Granny420's First SoG Using Seeds, Soil And HPS Lights

Hey Granny I hope there's room for me to tag along too. Love being crazy and goofy too.
:welcome: :high-five::love: And :thanks: for visiting my SoG ! You are sure welcome to tag along!
Get your:popcorn: and smoke some buds… it’s gonna be a slow but funny journey!
Same here with the HPS and homemade CFL fixtures way back. Those HPS lights were hot hot hot.
Keep your senses of humors, we need a good daily giggle. :laughtwo:

Oh do I agree, CannaLady. Everyone needs joy and humor.

Granny’s not so giggly today tho. My dearest girl friend died this morning. I was supposed to take her for an epidural under anesthesia today, but alas, I will have to catch her in Heaven. At least, that’s what I believe. I may not be in here for a bit, but can’t seem to stay away either. One day at a time.
I’ve been checking in with other journals… some superb buds in many of your journals!!!
Many :Namaste: visiting here. I would bow down to all of you, but by back just won’t take it!

My grow tent won’t arrive til late next week, so nothing new really to report. I have fans and ducts and carb scrubbers and pots and fox farm soil… etc, coming or here. This is gonna be some hard work just cleaning up to put/ fit the 3 various tents up let alone get the equipment all hooked up. I want to start popping seeds! But getting all these things done will take this old body some time.

Just checking in for now. Hope all are safe and in hempy happiness. I used to just love sitting toking and watching my girls grow. Just giving them the love they need. :peacetwo: out!
I’ve been looking at numerous grows and thinking about how exactly to do my SoG.
I am wanting clones of some strains, and not of others. But if I grow numerous strains at one time, I surely would run out of room in my veg area 4x2 veg tent with having to keep mothers for later clones.

So I’ve been tokin’ and thinking about how to do this.

When I finally get to start, I think I need to do numerous white widows and chronics. I have numerous seeds for both of these, and I loved everything about these glorious strains.

Second I also think I need to do it in segments, meaning, start with one (or 2) strain in good quantities (12 each strain, or mix of 12 plants). Start with white widows, get seeds to pop and grow just a bit, say 2 weeks maybe to start the next 12, and so on… That way if they are both 8-10wF I will have time between harvests. I don’t want so many plants that I can’t keep up with them come harvest time.

So that’s my start plan… but if anyone has any suggestions, I’d welcome them!
You know what they say about the best laid plans! We all know that our plan may not be what each strain knows about!! Even if we talk, sing (rock out or milder rock from 70’s - 80’s) and dance with them, they somehow don’t get our plan! EEK!!! 😱

Been up and down these last few days since my bestest friend ever died. I’ve been spending time with the family, but leaving them alone too. They have all her things to go through. They gave me the eternity heart bracelet that I gave her a couple years ago - she never took it off. They got it back from the funeral home, so I know she was wearing it. I am still heart broken 💔, but keeping busy spying on all of you! I’m learning a ton of tips from each of you! And you keep my mind occupied. Thank you all.

Happy trails to all… someday I will actually have PLANTS to report on! I can’t wait! But this is going to be very hard on me to get set up. Lots of health issues, as many have. So slow going, but plans kickin’ around in my pea brain!
I’ve been looking at numerous grows and thinking about how exactly to do my SoG.
I am wanting clones of some strains, and not of others. But if I grow numerous strains at one time, I surely would run out of room in my veg area 4x2 veg tent with having to keep mothers for later clones.

So I’ve been tokin’ and thinking about how to do this.

When I finally get to start, I think I need to do numerous white widows and chronics. I have numerous seeds for both of these, and I loved everything about these glorious strains.

Second I also think I need to do it in segments, meaning, start with one (or 2) strain in good quantities (12 each strain, or mix of 12 plants). Start with white widows, get seeds to pop and grow just a bit, say 2 weeks maybe to start the next 12, and so on… That way if they are both 8-10wF I will have time between harvests. I don’t want so many plants that I can’t keep up with them come harvest time.

So that’s my start plan… but if anyone has any suggestions, I’d welcome them!
You know what they say about the best laid plans! We all know that our plan may not be what each strain knows about!! Even if we talk, sing (rock out or milder rock from 70’s - 80’s) and dance with them, they somehow don’t get our plan! EEK!!! 😱

Been up and down these last few days since my bestest friend ever died. I’ve been spending time with the family, but leaving them alone too. They have all her things to go through. They gave me the eternity heart bracelet that I gave her a couple years ago - she never took it off. They got it back from the funeral home, so I know she was wearing it. I am still heart broken 💔, but keeping busy spying on all of you! I’m learning a ton of tips from each of you! And you keep my mind occupied. Thank you all.

