Grandpa's Second Try - Come Join Us!

Boy, I missed a lot of typos in that last post. My apologies, everyone. I figured I would give you guys a little peek at the basic setup.



By the way... I found an app for my phone that will tell me the temperature and the rH, along with a few other things about the environment in the tent. I just have to put my phone into the tent and open the app, and it reads it for me. I am really excited that I found this. Kelley won't have to read off that information for me any longer! Woohoo! 😁 :party:
Nice that will give you one more advantage.
I'll take all the advantages I can get! :tongue-out:
It does seem to be pretty accurate as well. At least the temperature does. If I have a decent Baseline reading on the humidity, I can go from there.
What the heck... ive never thought to look for an app like that.. so cool! Hope its accurate. Nice set up there gramps!! One thing, will you have a fan blowing over the tops of the plants? If not get that clip fan from above and fix it so it blows over them. They will like the extra airflow. ...
Thanks for the kind words. The clip on fan is for exactly that. We just moved it up to the top until we get the next girls in there. Then it will be adjusted to be over top of them, and possibly a little extra to blow over a pan of water for humidity. Hopefully, we can kill two birds with one stone that way. :thumbs-up:
Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been lax in my posting, but we have a household, except for me, that is very sick with the flu.
As you all saw in the pictures, the pots are all loaded with the CL and Kind soil underneath. The light is up, but still needs to be programmed. I'll probably need some serious help with that. All that's left is to set up the hempy package when it arrives, and pick out the strains.
Good morning my 420 family! Sorry about no posts yesterday, but everybody was down and hardly able to move. I woke up this morning and remembered that we hadn't programmed that new light yet. I figured that while we're waiting for the wonderful United States Postal Service to deliver the hempy bucket, we'd get all the little details done. Hopefully, we can do that today and possibly drop the rock wool in the 5.5 water to soak. Will drop two seeds at the same time, so that they'll be ready to go when the wool is. Will put them right on top of the soil in the pots, under 18-6 lighting. I will treat it just like I would when we planted the seeds directly into the soil. Once the bucket gets here, it will be set up as soon as we possibly can. When it is ready, we will drop the rock wool and seed for it. Now... I need to see if I can get ahold of the Growant rep and see if he can send me step by step instructions on how to get it programmed.
Grandpa, SweetSue has a Growant if you need help with your light.

You're so close!
Thanks for reminding me about that, Lady G. I would hate to bother her with something like this with everything she has going on. The rep sent me a link to their YouTube videos, but they are all music and no voice to describe how to do things. So... Hopefully the manual will be enough.
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