What do you wanna try doing gramps?? I also have a question for ya.. do you use the chemical ph up and ph down?
Haha that is very true lady.. if it were easy everyone would have a go at it. Unfortunately growing isn't as easy as we make it seem.. my outside veggie garden this year was friggen pathetic lol. The soil was definitely to blame.
*See we're not talking about just a growing medium here, we are setting out to find the most adaptable feeding schedule for a visually impaired grower. So instead of us with sight, we pick a strain and best medium and we go with it. But Grandpa's grow has to be step by step until we find something that works. But seriously, we got this.
I have to applaud your efforts, I believe you understand the processes involved when it comes to having challenges to overcome. I think this is why it's sooo hard for everyone, because we are not the leaders here. Grandpa is, so we have to listen to him, his environment and adapt our practices to his abilities and schedule. IT CAN BE DONE!
I promise you, as people with disabilities, you keep going till you find something that works, kinda used to not getting things on the first try like many able bodied and minded people. So welcome to one of the hardest projects you'll ever work on, one of the biggest challenges that will shape you as a person, and one of the biggest rewards you'll ever feel in a lifetime. A story that will tell itself.
So steady ahead, we need to set sail because we have goals to conquer as a team.
Shhh, I'm kinda proud of you...shhh, don't tell anyone or I'll deny it, I need to keep my hardened exterior....NAWT...hahahaha