Happy trails to all… someday I will actually have PLANTS to report on! I can’t wait! But this is going to be very hard on me to get set up. Lots of health issues, as many have. So slow going, but plans kickin’ around in my pea brain!
So sorry to hear about your friend. That has to be tough on you. 😥

I think you are right to do things in segments. It's a lot of stress when they are all ready at once and you know you have to get them down before they mature too much, but unexpected forces get in the way. We need less stress, not more. ;-)
Slow going is perfectly fine, as long you feel it's going.
We'll be cheering you on and riding with you. 💞
So sorry to hear about your friend. That has to be tough on you. 😥

I think you are right to do things in segments. It's a lot of stress when they are all ready at once and you know you have to get them down before they mature too much, but unexpected forces get in the way. We need less stress, not more. ;-)
Slow going is perfectly fine, as long you feel it's going.
We'll be cheering you on and riding with you. 💞
Thank you Lady Cannafan. Just riding the grieving roller coaster. It’s hell to get old, but I have been blessed with friends and my family, which went from hubby and I to all three of our sons marrying and having kids of their own, and the oldest now marrying and giving me 2 baby great grandsons. The youngest grands are 5, 6, 7, 9... and up to young 20’s. I feel truly blessed.

On to my grow tho. Thank you, so glad you agree, Lady. And thank you for hangin’ in here with me! You sure have amazing grows! I love the guyz vs galz grow! Beautiful, amazing plants from all!
:Namaste: :nicethread::popcorn::goodjob: :Namaste:

Initially, and throughout, I will be planting many seeds, but I will also be mixing clones of specific strains in, hopefully from the best (new) strains. It seems to be a much faster turnover time from clones. It just means I have to have rooms for the mother plants. I may have to utilize other areas, like the old 4x8x4 growing tent I laid on its side long ago to use as my veg area. It’s packed with misc. storage items currently… but I can store things elsewhere and re-line the Mylar insides so I can use it again. 4x8 veg area is a good size to veg mother plants or use for clones, and it can be done over time. I got so excited in deciding to grow again that I forgot to really consider HOW to best do this. So now, I’m dialing in the process.

But I best get to work here! My new tent will be arriving late this week and I have much to do to be ready for it. I hope I’m tough enough to do this! I’m gonna be real sore, but it will be good for me!

:hug:Granny420:hug: and happy trails to all!
Sog it to me! :)
Hi Granny so nice to see you back and growing! SOG is something I haven't done. This looks fun!
Hey honey! SoG it to me! So funny! I am picturing Goldie Hawk in a bikini with flowers everywhere on the tv show Laugh In? Sock it to me sock it to me SoG it to me SoG it to me… 😂 LOVED IT!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Big Granny Hugs:hug::hug::hug:

So good to see you here! I haven’t done this either, so I’m sure I’ll make many mistakes… and I’m sure I will grow some great bud too!
Happy trails to you… :high-five::peace:out!
Coming soon!

2’x4’x5’ grow tent
1” Rockwool
A variety of seeds in the freezer for a short winter
100 6” square pots
Fox Farm Ocean soil
Initially CFLs to sprout
Once they get going, I’m going to try my MH @ 250 w and if they show ANY leaf burn or it gets too hot in there, I will change lights.
Have temp and RH monitors
Have a carb scrubber ready when needed.

Break here to show ya’ll the carb scrubber I used with my first grow - LOL
THIS WAS THE MOTHER SCRUBBER! OMG was it was a beast to get upstairs by myself! Frickin HEAVY MOTHER SCRUBBER!

This time around I have new MUCH SMALLER carb scrubbers ready when needed. 😂 To be fair, that MOTHER SCUBBER still couldn’t quite handle the smell with the number of plants and strains I grew. I used it for a few years, so I had no complaints except getting it to the upstairs by myself.

That’s all I have time for, but should be popping seeds within 2-3 days!
Happy trails to you…

:hug: :hug: :hug:Big Green Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Hey honey! SoG it to me! So funny! I am picturing Goldie Hawk in a bikini with flowers everywhere on the tv show Laugh In? Sock it to me sock it to me SoG it to me SoG it to me… 😂 LOVED IT!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Big Granny Hugs:hug::hug::hug:

So good to see you here! I haven’t done this either, so I’m sure I’ll make many mistakes… and I’m sure I will grow some great bud too!
Happy trails to you… :high-five::peace:out!
Goldie was/is the happiest thing and she always makes me happy too! Let's channel that when we can!

