Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Good Green day to ya Pops.. Hope your Vegas Vaca turned out better for you than the Griswalds... LOL Stay healthy, EAT MORE CHICKEN...

Thanks for that my brother! Vegas was a blast.
How are you feeling today btw?

A little better. Not perfect, but better. My wife and I took a walk around the wildlife refuge this afternoon. It was very nice. Thanks for asking.

GT did you ever post the innards and workings of your cloner?

Probably. I don’t remember. I smoke a lot of rosin. :rofl:

It’s just a small submerged pump, with a small 4-hole manifold (cross type) with 4 spray nozzles. The cuttings are suspended over the spray. They’re constantly getting soaked. Once they fully establish roots they can go into soil or hydro directly. I use one, 2-foot, t-5 light, 2 gallons of RO water and 60ml of clonex clone solution. That’s it in a nutshell.
Looks and smells like rain here. Yes! We need it.

I’ve been pushing pretty hard still. Probably too hard. Did two hours of weed eating that put me over the top this afternoon. Had to take a break. Woke up two hours later. :cheesygrinsmiley: Nothing like an old-man nap.

Have a great evening!
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