants against diseases like damping-off, which is a soil-borne fungal disease that affects seeds and seedlings.

The nutrients in worm castings are slowly released over time, so they last longer.

Experimental AI Generated from Google.


Fermented Bokashi Fertilizer​

For The fermented bokashi fertilizer promoted and used by ARI and others in Asia is comprised largely of dried manure and forest soil. According to Oyanagi, the dried manure provides nutrients and organic matter, while the soil helps to preserve nutrients, absorb bad smells, and provide a comfortable living space for microorganisms. If charcoal is added (i.e. charred rice husks or wood charcoal powder) the effects of the soil are greatly enhanced. The following is a list of bokashi ingredients recommended by ARI:​

  • Dried manure should comprise 50-60 percent of the materials in a batch of bokashi and can include cow, pig, goat, chicken, duck or water buffalo manure as well as bat guano.
  • Soil from the forest should constitute 20-30 percent of the materials.
  • Rice bran, a carbohydrate source for beneficial microorganisms, should make up 10-20 percent of the mixture.
  • Rice husk charcoal should comprise 5-10 percent.
  • If available, small amounts of beneficial indigenous microorganisms (IMO) collected from forests or fields as well as fermented plant juice (FPJ) or Effective Microorganisms (EM), which helps with the fermentation process, should be applied to other bokashi materials via a water solution.


I purchased:

Bloom City Professional Grade Ultra Pure Cal-Mag Growing Fertilizer​

  • CONTAINS MORE MICRONUTRIENTS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND: Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Sulfur (S)
  • BIOACTIVATED FORMULA FOR OPTIMAL NUTRIENT UPTAKE: Calcium and magnesium, Micro-chelated with fulvic acid
  • PREVENTS COMMON GROWTH DEFICIENCIES: Apply Cal-Mag in every stage of growth for strong stalk and leaf health. Apply with every watering for the full benefit
  • COMPATIBLE WITH ANY NUTRIENT SYSTEM: 100% compatible with other nutrient systems, and can help make other minerals more bio-available
Amazon/Bloom City product ad info

Also purchased:
  • Flower Fuel Bloom Booster and Yield Enhancer for Plants - Big, Heavy, Healthy Harvests, for Use in Soil and Hydroponics - Concentrated Phosphorus and Potassium - Flower Fuel 1-34-32, 250g​

  • Myco+ Super Premium Root Innoculant 3-0-3​

  • Fox Farm Grow Big​

  • FF Tiger Bloom Buds & Blooms 2-8-4​

  • FF Big Bloom, Earthworm Castings & Bat Guano


I definitely see growth in this first week!
On 9/7/24, this it what the first 10 to be potted looked like.

From that day, their birthday :happy-birthday::woohoo:, I will split them into 3 groups for pictures.

Day 7 Veg/potted Fat Bastard (first 4)


Day 7 Veg/potted Fat Bastard (next 4)


Day 7 Veg/potted (1) lil Fat Bastard (my FB slowpoke) and (1) Blueberry Cheese (aka Blue Cheese)
Day 2 Veg/potted (3) Blueberry Cheese


Lights Viparspectra XS1500 Pro
Absolutely love these lights!


Now please, if you see something not right with my girls, please say something! I noticed a few plants (2 in the first group of 4) with something different with their leaves - don’t know how to describe it, just a funky kink? Is that signs of something they need? And please, when and what should I begin with for nutrients? I’m thinking worm castings and myco+ for roots… but this is new to me.

That’s it for my update! Hope everyone is growing great and staying safe!

:hug::hug::hug:Loving Granny Hugs to ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Nutrients have a small beginning!

Good or bad, I just felt like my girls needed something to help them green up.
So I did something! LOL:D

For a weak foliar spray, I added 12 drops of Clean Kelp to 500ml of h2o and I gently spritzed the biggest 9 girls. I turned the lights down to 20% and hope I didn’t burn them! Will find out by tomorrow I would think.

And I mixed 25 drops of Clean Kelp and 25 drops of Earth Tea in 3/4 gallon of water to use as my first soil nutrient water. I spritzed just a bit around the drip line of every plant with this. That’s all. But I will be using this to water them - just none of them needed watered yet.

I hope that helps to get some nutrients started. And I hope I used good choices. My Myco and fish nutes won’t arrive until Tuesday. Those are what I wanted to start with.

My girls after I did this…

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