I made an extraction setup a while back. You might be interested. That large one is heavy! I'm still on the first one in the sonotube and I'm glad :laugh: . It'll need changing one day though.
Coming soon!

2’x4’x5’ grow tent
1” Rockwool
A variety of seeds in the freezer for a short winter
100 6” square pots
Fox Farm Ocean soil
Initially CFLs to sprout
Once they get going, I’m going to try my MH @ 250 w and if they show ANY leaf burn or it gets too hot in there, I will change lights.
Have temp and RH monitors
Have a carb scrubber ready when needed.

Break here to show ya’ll the carb scrubber I used with my first grow - LOL
THIS WAS THE MOTHER SCRUBBER! OMG was it was a beast to get upstairs by myself! Frickin HEAVY MOTHER SCRUBBER!

This time around I have new MUCH SMALLER carb scrubbers ready when needed. 😂 To be fair, that MOTHER SCUBBER still couldn’t quite handle the smell with the number of plants and strains I grew. I used it for a few years, so I had no complaints except getting it to the upstairs by myself.

That’s all I have time for, but should be popping seeds within 2-3 days!
Happy trails to you…

:hug: :hug: :hug:Big Green Granny Hugs To ALL!:hug::hug::hug:
Looking forward to this.
That IS one big Mother Scrubber!
You're one your way to a lot of *Snap* *Crackle* *Pops* !
Looking forward to kickoff.
Hey Rose1965:high-five: so great to see you!:snowboating: Up early to continue. Hope to have the smaller tent up today so I can start some seeds in water or paper towels tomorrow or Saturday.
:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Goldie was/is the happiest thing and she always makes me happy too! Let's channel that when we can!

I made an extraction setup a while back. You might be interested. That large one is heavy! I'm still on the first one in the sonotube and I'm glad :laugh: . It'll need changing one day though.
Hey StoneOtter :high-five: Yes, Goldie is a legend in my mind. Channeling her will be awesome!

Now that is one cool and genius extraction setup! I especially love the “muffler” section - we used to use those eggcrate things on the beds at the hospital I worked at for ppl with especially fragile skin. I love that you thought of that, because the 8” fan was so loud! Super creative! I’m retiring my old scrubber now tho and have to go with something much lighter… I’m not the young (haha) lady I was when I was in my late 50’s!
:hug::hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs!:hug::hug::hug:
Looking forward to this.
That IS one big Mother Scrubber!
You're one your way to a lot of *Snap* *Crackle* *Pops* !
Why :thanks: LadyC:high-five:
Don’t know why, but *Snap* *Crackle* *Pops* reminded me of the song Heard it Through the Grapevine (Marvin Gaye or CCR). Gonna begin my day playing that one and dancing 💃 while I work!
I don’t know how you keep up with so many journals AND all your gorgeous girls! My goodness, Whoopie, Gilda and Rita in the Guyz vs Galz competition are just stupendous!!!
Are you Wonder Woman?
:hug: :hug: :hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs:hug::hug::hug:
Why :thanks: LadyC:high-five:
Don’t know why, but *Snap* *Crackle* *Pops* reminded me of the song Heard it Through the Grapevine (Marvin Gaye or CCR). Gonna begin my day playing that one and dancing 💃 while I work!
I don’t know how you keep up with so many journals AND all your gorgeous girls! My goodness, Whoopie, Gilda and Rita in the Guyz vs Galz competition are just stupendous!!!
Are you Wonder Woman?
:hug: :hug: :hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs:hug::hug::hug:
Thank you for those kinds words.
I am waaaay behind on my journal subscriptions, trust me. LOL

Wonder Woman? At my age, I wonder.........a lot, like every time I go to another room for something and wonder why I'm there. :scratchinghead:
I am a CCR fan from way back. I might pull a couple of their songs up this morning too. 💞
Thank you for those kinds words.
I am waaaay behind on my journal subscriptions, trust me. LOL

Wonder Woman? At my age, I wonder.........a lot, like every time I go to another room for something and wonder why I'm there. :scratchinghead:
I am a CCR fan from way back. I might pull a couple of their songs up this morning too. 💞
I often wonder when things like that happen.......Is it a senior moment or a stoner moment? And its pure hell if the two collide. :rofl: :rofl:
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